Welcome to the "Elvis Information Network", home to the best news, reviews, interviews & articles about the King of Rock & Roll, Elvis Aaron Presley...
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Elvis TV Commercials Special: EIN YouTube Update: Elvis' astounding legacy is never ending and his impact is truly reflected in the fact that Elvis is so often used in today's Television commercials. The recent resurgence started with the swinging "Audi Elvis" and was kicked into this new millennium by the Nike World Cup soccer advert, which then helped Elvis hit Number One in the charts. One of the very best was the recent BBC Radio 2 advert featuring Elvis introducing his band of Superstars. Let's also not forget the excellent Lipton's tea claymation Elvis! With our special thanks to John Pietz, EIN presents sixteen TV adverts featuring Elvis. Not only that, but this week EIN's YouTube selection has now expanded to four indexed pages. With our selection of well over two hundred Elvis videos what are you waiting for? As EIN always says "Catch them all before the Internet police take them away!" ('EIN's Best Of Elvis on YouTube', Source: EIN/John Pietz) |
Graceland lit up for Winter: The Graceland Christmas lights were turned on the evening of November 23. Looking extremely picturesque, the live webcam images can be checked out via the Graceland website. Their Elvis Shop is also running a "12 Days of Elvis holiday promotion" which runs through to December 11th. Click here for more info and images
(News, Source: EIN)
Graceland "Celebrity Holiday Greetings": For the Christmas holiday season Graceland have been adding some 'Celebrity Holiday Greetings' featuring not only telegrams and cards from Elvis and The Colonel, but also Christmas cards to Elvis. Who would have thought actress Jayne Mansfield (right) would have sent Elvis her personal Christmas wishes! Some of the telegrams from the wily old Colonel also make interesting reading. In his 1960 Christmas telegram to Bob Hope, The Colonel can't help himself and asks Bob Hope to "Be sure and mention my special Elvis Presley paper hats for the Christmas season on your show for 'GI Blues'." In another telegram The Colonel asks Liberace to sing Happy Birthday to Elvis in his show as "Your fans and Elvis will appreciate this very much."! The EPE Greetings page is updated each week, click here for more. (News,
Source:EIN) |
Nixon - Elvis internal Correspondence Released: The National Archives today released 122,800 pages of mostly routine correspondence from the Nixon presidency, none of it apparently earth-shaking but some of it mildly interesting.
One of the more amusing letters was from Nixon aide Egil Krough Jr., thanking a friend for helping secure a Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs badge for Elvis following his 1970 Oval Office meeting with the president. "We meet many fascinating creatures in this business," Krough wrote, "but I think that meeting between the president and Elvis Presley was
one of the most interesting." Presley pledged his support to the president in the war on drugs, only to die a few years later of a heart attack brought on by years of prescription drug abuse.
Frank Sinatra also became a Nixon buddy, but early in Nixon's presidency, his staff debated whether it was appropriate to have Sinatra sing at the White House."I am sure that many of our friends in the entertainment field would think it wrong to have a former anti-Nixon person entertain at the White House," presidential aide Dwight Chapin wrote in a 1970 memo. But Sinatra did perform, and he was soon signing his hand-written notes to the president, "Affectionately, Francis," while Nixon, ever the stiff, signed a photo of the two, "Richard Nixon." (News, Source:EIN/MSNBC) |
Thursday 29 November 2007 |
Joanne Kelly talks to EIN: This photograph will bring back a lot of memories for many long time fans. In 1956-57 Elvis helped promote polio vaccinations for the March of Dimes (MOD). He was photographed with the organisation's poster girl, Joanne Wilson, and also having his polio vaccination.
Subsequently, Elvis' "Love Me Tender" and an interview were featured on the 1957 LP, Remember Me! March of Dimes 1957 Galaxy of Stars. The LP is now a rare collector's item.
But whatever happened to the little girl who was lucky enough to meet and kiss Elvis?
Well EIN has tracked her down and we recently had the pleasure of talking to Joanne Wilson (married name Kelly) in a very entertaining and informative interview. Joanne opens up about her exciting time as the MOD poster girl meeting not only Elvis, but many other big name celebrities and tells us what she is doing in 2007. (Interviews: Source: EIN) |
Two Elvis auctions ending soon: Lelands have ten exclusive Elvis items up for auction which ends tomorrow. Lead items are Elvis' jacket from the movie King Creole (right) for $25,000, as well as his 1956 twice-signed contract for his Harley Davidson motorbike for auction at around $8,000. Some of Elvis' own notated books are also featured, as well as interestingly a guitar "purported to have been used by Elvis" on the Joe Franklin TV show from WABC New York in 1955. EIN notes that Joe Franklin has never provided any proof photographic or otherwise that Elvis ever appeared on his show. Click here for more auction info.
Christies in New York also have a rare signed Eko acoustic guitar signed by Elvis up for auction for around $10,000. Go here for Christies info and photo of Elvis' ball-point signature on the guitar. (News, Source: EIN) |
The Imperials touring with Tanya Tucker: Tanya Tucker will unite with Elvis' legendary vocal group the Imperials, for four Christmas shows in December. Joe Guercio is producing the show and will conduct Tucker's band. Billed as Tanya Tucker Family Christmas, the event will include performances by the singer's two daughters and her niece. The tour begins December 12th at Harrah's Casino in Kansas City and continues to Dec 21st at the Wildhorse Saloon in Nashville. The Imperials are also expected to tour with Tucker in 2008. (News, Source:EIN) |

Breaking down Presley and Beatlemania:
In a very stimulating commentary, likethebike presents his case for Presleymania and Beatlemania.
EIN recommends this very thoughtful and cogent commentary to all readers.
With themes including sexual tension, civil rights, backlash by society's cultural arbiters, r&b integration and realising the American dream.......this is a powerful exposition!
(Spotlight/Comment, Source: likethebike/FECC) |
Graceland Shines Like Never Before: Elvis Presley's Graceland kicked off the holiday season Nov. 23, turning on Elvis' traditional lights and displaying decorations on the mansion property. The interior of Graceland has been decorated as well, and includes Presley family Christmas artifacts on display for the first time, according to a press release. Also new for this year is a special display featuring gifts and Christmas cards from fans,as well as Christmas cards sent to Elvis by other celebrities.
Among the gifts on display will be a set of bongo drums Priscilla Presley gave to Elvis, a portable TV Elvis gave to his mother in 1957 and various gifts to Lisa Marie from Santa, including a giant stuffed animal, chalkboard, makeup table and tricycle.
For those who can't make the trip to Memphis in person, Graceland's holiday display can be seen via the live "GracelandCam" at www.elvis.com/winter.
The special exhibit, holiday lights and decorations will be on display from Nov. 23 through the annual Presley birthday celebration ending on Jan. 8. (News, Source: EPE/Suzanne, LiveNews Daily Blog)
Elvis featured in wildlife magazine: A very nice article in the Sep-Oct edition of the Dutch “Wildlife Magzine”. With one black and white and three full colour pictures.
It gives readers a very positive view on the room where Elvis recorded his famous “Jungle Room Sessions”.(News, Source: EP Gold/Elvis News) |
Reverend Frank Smith dies: Rev. Frank Smith, the man who pastored the Assembly of God church in East Tupelo when Elvis, Vernon and Gladys lived here, died Sunday morning approximately 9:00. He had been to breakfast and returned to his room. When the nurses came to check on him later, he was gone, sitting in his recliner.
Funeral arrangements are tenative; most likely Tuesday night for visitation; Wednesday for the funeral. Pegues Funeral home is in charge of arrangements. (News, Source: Amber Smith/EP Gold)
Quantum physicist predicts parallel universe where Elvis still rocking!: The only known recordings of a brilliant physicist who predicted the existence of parallel universes have been found in the basement of his rock star son's flat.
The tapes document how Hugh Everett, a quantum physicist, developed his idea at the age of 24, while a graduate student at Princeton University in 1957. Everett's theory gave rise to the concept of a multitude of universes, or a "multiverse", where all life's possibilities play out. It means that somewhere Elvis is still rocking, the Nazis won the second world war and England qualified for Euro 2008.
The recordings are believed to have been made in 1977, after a physics conference at which Everett's parallel worlds theory was resurrected after being shunned for two decades. The tapes were thought lost after his death at the age of 51 in 1982.
They were found during the making of a TV documentary in which Mark Everett, the physicist's son and lead singer of the US band Eels, attempts to understand the work that consumed his father. The programme, Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives, airs on BBC4 this evening. The tapes record a conversation between Everett and Charles Misner, a physics professor at the University of Maryland. In the background, Mark can be heard playing the drums.
Everett talks of how his inspiration came after talking about the ridiculous consequences of quantum theory over a few glasses of sherry with Misner and Aage Petersen, an assistant of the Nobel prize-winning physicist Niels Bohr. Everett completed a draft paper describing the idea in 1956. On seeing it, his supervisor, John Wheeler, said: "I am frankly bashful about showing it to Bohr in its present form, valuable and important as I consider it to be, because of parts subject to mystical misinterpretations by too many unskilled readers."
Everett's work tackled one of the most puzzling mysteries to emerge from the field of quantum mechanics. One consequence of the theory is that tiny particles such as electrons can behave in a curious way that allows them to be in two places at once. As Bohr was to comment: "Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it."
In the 50s, the prevailing view, and one championed by Bohr, was that weird quantum behaviour vanishes as soon as the object is measured.
But Everett thought differently. His calculations showed that whenever quantum mechanics said a particle was in two places at once, the universe divides. In one universe the particle appears in one place, while in a second it appears in the other. The implications were apparently so alarmingly counter-intuitive that Everett's ideas were largely ignored, notably by Bohr.
Speaking to New Scientist magazine, Mark Everett said the rejection had had a devastating effect on his father. But recently, the theory has been accepted by many scientists as profoundly important. (News, Source: Ian Sample, The Guardian)
The nun who shared Elvis' crib: Her laugh is quick and hearty, audibly framing eyes dancing with bemusement behind wire-rimmed glasses.
Of course she'll talk about the Elvis connection, she says. It makes for a fun story. And people always get a kick out it.
But for Sister Barbara Spencer, who's celebrating a half-century as a member of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth (Ky.), her association with the King is simply an amusing anecdote -- one of many.
"When I lived in Tupelo, my mother and Elvis' mother were best friends and we grew up together," explains Spencer, 72. "When we were babies they even put us in the same crib sometimes, and later on people joked around that I was the nun who slept with Elvis."
It's her sense of humor that distinguishes Spencer, friends and colleagues say. That and her seemingly endless compassion. |
"She is clearly the most-loved person in this organization," says Patrick Lawler, chief executive officer of Youth Villages, where Spencer has worked for 27 years. "She's passionate about her work, and she cares about everyone. I can't imagine this organization without her."
Spencer was brought on as Director of Education at Youth Villages -- a nonprofit facility for emotionally and behaviorally challenged children -- when it was known as Dogwood Village. Back then, the facility had only about 40 students and there wasn't any money in the budget to pay her salary.
"They used to hold garage sales every week and whatever they made, that's what I got paid," Spencer remembers. "I always prayed that people would donate stuff and that people would buy it."
Spencer established the campus school system and in the early days did everything from take children swimming to serve as house mother in the residential area. Whatever needed to be done, she did.
"Her energy level is amazing, and she does more now than people half her age," said Brother Chris Englert, principal of Christian Brothers High School. "She's honest and funny and a great lady."
Today, she directs the facility's nationally recognized college internship program, which attracted more than 65 candidates last year. An education building recently was named in her honor.
"She's a wonderful educator and she found her true love at Youth Villages," says Father Albert Kirk, pastor of Church of the Holy Spirit. "She's a lot of fun to be around and relates to everyone she meets. It's a gift to know her."
Longtime friend Sister Betty Fracchia, who has known Spencer for nearly 50 years, agrees. "She's so generous and she has so many friends in Memphis that it's unreal," Fracchia says. "If you go to the grocery store with her, just be prepared to be there awhile because every few steps it seems like somebody comes up to talk to her."
Spencer doesn't plan to slow down anytime soon, although she is going to be out of the office for awhile. She's preparing for an all-expenses-paid trip to Italy, a gift from a childhood friend.
"I have tickets for an audience with the Pope, but I guess thousands of other people do, too," Spencer says. "I don't imagine I'll get to meet him, but I'm sure I'll have a memorable time anyway."
She probably will. Spencer's having the time of her life and views every day as a gift. As such, she doesn't have time for regrets. Well, OK. Maybe one.
"Elvis gave me a copy of his first record, 'That's All Right (Mama),' but when I went away to become a nun my mother ended up throwing it away because she didn't have a record player," Spencer says. "I couldn't believe it. I've been looking in garbage cans for it ever since." (News, Source: James Dowd, Commercial Appeal)
Elvis leads online poll: With a little over five weeks remaining to vote, Elvis Presley has an impressive lead in RockinTown.com's annual poll of the Greatest Rock n' Roll Artist of All-Time. The King leads Led Zeppelin and Evanescence, who are virtually tied for 2nd and 3rd, in the most recent tally. Last year's winner, Pearl Jam, is fourth while the 2005 winner, Nirvana, sits at 7th. Fans have until New Year's Eve to vote for their favorite artist."
The 30th anniversary of Presley's death was this year," said RockinTown editor Mark Clinton. "Elvis has been gone a long time. So it's pretty amazing he still has a hold on a sizable audience." Led Zeppelin has consistently placed in the survey's Top 5 while Evanescence is the most current band to land in the Top 10.
Presley is the only 1950's star to make the survey's Top 50. 1960's legends The Beatles and Rolling Stones are at #12 and #22, respectively. "Whether you are talking about his '50s rock or legendary comeback, Presley's music and image obviously has enormous staying power," added Clinton.
There might also be another reason. The 1950s are seen as a peaceful and optimistic era (even though that's not entirely true). "And after the tumultuous '60s, the '70s were practically docile, or as close to the '50s as we'd ever get," said Clinton. "Elvis reached iconic status in the '70s performing sold-out shows in Vegas when he wasn't touring. So he's directly associated with two of the better decades - at least in memory. When times are uncertain, people get nostalgic."
A complete list of the Greatest Rock n' Roll Artists is available at http://www.rockintown.com/ (News, Source: prwire)
Elvis Lives....the 30th anniversary tribute in Sydney, Australia
starring 'She Is The King'...check out EIN's 'Almost Elvis' page
Sunday 25 November 2007................................20+ news items added today!!! |
HIGH VOLTAGE - Birmingham '76 Revisited: As Recorded live from mixing desk in Birmingham, Alabama, Jefferson Coliseum, on December 29, 1976.
The two leading import labels have now joined forces, and are proud to present the first results of this very special partnership, a strictly limited edition release of the classic December 29th , 1976 concert in Birmingham, Alabama, under the title "High Voltage - Birmingham '76 Revisited".
Some of you may recall that this concert was originally released in mono on “Burning In Birmingham” back in ’98, and that it quickly became a firm favorite. In fact, many fans preferred this show over the legendary Pittsburgh concert from two nights later, as Elvis’ performance in Birmingham was far more relaxed and authoritive, and particularly Elvis’ intense reading of “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face” was a great surprise to many. |
For this reissue, we worked directly from the first generation DAT, and we were able to make significant audio improvements. After a long and painstaking process of repairing and enhancing the original binaural recording, we were able to mix it down to genuine stereo, thus ensuring a much more satisfying listening experience. Originally, the left channel consisted of all the vocals and nearly all of the instruments, while the right channel featured the (isolated) keyboards. To give you an idea of how the tape originally sounded in binaural, we added two bonustracks “as recorded”.
This release is neatly packaged in a 16-page full color booklet with ultra-cool design, relevant liner notes and a collection of stunning pix taken during Birmingham show.
'Audionics / 2001' hope that this special joint-production will satisfy all those fans who have been clamouring for a reissue of this much sought-after title. A great deal of care and thought went into this release, and we promise you that the improved sound will blow you away. In a time where you constantly see bugball labels ripping off classic titles with cheesy equalizer-jobs, it’s becoming harder to do quality releases, but we will continue as long as you want us to. The original 2001 people want to thank everybody for their loyalty, and add that, “It ain’t over until the fat lady sings!”. And with this little gem of a CD, she finally has a good reason to sing with joy. This CD is scheduled for late December release.
Tracks: 01. Also Sprach Zarathustra (Theme from "2001 A Space Odyssey") - 02. Opening Vamp / C. C. Rider - 03. I Got A Woman / Amen (medley) - 04. Love Me - 05. Fairytale - 06. You Gave Me A Mountain - 07. Jailhouse Rock - 08. O Sole Mio (by Sherrill Nielsen) / It's Now Or Never (medley) - 09. Tryin' To Get To You - 10. My Way - 11. Polk Salad Annie - 12. Band Introductions - 13. Early Mornin' Rain (complete) - 14. What'd I Say - 15. Johnny B. Goode - 16. Drums Solo (by Ronnie Tutt) - 17. Bass Solo (Blues - by Jerry Scheff) - 18. Piano Solo (by Tony Brown) - 19. Electric Piano Solo (by David Briggs) - 20. Love Letters - 21. School Day - 22. Funny How Time Slips Away - 23. Hurt (with last part reprise) - 24. Hound Dog - 25. For The Good Times (with false start, last live version) - 26. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (last live version) - 27. Unchained Melody (Elvis at the piano) - 28. Mystery Train / Tiger Man (medley) - 29. Can't Help Falling In Love - 30.Closing Vamp. All tracks mixed to stereo.
Bonus tracks in original binaural sound - as recorded: 31. You Gave Me A Mountain - 32. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (last live version). (News, Source: Email)
Status of DVD release of "Elvis On Tour": Recently Elvis Australia asked EPE for comment on a possible DVD release of the only outstanding Elvis film yet to be so released. EPE's Todd Morgan replied:
"Elvis: That's the Way It Is, Special Edition was very successful. There's no truth to any rumor to the contrary. There's also no truth to the rumor that Warner Brothers has cancelled their plans for the release of Elvis on Tour on DVD. We should see that come along from them in a couple of years or so. Until Warner Brothers is ready to share more details publicly, we aren't at liberty to say anything more regarding what they have let EPE know about their plans so far.
We have suggested to Warner Brothers on several occasions the possibility of their someday licensing to EPE the Elvis, That's the Way It Is and Elvis on Tour footage for us to produce special additional DVD releases or partnering with us on such special releases as Andrew Solt did with us on last year's Elvis/Sullivan DVD set. Nothing like that is actually in the works with Warner and EPE at this time, but it remains open for consideration in our ongoing and very good relationship with Warner Brothers. In whatever scenario it might happen, we just hope there will be special additional DVD releases of material from the two Elvis MGM concert films."
EIN Comment: Having spoken with officials in Warner Bros (WB) at the time of the original release (2001) of Elvis That's The Way It Is (SE) (ETTWI) we were informed sales were below expectations. This should be considered in the context of the money invested by WB in a Special Edition release. In 2007 (and with ongoing reissue of the DVD) the release should now be in profit.
Had ETTWI sold more than respectably on original release, logically you would expect the organisation to, by now, have also released Elvis On Tour.
This coming week on EIN:
Interview: Joanne Kelly (the 1950's March of Dimes poster girl) talks to EIN
Book Review: Elvis, Sherlock & Me |
New book - Inside Graceland: A special addition to the “Inside” series from Elvis Unlimited (EU) will be a book titled Inside Graceland. It will be released in early December 2007. EU says:
Inside Graceland is the book that every Elvis fan has been waiting for.
Inside Graceland bring you on a pictorial journey back to the time when Elvis Presley - the biggest entertainer in the history of popular music lived in the mansion. |
What you can find on the 112 pages of never before seen pictures is that the foyer, the living room, the dining room and even the jungle room has changed a lot since Elvis died. What you will see here for the fist time in print is the red Ludwig XV style rooms that were installed in 1974.
More than half of the pictures were shot in 1975. Elvis’ girlfriend from 1972-75 Linda Thompson takes the photographer on a tour through the house. The rest of the pictures were shot after August 1977, with several of them right after Elvis died and around the time of the opening of Graceland.
The pictures in the book are from the collection of the mega Elvis collector Sherif Hanna. The well informative text in the book has been written by Megan Murphy. You will also find quotes from well know persons like Linda Thompson, Sandi Miller, Larry Strickland and others.
Apart from the unique pictures the book is also filled with quotes from the people who were there in the 1970’s.
Don’t miss this unique chance to travel back in time and visit Elvis’ home in the 1970’s. Welcome inside Graceland! (News, Source: Elvis Unlimited)
Elvis film historian dies: Eric Braun, one of Britain’s most famous showbiz writers, has died at the age of 86. He began his career as a an assistant film director in the 1940s and went on to write bestselling biographies of Doris Day, Elvis Presley and Deborah Kerr. He also co-authored three books with the actress and comedienne Beryl Reid.
In 1945 he became an assistant director to the film producer Gabriel Pascal at Denham Studios and later he worked on David Lean’s classic 1946 film Great Expectations.
He went on to become one of the West End’s leading theatrical publicists representing stars such as Peter Sellers, Michael Denison and Dulcie Gray, and the pop star Ruby Murray. As a showbiz writer he interviewed many leading Hollywood stars including Marlene Dietrich, Joan Crawford, Veronica Lake and Joan Bennett.
He contributed to many leading publications including The Stage. Ill health forced Braun to give up his Twickenham home in 2003 and he became resident at Brinsworth House, the Entertainment Artistes Benevolent Home in Middlesex, where he died yesterday.
Eric Braun wrote "The Elvis Film Encyclopedia" (ISBN: 9780879518141 / ISBN10: 0879518146) which was issued in the UK by B.T. Batsford Ltd. and in the US by Penguin Books in 1997. (News, Source: EP Gold) |
Chart update #1: On the ARIA Music DVD chart in Australia, Elvis The King of Rock 'n' Roll slipped four places to #9 (2 weeks on chart) - it is certified Gold! Also on the chart, The Comeback Special slips two places to #31 (after 37 weeks on the chart) and Aloha one place to #33 (after 49 weeks on the chart. Both of the latter albums are 2xPlatinum with sales close to 3xP. (News, Source: ARIA)
Chart update #2: On the UK singles Top 40 the re-issue of "Always On My Mind" is a new entry at #17 (it was #10 in the midweek chart). Up next week is "An American Trilogy". (News, Source: Elvis News/FECC)
Christmas cheer comes to Presley Place: For the ninth holiday season in a row, Arkansas businessman and philanthropist Jennings Osborne and his family will be coordinating with the staff of Graceland and Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. (EPE) to follow the wonderful example that Elvis set by providing Christmas cheer and joy to his fans and the needy.
The Osbornes have provided holiday lighting to many properties around the country through the years and for the past eight years have brought elaborate displays to the visitor center across the street from Graceland as an annual gift to their fellow Elvis fans.
This year, the Osbornes and the EPE staff, have focused their efforts on making it a special Christmas for the families of Presley Place and the other MIFA's Estival Communities locations in Memphis. The Osbornes and EPE feel certain that Elvis would approve.
The Osbornes will provide a special Christmas delivery to each one of the 88 families on the campuses of MIFA. They will also host a Christmas dinner for all MIFA residents and staff. At Presley Place there will be a touch of Osborne Christmas Lights on the front gates and and inside each unit all families will receive a 6 ft Elvis styled white Christmas tree with blue lights and ornaments and a gift of Osborne Christmas cheer in memory of Elvis.
Presley Place is a 12-unit apartment property, one of several such "campuses" that are part of the outstanding Estival Communities program created and managed by the Metropolitan Inter-faith Association (MIFA) in Memphis. The building of Presley Place was funded by The Elvis Presley Charitable Foundation, which has also funded its ongoing operation. The foundation also funds the Elvis Presley Music Room, where the youngsters of Presley Place and all the other Estival campuses may enjoy access to musical instruments and instruction and participate in special related programs. MIFA's Estival Communities program provides qualifying homeless families up to one year of rent-free housing in the apartments on its various campuses and provides a comprehensive program of child day care, career and financial counseling, family management guidance and other tools to help them break the cycle of poverty and regain self-esteem and independence. (News, Source: EPE)
Winter at Graceland: Visit the special new Winter at Graceland site to learn about everything going on at Elvis Presley's Graceland for you to enjoy during the winter season, including special exhibits, Elvis's traditional Christmas lights and decorations, the Elvis Presley Birthday Celebration and more! (News, Source: EPE)
Charro reissue on DVD in EC: Due for release on January 7, 2008 on the Video International label is the DVD "Charro". With a price of 3.99 UK Pounds this is most likely a budget re-issue. (News, Source: EP Gold)
Elvis Presley - Orange Range: Due for release December 3, 2007 on the DA label is a budget CD entitled "Elvis Presley - Orange Range". Catalogue number: ORANGE208. (News, Source: Virgin Mega Store/Elvis News)
Elvis, The King Of Rock 'N' Roll (30 Hit Performances And More) - Region 2 DVD release in Japan on 8 Jan 2008. Note: All region release of Elvis #1 Hit Performances already available in Japan. (News, Source: Elvis World Japan)
Elvis, Very Best Of Love (+ Bonus DVD): Combo CD + DVD due for release from Madacy in US and Japan on 11 December. (News, Source: Elvis World Japan)
The Holiday Collection Package: This is the complete "Holiday Collection" package released by BMG Canada on November 13, 2007 containing Elvis' original 20 Chritmas songs as well as 10 additional sacred performances in a collectable tin can. (News, Source: Elvis Corner /Elvis News) |
A Graceland in Denmark?: The Danish Elvis Unlimited fan club appears to have big plans. Their latest magazine mentions the decision to build a copy of Elvis' Graceland mansion. The fan club wants to use the building for their museum, their shop and a restaurant and hope to have the building ready in less than two years. (News, Source: Elvis Unlimited /Elvis News)
DVD reissue: The DVD "The Legend Lives On" will be re-issued on January 21, 2008 in the UK. It contains several of Elvis early television appearances, some clips from movies like "Treat Me Nice" from Jailhouse Rock and clips for "My Baby Left Me", "Trying To Get To You" and “Blue Moon” made with photo stills and various footage.
Also included are tributes by Tom Jones, Tony Bennett, Little Richard, Bill Haley, Carl Perkins and unfortunately an impersonator (Rio) too. (News, Source: Source: Play/Elvis News) |
Elvis evening now on South African (internet) radio channel: Jovan says: I am listening to an elvis evening on the south african channel RSG (Radio Sonder Grense)...it's great to know that Elvis is still the King, even down there!
Radio Sonder Grense: http://www.antfarm.co.za/clients/rsg/rsg_22.asx (News, Source: EP Gold)
Interview with Sam Thompson: Sam Thompson, the former bodyguard for Elvis Presley, Deputy Sheriff, Judge and more has taken an appointment to the Nevada Transportation Authority in Las Vegas.
Sam met Elvis in 1972 when his sister Linda Thompson started to date Elvis after his split from wife Priscilla. Fans have always been very fond of Linda and Sam, and in an interview with the Las Vegas Review Journal, Sam speaks warmly of the time he spent with Elvis.
To read the interview please follow this link.
(News, Source: EP Gold)
Queen lead singer beats Elvis as #1 rock legend: In a controversial British poll, voters have dubbed Queen front man Freddy Mercury the greatest rock legend of all time. Elvis Presley narrowly missed out on the rock n' roll crown coming in second, while Woodstock veteran Jimi Hendrix was hot on his heels in third place. Other contenders include Brit rockers Slash, Mick Jagger and Eric Clapton.
The research commissioned to coincide with the launch of Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, also reveals the most memorable moment in rock history is Ozzy Osbourne biting off a bat's head on stage. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock is a video game that allows players to strum along to rock hits.
1. Freddie Mercury
2. Elvis Presley
3. Jimi Hendrix
4. Ozzy Osborne
5. Jon Bon Jovi
6. Slash
7. Meatloaf
8. Eric Clapton
9. Mick Jagger
10. David Bowie2(News, Source: Amber Smith)
Elvis guitarist dies: John Hughey, a steel guitar player who toured for years with country legend Conway Twitty and recorded with Elvis Presley and many other stars, died Sunday. He was 73.
The Elaine, Ark., native was credited with developing a unique style of playing that focused on the instrument's high tones, resulting in a distinctive "crying sound." (News, Source: ToledoBlade.com)
Hello from Memphis!
It has been awhile since our last update, and we hope everyone has been doing well. This year has been a busy one for us here at Sun. More people have visited us than ever before. Elvis week was absolutely crazy(as some of you may already know). We have also been busy recording. Groups such as Chemisite, Drew Nix, The Machine is Off, and David Brookings have all spent time in the studio(among many others).
This November marks the 50th anniversary of the release of Jerry Lee Lewis' 'Great Balls of Fire'. We are offering some great deals in our online store to celebrate the anniversary of this landmark recording, so keep us in mind if anyone you know would like some Sun gear. Just type 'GBOF' in the "purchase code" window located in the bottom left of the checkout page to receive 40% off any clothing items.
We hope the year is going well, and wish you all a happy holiday season.
Sincerely, The Sun Crew (News, Source: Charmaine Voisine)
New Christmas CD in China: Many thanks to It's Elvis Time/EP Gold for this artwork and news:
First of all, as everyone can see, this may be the most attractive promotional cd package that Sony/ BMG China has released! Well, actually it's not out yet but will be in early December. It is interesting because, since the Chinese don't celebrate Christmas but do enjoy gospel songs, they have titled this a CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! Very odd but who cares as it's a REAL BEAUTY! Rumors are that there are some alternate takes and outtakes on this although it is not known how many and if they have already been issued.
Tracklist: Reach Out To Jesus; How Great Thou Art; Rock My Soul; Lead Me, Guide Me; Let Us Pray; In The Ghetto; Joshua Fit the Battle; Mansion Over The Hilltop; I'm Gonna Walk them Golden Stairs; True Love Travels On A Gravel Road; Follow That Dream; Somebody Bigger Than You And I

Een prachtige lay-out siert het cd hoesje van de nieuwe Sony/BMG release uit China. "Christmas Special!" Hij wordt begin december op de markt verwacht. Heel speciaal, want de Chinezen vieren geen kerst en hebben hun eigen jaartelling, maar wie geniet er nu niet van de gospelnummers van Elvis? Of het nu wel of niet vreemd is doet er eigenlijk niet toe, het is een prachtige aanwinst. Er gaan geruchten dat er alternatieve takes op staan, maar of dit op waarheid is gebasseerd zullen we moeten afwachten.
Write to BMG: Brian Quinn has provided EIN with this message and also the address of the relevant contact in Sony BMG for Elvis matters:
"Should anyone wish to write to Sony BMG regarding:
(1) Updating Elvis' record sales in the U.S.A.
(2) The Garth Brooks Issue
(3) Any other issue concerning Elvis' Catalogue Management
then the man to contact is..."
As it is possible the Sony BMG executive could be inundated with letters from a number of extreme fans or receive letters about a raft of minor issues, EIN has elected not to publish his name and address online. Interested fans should contact EIN for the name and address.
Graceland zoning issue deferred: Memphis City Council members will attend three more meetings together before most of them leave office at the end of the year. As their terms draw to a close, an agenda set by council chairman Tom Marshall back in September is shaping much of the last-minute business the council is pursuing.
It's also creating a to-do list that will require action after the New Year. Marshall originally had drawn up an 11-point action plan to guide the current council's final days. One of those 11 tasks had called for the council quickly scheduling a vote to approve a rezoning request needed as part of the large-scale redevelopment of Graceland, the famous home of Elvis Presley, along with the neighborhood around it.
That item has been punted down the road for the new council to address.
"The Graceland rezoning application just couldn't make it, because it came down to a matter of timing," Marshall said, referring to the fact that council ordinances must be voted on three times. "They simply couldn't make application in time in order for this council to go through three readings.
"So instead of jeopardizing that huge financial initiative with two readings before one council and then another reading before a new council, they've elected to start their initial presentation to the new council," he said, "which I actually recommended to them to do."
'Tremendous' but close to the vest: As far as what that presentation will consist of or the details surrounding the need for that rezoning, Marshall isn't saying. Whatever they are, Elvis Presley Enterprises - the corporation that officially conducts and manages Elvis-related business - apparently intends to make a big announcement about the effort soon.
"I can't tell you specifically what they'll be doing," Marshall said. "But I can tell you in very large and general terms that they are going to be pursuing a tremendous, unprecedented financial infusion to the current Graceland site. And they're going to be requiring council action to make it a reality. That action will include zoning and other potential community enhancement initiatives."
The most recent annual report of CKX Inc., which acquired an 85 percent ownership stake in EPE in February 2005, hints at what those efforts entail. Company officials already have held several meetings with local government officials in Memphis about revamping Graceland.
That redevelopment effort includes "building an expanded visitors center, developing new attractions and merchandising shops and building a boutique convention hotel," CKX management writes in the annual report. "This project is conditioned on a number of factors including obtaining necessary approvals and concessions from local and state authorities and attracting an appropriate hotel partner." (News, Source: Andy Meek, Memphis Daily News/Charmaine Voisine)
Elvis Straight Up! series discontinued: The Elvis Straight Up! series has been officially discontinued. The topics reserved for Elvis Straight Up! will from this point on be incorporated into the Celebrate Elvis series.
For more information about Celebrate Elvis or how to obtain a copy visit:
"Celebrate Elvis Volume 2" released: Darwin Lamm advises:
I wanted to take a moment to let you know that the long awaited and highly anticipated Celebrate Elvis Vol.2 is now available. In this edition Joe Esposito has answers some of the following questions.
What Really Happened?
Reporter: Is it true that Milton Prell was the front man to the Detroit Mob, who secretly controlled Elvis, through the Colonel, by way of his gambling debts?
Ask Joe: How did the Elvis and Priscilla wedding rings show up for an auction sale? Joe, how could Priscilla do this?
Ask Joe: Joe, what was up with that jar of peanut butter we can see Elvis holding when he was coming out of a building before heading towards a waiting limo? Was that a regular habit of his?
What Really Happened?
Reporter: Is it true that Elvis gave Barbra Streisand some constructive criticism after seeing one of her shows at the International Hotel? Barbra was supposedly so incensed by this that she swore to get back at Elvis. Joe, what really happened?
The answers to some of these questions are quite revealing.
Celebrate Elvis Vol.2 incorporates all of the insights from Joe Esposito along with interviews with fans from all over the world. Starting with Vol. 2 Celebrate Elvis will now include topics that were originally reserved for the discontinued Elvis Straight Up series.
This is a really revealing edition that I would highly recommend to any Elvis fan seeking the absolute truth about the King.
Get your copy today at: http://www.tcbjoe.com/celebrateelvis/bookbyjoeesposito.php
Elvis pays tribute to the blues: Released on the Saga Blues label on November 22, 2007 is the 2CD "Blues Vs. Rock And Roll - Elvis Pays Tribute To The Blues". It contains tracks from artists (CD 1) which were later recorded by Elvis (CD 2).
CD 1 - Various Artists: That's All Right (Arthur 'Big Boy' Crudup) - Good Rocking Tonight (Roy Brown) - Milk Cow Blues (Kokomo Arnold) - Baby Let's Play House (Arthur Gunter) - Mystery Train (Junior Parker) - My Baby Left Me (Arthur 'Big Boy' Crudup) - Hound Dog (Big Mama Thornton) - Tutti Frutti (Little Richard) - I've Got A Woman (Ray Charles) - Money Honey (Clyde Mcphatter & The Drifters) - Lawdy Miss Clawdy (Lloyd Price) - Shake (Rattle And Roll (Big Joe Turner)
CD 2 - Elvis Presley: That's Alll Right Mama - Good Rockin' Tonight - Milk Cow Blues Boogie - Baby Let's Play House - Mystery Train - My Baby Left Me - Hound Dog - Tutti Frutti - I Got A Woman - Money Honey - Lawdy Miss Clawdy - Shake (Rattle And Roll) (News, Source: Elvis Club Berlin /Elvis News) |
Double Features DVDs: This is the cover art for the Paramount double feature DVD sets "Blue Hawaii / Paradise Hawaiian Style" and "King Creole / G.I. Blues" which will be released in the U.S. on February 5, 2008. (News, Source: Elvis Club Berlin /Elvis News) |
Sirius radio celebrates: Thanksgiving Day specials will feature live coverage of Graceland Holiday tree lighting ceremony, Arlo Guthrie, Jimmy Buffett, Tommy Lee, Dionne Warwick, Fred Imus and Mojo Nixon - The exclusive programming will feature the annual lighting of Elvis's "Blue" Christmas tree, broadcast live from Graceland; a special broadcast of Arlo Guthrie's epic Thanksgiving song "Alice's Restaurant Massacree"; Radio Margaritaville's Annual Thanksgiving Jimmy Buffett Concert; Tommy Lee and DJ Aero spinning electro-house beats live from Pacha in New York City; a visit by Dionne Warwick; a special Thanksgiving edition of Fred Imus' Trailer Park Bash and an exclusive interview with Arlo Guthrie. SIRIUS' Thanksgiving music programming schedule is as follows: The Graceland Holiday Lights Come Alive on Elvis Radio Elvis Radio channel 13 -- November 23 at 7 pm ET Live coverage of the traditional lighting of Elvis's "Blue" Christmas tree. (News, Source: PRNewswire)
Graceland Annual Lighting Ceremony & Graceland Night-Time Tour November 23, 2007
Approximately 5:45 PM Graceland Plaza, across the street from Graceland
Bring the family to experience the annual Memphis tradition as Elvis’s Christmas lights at Graceland come alive for another year. Santa, decked out like the king of rock ‘n’ roll, will make a dramatic entrance just like Elvis would have….limo and all.
A full evening of holiday fun to kick off the holiday season:
- A rare, nighttime tour of Graceland decorated for the holidays
- Santa will be available for pictures and to meet the kids
- Special prices and discounts at Graceland gift shops for the Elvis fans on your list
- Hot Chocolate and Cookies Available
- Free activities for the Kids
For more information or to purchase tour tickets for the nighttime tour, call (901) 332-3322. If you can't be at Graceland on November 23, be sure to visit our Winter at Graceland web site that evening to see the holiday lights via the live GracelandCam.
(News, Source: EPE)
Holidays Tours Featuring Special Exhibits November 23, 2007 - January 8, 2008: Tour Graceland in between November 23-January 8 and see special exhibits not included as part of the regular Graceland tour. And, experience Graceland as Elvis did during the holidays with his traditional holiday decorations inside and outside the mansion.
New for 2007, a temporary holiday exhibit at Graceland will feature gifts and Christmas cards from fans, as well as Christmas cards sent to Elvis by other celebrities. These rarely seen artifacts will be on display in Vernon’s office, part of the Graceland mansion tour.
Also, throughout the mansion tour, various Christmas gifts will be displayed for visitors, including:
- a set of bongo drums Priscilla Presley gave to Elvis
- Elvis’s Bible, given to him by members of the Memphis Mafia
- Portable television Elvis gave to his mother in 1957
- Gifts to Lisa Marie from Santa, including a giant stuffed animal, chalkboard, makeup table, and tricycle
In addition, you can see Elvis’s traditional outdoor decorations on the front lawn of Graceland including a life-size nativity scene, aluminum trees lining the front of the house, hundreds of blue lights lining the driveway and more.
Find out more about a special Memphis Music Holiday Package and a discount coupon on your Platinum Tour.
Click here for more information on visiting Graceland during the holiday season and to purchase your tickets to Graceland online. You can also call to order tickets through Graceland Reservations at (800) 238-2000. (News, Source: EPE)
Chart update: In Sweden the "The King" compilation drops from #25 to #49 on the Album Top 60. On the DVD Top 20 "The King Of Rock And Roll" drops from #1 to #2. On the Mid-price Album Top 10 "White Christmas" is a new entry at #8.
The Billboard chart listings for the week ending 1 December 2007:
Top 200 Albums: Home For The Holidays: #127
Comprehensive Albums: Home For The Holidays: #149
Comprehensive Albums: Elvis Christmas #95
Comprehensive Albums: It's Christmas Time #150
Pop Catalogue Albums: Elvis Christmas #11
Pop Catalogue Albums: It's Christmas Time #22
Pop Catalogue Albums: ELV1S 30 #1 Hits #44
Country Catalogue Albums: ELV1S 30 #1 Hits #6
Country Catalogue Albums: Elvis Christmas #2
Independent Albums: Home For The Holidays: 14
Holiday Albums: Elvis Christmas: #17
Holiday Albums: It's Christmas Time: #29
Holiday Albums: Home For The Holidays: #22
Music Video: ELV1S #1 Hits Performances: #18
Music Video: '68 Comeback Chart: #39
Music Video: Aloha From Hawaii: #40
Comprehensive Music Video: ELV1S #1 Hits Performances: #18
Comprehensive Music Video: '68 Comeback Special: #39
Comprehensive Music Video: Aloha From Hawaii: #40 (News, Source: Elvis News/Elvis International)
“Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story,” opening Dec. 14 in the US. - “Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story,” the upcoming biopic-spoof starring John C. Reilly, is either going to be very, very good or very, very bad. But I’m betting that, even if it’s very, very bad, it’ll still be better than any other biopic-spoof you’re going to see this year. (Granted, there probably won’t be any other biopic spoofs released this year, but that’s not the point here, OK?)
Directed by Jake Kasden (who co-wrote the script with Judd Apatow), the tale of Dewey Cox — who’s equal parts Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley and Buddy Holly — has it all: tough upbringing, musical dreaming. Booze, drugs and cute back-up singers (Jenna Fischer). Think “Walk the Line,” “Ray” and maybe even a touch of “Coal Miner’s Daughter,” but don’t think too hard … that’s not the point here.
The real appeal of “Walk Hard,” however, may be its wealth of cameos. Everyone from the White Stripes’ Jack White (as Elvis Presley) and Jason Schwartzman (as Ringo Starr) to Patrick Duffy (!) and Eddie Vedder (both as themselves) — make the musical mystery tour through Dewey Cox’s fabled life.
Rating: 3 dancing popcorn guys (out of 4) (Celluloid Elvis, Source: Rachel Leibrock, The Sacramento Bee/KansasCity.com)
"Elvis" ready to battle another bushfire season: The fire fighting helicopter known as "Elvis" (shown opposite) is ready to help battle another bushfire season in Victoria, Australia.
The helicopter can carry 9000 litres of fresh or salt water to dump on fires and can reload in 40 seconds.
The Victorian Environment Minister Gavin Jennings says it will be one of two sky cranes used this summer.
"Elvis is a spectacular piece of equipment that adds to our fire fighting capacity, so the ability to get into rugged train, or very, very closely target homes and areas around homes on the urban fringe make Elvis a fantastic resource to have over summer," he said. (News, Source: ABC) |
The other Elvis lives!: Back in 1998, actor Steve Carlson, a veteran of series such as The Virginian and General Hospital as well as over 500 TV commercials, published the how-to tome Hitting Your Mark: Making a Life and Living as a Film Actor. But his latest work, the fictional novel Almost Graceland, is set to cause a whole lot of shaking with Elvis fans rather than Elvis impersonators.
It supposes that Presley’s identical twin brother did not die at birth, but rather lived to lead a separate life and eventually reunite with his world famous singing brother. The novel is set in 1977, with 42-year-old trailer park protagonist Ray Johnston deciding to sell his story to the tabloids. For Carlson, who could very easily rest in contented retirement in Oregon, it’s but the first of several efforts. Another novel, the romance crime intrigue Tracks, is set for release in 2008, while he is currently at work on a third book.
Chances are the fiction game will be far less lucrative for Carlson than the world of TV commercials. He tells the Wyoming Eagle-Tribune that writing the score and starring in the “Aren’t You Glad You Used Dial [Soap]?” commercial took care of ten years’ worth of house payments.
On the other hand, writing fiction is probably a piece of cake for Carlson compared to his days on soaps such as GH and The Bold and the Beautiful. “It's the hardest work there is,” insists the 64-year-old, who was born in Missouri but grew up in Wyoming. “One day, you could have 30 to 40 pages of dialogue, and the next day could be another 40 pages. You get good at memorization." (Book Review, Source: FilmStew.com) |
Wednesday 21 November 2007 |
January 2008 FTD will be "Wild In The Country": The Follow That Dream label will release the “Wild In The Country” soundtrack in the classic albums series in early January 2008. As usual it will be in the 7” digipack format, with a booklet.
Due to the number of songs recorded for the movie, this will be a single disc release. All tracks have been remixed and remastered for this release and sound truly beautiful according to the FTD newsletter.
Original Soundtrack: 1. Wild in the Country 2. Lonely Man 3. I Slipped I Stumbled I Fell 4. In My Way 5. Forget Me Never 6. Lonely Man (solo) 7. I Slipped I Stumbled I Fell (low key)
Artwork opposite is indicative only |
Outtakes 8. Lonely Man (take 1) 9. Wild in the Country (takes 1,2) 10. Wild in the Country (takes 10,11)
11. I Slipped I Stumbled I Fell (takes 1,2,3) 12. Lonely Man (solo, take 1) 13. In My Way (take 1) 14. Forget Me Never (takes 2,1) 15. Lonely Man (take 4)16. Lonely Man (solo, takes 2,3) 17. In My Way (take 2) 18. In My Way (takes 4,5,6/8) 19. Wild in the Country (takes 12,13) 20. Wild in the Country (take 14) 21. I Slipped I Stumbled I Fell (takes 7,8,9) 22. I Slipped I Stumbled I Fell (take 11) 23. Lonely Man (takes 6,7,8) 24. Lonely Man (takes 11,12) 25. I Slipped I Stumbled I Fell (takes 14,15,16) 26. Wild in the Country (take 16) (News, Source: Follow That Dream/ Peter Haan/ FECC/Elvis News)
Zero Tolerance For (Public Domain) Bootlegs: Ernst Jorgenson, driving force behind the ‘Follow That Dream’ releases, leaves no doubt about zero tolerance for bootlegs. In the latest FTD newsletter to FTD sellers he writes:
"Unfortunately Sony BMG’s legal department has informed us about several of you selling illegal records, and apparently there is more to come. As the guilty ones know, it’s both unpleasant and expensive to be caught, and for the future there will be a ”no tolerance” policy. Any customer getting in trouble with the authorities on this issue will automatically be dropped by FTD.
One of the key reasons for the development of FTD was to give the fan clubs legal product to sell in order to substitute the sales of bootlegs that escalated in the nineties. Not only are these illegal activities potentially hurtful to your business, but they also put the whole future of FTD in jeopardy.
We have heard many absurd excuses over the years for selling product that wasn’t legal (Czech republic releases is just one example), but all of you are experienced Elvis dealers, and it is your responsibility to know if the product you are selling is legal or not. As some will know, the so-called P.D. releases in many instances are not P.D. at all. Original masters recorded AND released more than 50 years ago are public domain (free for all), but masters and outtakes released within the 50-year period are not automatically P.D. Selling illegal P.D. recordings is exactly the same as selling bootlegs. Don’t let yourself down!!" (News, Source: Follow That Dream /Elvis News)
EIN Comment: The loss of royalties due to bootleg product is a serious issue. However, as is being mentioned on the various Elvis messageboards, there is apparently an element of hypocrisy in the FTD statement.
Houston Astrodome press conference for release??: The new Elvis Unlimited magazine features an interview with top-collector Sherif Hanna. Sherif, for obvious reasons, doesn't go into detail, but one quote is extremely interesting. When interviewer Megan Murphy asks about his future plans, Sherif replies:
"We can talk about the Houston Astrodome Press Conference. I have that in 16 mm. The original footage of that is absolutely stunning, it is gorgeous. That is something that I plan to release on some kind of high definition format. And to do that, you have to have the original source to transfer to HD's." Sounds promising! (News, Source: Elvis Unlimited/Elvis Matters)
Win a copy of "Elvis Presley New York RCA Studio 1 The Complete Sessions"
Courtesy of MRS, EIN has one copy of its great new CD/DVD-Audio/book release to give away.
To enter the competition simply click here and send your name and email address to us.
Competition closes at MIDNIGHT TONIGHT!! .

Buy "New York RCA Studio 1: The Complete Sessions" from HMV UK - out now!!
John Hughey dies: John Hughey passed away last sunday at the age of 73 in Henderson, TN. John was known as one of the best steel guitar players in the USA and was inducted in the Pedal Steel Guitar Hall of Fame. He also was a session musician for the album 'From Elvis in Memphis', with classics as 'In The Ghetto' and 'Long Black Limousine'.
He started playing professionally in the early 1950s with a Memphis-based band, Slim Rhodes and The Mother's Best Mountaineers, before playing for about 20 years with Twitty, who was a school mate of Hughey's when his family lived in Horn Lake, Miss.
Hughey later recorded songs with Presley, Loretta Lynn, Marty Stuart, Willie Nelson, Dickey Betts of The Allman Brothers and others. He recorded and toured with star Vince Gill for about 12 years. A visitation was scheduled for Tuesday at Hendersonville Funeral Home, with a funeral on Wednesday at Hendersonville First Baptist Church. (News, Source: USA Today)
Remix versions of Baby Let's Play House geared to youth market!: As mixed views of the latest Baby Let's Play House remixes are discussed on the various Elvis messageboards, EIN congratulates the remixers who have produced pulsating, bass infused mixes which should appeal to many in the youth market. In particular, EIN liked the remix by Glen Vincent.
However, we'll leave the last words to one of the iconic identities of the Elvis world, Tallhair2 (aka Ger Rijff), who posted this message on the FECC board:
'Is Elvis or Rock n Roll sacred? Listen to what Sam and the boys did to Monroes Blue Moon Of Kentucky, way back in 54?! The weeping vocals and tiny mandolin heard on the original were blasted away by electric guitar and gutso vocals. Or the version of Blue Moon, from Broadway musical to... yes, to what exactly? It was so different! I felt good when at a school party, years ago, I watched my son and other 8 year olds jumping up and down to ALLC in the class room! And I hope, with Play house, kids once again will party to this remix, and if some will afterwards remember the singer was one Elvis Presley, than thats 2 bonus points. My son is 13 now. Elvis is never discussed in class.... He's not part of their lives. Of course not! Sinatra wasnt part of mine when I discovered Elvis in 57...! So let the remixers do what they want, and let the kids decide if it rocks! Its ONLY entertainment after all. Nothing more, nothing less.' (Comment, Source: FECC)
View the 'Baby Let's Play House' remix #1
View the 'Baby Let's Play House' remix #2 (Glen Vincent)
The iconic Elvis books from Ger Rijff
And.........for a different type of remix and song:
"It's Only Love" remix
Check out EIN's popular 'Best of Elvis YouTube'
Elvis article in "History Today" (August 2007 edition): Thanks to Barry McLean who tells EIN the article is an interesting story, based overall on Elvis' place in history, and how it developed. (News, Source: Barry McLean) |
"You Ain't Ain't Ain't Nothing But A Hound Dog" CD: Another new audience CD release is "You Ain't Ain't Ain't Nothing But A Hound Dog" from July 29th, 1976 Springfield, Mass.
Here the tracklisting: 2001 Theme / See See Rider/ I Got A Woman / Amen / Love Me / If You Love Me Let Me Know / You Gave Me A Mountain / Help Me / All Shook Up / Teddy Bear / Don't Be Cruel / And I Love You So / Jailhouse Rock / America The Beautiful / Polk Salad Annie / Elvis introduces his band / Love Letters / Hail, Hail Rock & Roll / Hurt - repeat / Hound Dog / Funny How Time Slips Away / Can't Help Falling In Love (News, Source: FECC)
Chart update #1: "Elvis The King of Rock 'n' Roll" has debuted at #5 on the ARIA DVD Chart in Australia. "The Comeback Special" and "Elvis Aloha From Hawai"i have re-entered the chart at #29 and #32 respectively. (News, Source: ARIA)
Chart update #2: The latest Billboard chart listings are:
Top 200 Albums: Home For The Holidays: #131
Comprehensive Albums: Home For The Holidays: #151
Comprehensive Albums: Elvis Christmas #133
Comprehensive Albums: It's Christmas Time #176
Pop Catalogue Albums: Elvis Christmas #16
Pop Catalogue Albums: It's Christmas Time #26
Pop Catalogue Albums: ELV1S 30 #1 Hits #37
Country Catalogue Albums: ELV1S 30 #1 Hits #7
Country Catalogue Albums: Elvis Christmas #2
Independent Albums: Home For The Holidays: 16
Holiday Albums: Elvis Christmas: #19
Holiday Albums: It's Christmas Time: #25
Holiday Albums: Home For The Holidays: #22
Music Video: ELV1S #1 Hits Performances: #13
Music Video: '68 Comeback Chart: #40
Comprehensive Music Video: ELV1S #1 Hits Performances: #13
Comprehensive Music Video: '68 Comeback Special #40
The "Aloha From hawaii" special drops off both the Comprehensive Music Video and Music Video charts.
"Home For The Holidays is also #15 on the Cashbox Hot Christmas Album Chart (News, Source: Elvis International)
"Elvis Presley: The Life and Times of the King" book release: Due for release from Taschen Publishers in the Movie Icons series is the 192 pages book "Elvis Presley: The Life and Times of the King" by F.X. Feeney (Author), Paul Duncan (Editor). The languages available are German, French and English (ISBN-10: 3822823236 / ISBN-13: 978-3822823231)
Synopsis (The New York Times Book Review): Elvis Presley would have been the first to laugh at the mad, godlike status he attained after death, but he would have surely identified with the human, gospel-haunted need such adoration rises out of. He shared that need, and courted it. He could sing and move with a spellbinding violence and grace. Yet his nature was also marked by a startling passivity - an eerily contented lack of ambition at his essence that kept him from growing after his first fiery years of success. That early fire still burns, nevertheless, and his mythical figure remains an omnipresent fixture today.
In "The Movie Icon" series, people talk about Hollywood glamour, about studios that had more stars than there are in heaven, about actors who weren't actors but were icons. Other people talk about these things, "Taschen" shows you. "Movie Icons" is a series of photo books that feature the most famous personalities in the history of cinema. These 192-page books are visual biographies of the stars. For each title, series editor Paul Duncan has painstaking selected approximately 150 high quality enigmatic and sumptuous portraits, colorful posters and lobby cards, rare film stills, and previously unpublished candid photos showing the stars as they really are. These images are accompanied by concise introductory essays by leading film writers; each book also includes a chronology, a filmography, and a bibliography, and is peppered with apposite quotes from the movies and from life.More bang for your buck! "...a fast-food, high-energy fix on the topic at hand." (News, Source: Amazon.co.uk /Elvis News)
Elvis Viva Las Vegas: Official Soundtrack: Announced on Amazon as a release for January 8, 2008 is a CD entitled "Elvis Viva Las Vegas: Official Soundtrack". No other details available yet. (News, Source: Amazon.com/Elvis News)
''Elvis - Greatest Hits Volume Two'' CD: A new Import CD entitled ''Elvis - Greatest Hits Volume Two'' will be released soon. This is reminiscent of the original volume one released by RCA with a similar artwork. The compilation is aimed to Collectors, and pressed in very limited quantity.
Track listing: 1- My Boy 3:02 ( undubbed master ) ; 2- When I'm Over You 3:31 ( unedited undubbed master ) ; 3- Steamroller Blues 3:01 ( Memphis, TN March 16, 1974 AS ) ; 4- It's Midnight 3:13 ( Las Vegas, NV September 2, 1974 CS ) ; 5- You Don't Have To Say You Love Me 2:05 ( Macon, GA April 24, 1975 ) ; 6- For The Good Times 3:03 ( Richmond, VA April 10, 1972 ) ; 7- I Just Can't Help Believin' 4:56 ( rehearsal, July 24, 1970 ) ; 8- Little Sister 1:55 ( Alexandria, LA March 30, 1977 ) ; 9- America The Beautiful 2:12 ( Charlotte, NC March 20, 1976 ) ; 10- Make The World Go Away 3:36 ( undubbed ) ; 11- Patch It Up 3:33 ( rehearsal, August 10, 1970 ) ; 12- Hurt 2:09 ( Johnson City, TN March 17, 1976 ) ; 13- Down In The Alley 2:08 ( rehearsal, August 16, 1974 ) ; 14- And I Love You So 2:25 ( West Palm Beach, FL February 13, 1977 ) ; 15- Just Pretend 3:38 ( rehearsal , July 24, 1970 ) ; 16- It's Now Or Never 2:16 ( rehearsal, July 29, 1970 ) ; 17- Never Been To Spain 3:25 ( Richmond, VA April 10, 1972 ) ; 18- Loving Arms 2:52 ( undubbed master ) ; 19- Suspicious Minds 5:15 ( rehearsal, July 24, 1970 ) ; 20- Return To Sender 1:56 ( Hampton Roads, VA August 1, 1976 AS ) ; 21- That's All Right 1:48 ( Memphis, TN July 5, 1976 ) ; 22- I'm Leavin' 3:15 ( Boston, MA November 10, 1971 ) ; 23- Polk Salad Annie 4:30 ( Las Vegas, NV February 1970 ) ; 24- Love Letters 2:34 ( San Francisco, CA November 28, 1976 ) 25- Unchained Melody 2:25 ( Montgomery, AL February 16, 1977 ) Running time 76:55 (News, Source: EP Gold) |
Saturday 17 November 2007 |
'The Essential Elvis Presley‘ vs ‘The King’: Two very similar double CD Elvis ‘Greatest Hits’ compiles were released by BMG in the first half of 2007. Continuous release of these same old compiles is exactly why The Beatles & Garth Brooks garner so many recognised "RIAA Gold Sales" and dominate Elvis in the gold sales statistics - when of course Elvis in absolute total must have sold more. EIN wonders if everyone in BMG/SONY marketing is related to Colonel Parker as they still continue to flog the same old horse. If ever there was a prima-facie case of BMG/RCA pumping out too much of the similar Elvis product, then the releasing of ‘The Essential Elvis Presley’ (40 Greatest tracks) within a few months of their 30th Anniversary "key" marketing release ‘The King’ (52 Greatest hits) must be exhibit number One. EIN's Piers Beagley investigates.
'The Essential Elvis Presley': CD review: Released by BMG/SONY at the start of 2007 in order to add Elvis to Sony's "Essential" artist series. With the overall packaging, sleeve notes, good photos and the "a little different" track selection 'The Essential Elvis Presley' can be rated as a fine companion to their series. The audio sparkles and the CDs present a good, if brief, look at Elvis’ musical legacy. However as always there is more to consider and wonder about when it comes to marketing Elvis' greatest hits. (CD Review, Source: EIN, November 2007) |
'The King': CD review: Released by BMG/SONY as their 30th Anniversary Elvis "key" marketing release , one would have hoped that some thought and inspiration could have been used by their Project Directors. But why bother? - Of course, due to the timing and marketing ‘The King’ became an international number One – and so why should fans complain? As always there is more to consider and wonder about when it comes to marketing Elvis' greatest hits - and you get the feeling that BMG/SONY will be laughing all the way to the bank with this one. EIN's Piers Beagley investigates. (CD Review, Source: EIN, November 2007) |
Quality import labels unite to release reissues: The quality import labels Audionics, 2001 and Fort Baxter announced to join forces to produce several limited edition re-issues from their classic bootleg catalogue. These upgraded re-issues will be remastered with a new additional booklets. This way fans won't have to buy rip-off re-issues. The CDs will be released under the coproduction labels "Audionics / 2001" and "Audionics / Baxter".
Titles announced for re-issue are: "Burning In Birmingham", "A Hot Winter Night In Dallas", and Elvis' March 22, 1975 midnight show (from the "A Profile - The King On Stage" Box 2 set). The first title should be available before the end of this year as "High Voltage - Birmingham '76 Revisited" the other two titles should be available early 2008. (News, Source: Elvis News)
Graceland - The National Historic Landmark: Brian Quinn recently posted a link to an absolutely fascinating article. As Brian said:
"The following article is one of the best overviews of Elvis' career I have ever read. It is 50 pages long, and in the PDF format, but well worth the read and would be very handy to keep as a reference source."
EIN believes this is recommended reading for all serious students of Elvis. (News, Source: FECC)
Access the article
"Elvis Presley -You Know": Due for release from Gravel Road Music are two volumes entitled “Elvis Presley – You Know, It Doesnt Have To Be Strictly Country” with acetate recordings Elvis supposedly took home and agreed to be released.
Volume 1 contains recordings from June 4 , 5 and 6, 1970. The seconde volume holds recordings from June 7 and 8 and September 22, 1970.
The press release: “Elvis Presley – You Know, It Doesnt Have To Be Strictly Country “ Volume 1 and 2 are 70% unreleased and 100% better sounding 45 amazing tracks collected from private collections of which many for the first time in this shape on CD.
These are the acetates which Elvis took home to play-back and agreed to be released! All tracks have been digitally restored and re-mastered. These acetates often sound better & different than what we know and made it to a LP or nowadays on CD.
Some tracks which appear to be known are now for the first time in their complete form. So in a way it’s released and unreleased… This includes studio talk, count in, left and right channels, longer fade outs or even different lyrics or simply differently sung. Most will be stereo.
As happened in the past some releases only used one channel (This was a easy way to reduce the distortion but so much got lost!) The audio difference between tracks is purely the source and the transfer.
Some have been transferred on to DAT others on to regular cassette tapes in the past. Keep in mind that the original acetates are various in playability.
Original acetates can only be played a few times (after that the quality gets less.) We chose for maximum sound quality per track instead of making them similar to each other! In this way you always get the best sound out of very recording.
The synopsis for these two cds: The masters without dubbing and without repairs in their complete form. Unfortunately we don’t have every master on acetate of the June and September sessions. So we added some first takes to cover all songs. Also a few tracks of work in progress, a rare chance to hear, a song still being built up to a complete dubbed final master. Guide-strings, -horns, -backing vocals, the talking, it’s all there! Something which will strike everybody is that Elvis’s voice remains impressive on each track.
Background information; It’s a public known fact that Elvis regularly disagreed with the released version of the songs. Unluckily he hardly made his point towards the ones responsible, knowing there were times he was wrong and the song became a hit (In the ghetto, Suspicious minds, Burning love and others) These two cd’s contain the versions how Elvis liked it!
All together a really new kind of release which will make many Elvis fan’s happy to hear these rare acetates available in their best possible form. The purist will be happy since no effects have been used to enhance the sound.
There are no further copies of acetates available in better sound, only a very few copies were made of each song and most are gone or badly damaged. The acetate lacquer wears out very fast so every track is unique.
Disc 1 - Volume 1 - June 4 - 5 - 6, 1970.
June 4
01. Twenty Days And Twenty Nights (Take 9 – Master , Undubbed –Unedited) Acetate
02. I’ve Lost You (Take 7 – Master , Undubbed –Unedited) Acetate
03. I Was Born About 10.000 Years Ago (Take 1 – Master , Undubbed –Unedited)
04. The Sound Of Your Cry (Take 11 – Master , Undubbed –Unedited) Acetate
05. The Fool (Take 1 – Try Out)
06. Little Cabin On The Hill (Take 2) – Master, Undubbed
07. Cindy ,Cindy (Take 1) Unedited
June 5
08. Bridge Over Troubled Water (Take 8 – Master , Undubbed –Unedited, Unrepaired)
09. Got My Mojo Working /Keep Your Hands Off It (Take 1 – Master , Dubbed Brass & Horns –Unedited)
10. How The Web Was Woven (Take 3 – Master, Back-Up Vocals, No Additional Overdubbing ) (Previous Unreleased)
11. It’s Your Baby, You Rock It (Take 5 – Master , Undubbed –Unedited) Acetate
12. Stranger In The Crowd (Take 9 - Master, Guide Strings & Backing Vocals ) (Previously Unreleased)
13. I’ll Never Know (Take 7 – Master, Undubbed –Unedited) Acetate
14. Mary In The Morning (Take 5 – Master, Undubbed, Unedited) Acetate
June 6
15. Ain’t No Big Thing (Take 9) (Dubbed Strings) (Previously Unreleased)
16. You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me (Take 3– Alternate Master, Dubbed Strings – No Backing Vocals) (Previously Unreleased)
17. Just Pretend (Take 3 – Master , Undubbed –Unedited) Acetate
18. This Is Our Dance (Take 11 – Master , Undubbed –Unedited) Acetate
19. Life (Take 20 – Master , Undubbed –Unedited) Acetate
20. Heart Of Rome (Take 3 – Used For Composite Master , Undubbed –Unedited) Stereo (Previously Unreleased)
Bonus Tracks
21. Bridge Over Troubled Water - V.O July 2 3 (Acetate) Stereo (Previously Unreleased)
22. There Goes My Everything (Take 3 – Master , Undubbed –Unedited) Acetate
23. The Next Step Is Love - June 22 (Backup Vocal Overdubs )Acetate
Total Running Time 78.38
Disc 2 - Volume 2 - June 7, 8 and September 22, 1970.
June 7
01. When I M Over You (Take 1 – Master , Undubbed –Unedited) Acetate
02. I Really Don’t Want To Know (Take 4 – Master, Undubbed) Acetate
03. Faded Love (Take 1 – Master, Undubbed – Unedited) Acetate
04. Tomorrow Never Comes (Take 13 – Master, Undubbed) Acetate
05. The Next Step Is Love (Take 11 – Master, Undubbed) Acetate
06. Make The World Go Away (Take 3 Master, Undubbed Spliced With Work Part Take 1 (Ending)Acetate
07. Funny How Times Slips Away (Take 1 – Master , Undubbed , Unedited) Acetate
08. I Washed My Hands In Muddy Water (Take 1 – Master, Unedited, Undubbed)
09. Love Letters (Take 5 – Master, Unedited, Undubbed) Acetate
June 8
10. There S Goes My Everything (Take 1) Complete
11. If I Were You (Take 9 – Master, Undubbed ,Unedited) Acetate
12. Only Believe (Take 4 – Master , Unedited, Undubbed) Acetate (Previously Unreleased)
13. Sylvia (Take 8 – Master , Undubbed ,Unedited)) Acetate (Previously Unreleased)
14. Patch It Up (Take 8 – Master , Undubbed ,Unedited) Acetate
September 22
15. Snowbird (Take 6 – Master, Undubbed, Unedited) Acetate (Previously Unreleased)
16. Where Did They Go Lord? (Take 6 – Master, Undubbed , Unedited) Acetate
17. Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On (Take 2 – Master, Undubbed, Unedited)
18. Rags To Riches (Take 4 - Unrepaired Master, Undubbed, Unedited)
Bonus Tracks July 18
19. I’ve Lost You (Take 7 – Master, Back Up Vocal Overdubs) (Previously Unreleased)
20. Bridge Over Troubled Water (Take 8 – Master, Brass & String Overdubs Mix Down) (Previously Unreleased)
21. The Next Step Is Love (Take 11 – Master, Mix Down) (Previously Unreleased)
22. I’ll Never Know (Take 7 – Master, No Backing Vocals, Mix Down) (Previously Unreleased)
Total running time 76.25 (News, Source: EPGold)
Baby Let's Play House 2007 remix: The classic "Baby Let's Play House" has been remixed and will be released in Europe as a single on December 10, 2007. The mix is already available on iTunes, and will be released on CDvinyl, a special compact disc playable in a normal CD player but also by a traditional 33rpm turntable. The packaging of this original Elvis Presley CDvinyl, will also be very special and will resemble that of a 12" vinyl.
Track listing:
Baby Let's Play House - Radio Edit
Baby Let's Play House - Extended Version
Baby Let's Play House - Original Version
Baby Let's Play House - Ringtone
Baby Let's Play House - Video Clip
The video is already available on YouTube (News, Source: Elvis News) |
Re-issue of Alan Fortas book - 'Elvis From Memphis to Hollywood': Finally, Alan Fortas' book with noted Elvis author, Alanna Nash, will republished by Arum Press in June2008.
Book Description: When in June 1968, clad in black leather, a nervous Elvis Presley made his television "Comeback Special", Alan Fortas was one of the five friends asked to be on stage with him.
Fortas ultimately spent nearly twelve years working for Elvis, having been asked to join his fraternity of bodyguards and close buddies that came to be known as "The Memphis Mafia" back in 1958. He lived, travelled and played hard with Elvis during that time, watching Elvis become increasingly disillusioned with the endless stream of movies he was forced to act in, saw him become increasingly reliant on drugs, and witnessed Elvis's colourful sex life. |
The only other memoir of Elvis that can offer such genuine inside knowledge and intimacy is Elvis and the Memphis Mafia, by three other members of his bodyguard fraternity, which Uncut magazine acclaimed as "the best Elvis book written to date", and which Aurum has already re-published and seen reprint four times.
Now it re-issues Alan Fortas' book, which has been out of print for over ten years. Written in collaboration with Elvis authority Alanna Nash, who also collaborated on Memphis Mafia and wrote the definitive biography of Elvis's sinister manager, Colonel Tom Parker, it is a must for every Elvis fan.
About the Author: Alan Fortas subsequently worked as an investment banker in Memphis, and died in 2004. Alanna Nash is the acclaimed author of The Colonel, a biography of Colonel Tom Parker (also published by Aurum, 978 1 84513 025 1), and co-author of Elvis and the Memphis Mafia. She lives in Louisville, Kentucky.
Pre-order from Amazon
New double album pack: Many thanks to Barry McLean for the following artwork:
Lisa Johansen update: After we published our news item on Thursday 15 November about Johansen's "I, Lisa Marie" book we received a number of messages indicating that Ms Johansen did not denounce the book when it was first released ten years ago. EIN agrees that it appears 2007 is the first time Ms Johansen has indicated she has an issue with the book.
EIN recommends Patrick Lacy's great sites if you are interested in more information about the Johansen and similar stories. Patrick's intensive research in exposing bogus claims in the Elvis world is eye opening:
Elvis Decoded Blogspot
Elvis Decoded website
Visit EIN's Elvis Conspiracy page
New Elvis related movie in the pipeline: UK stage musical star Connie Fisher is to make her TV acting debut in a new drama about an obsessive Elvis fan. The former telecoms girl, starring in the West End production of The Sound of Music, will play Gemma Perkins in the film, which is inspired by a true story.
In Caught in a Trap, Gemma lives with her overbearing mother and downtrodden father and has a dull job emptying car park meters. But when she finds an easy way to improve her fortunes she goes on a spending spree for Elvis memorabilia - which soon spirals out of control.
Connie, 24, said she was "thrilled" to have landed the role. "I am very excited and can't wait to start filming." (News, Source: Daily Mirror UK)
Some EPE projects to be delayed?: According to Elvis World's Bill E. Burk, a recent article in the prestigious WALL STREET JOURNAL hints that a tightness of money might delay some announced EPE projects. (News, Source: Bill E. Burk)
Planned Elvis hotel/casino in low rent part of Vegas?: Bill Burk also tells EIN:
"While in Vegas last week, looked over the site where the new Elvis casino/hotel is being planned to open in 2009. It's at the opposite end of The Strip from Frontier. I don't know a lot about modern-day Vegas, but this site seems to be in the "low rent district."
ETA Trent Carlini, who placed 2nd in EPE's first international contest in MEM last August, performs nightly at the Sahara, near the ashes of the Frontier, with the Hilton (still alive) right behind". (News, Source: Bill E. Burk)
Visit Bill E. Burk's "Elvis World Online"
No plans for official DVD release of "Elvis On Tour": Despite all the rumors that are flying around on the internet and specialized Elvis sites, there are no plans for a DVD-release of the 1972 rocumentary “Elvis On Tour”.
EPE’s spokesman Todd Morgan has just clearly given their view on the matter. Elvis Presley Enterprises is willing to work together with Turner/Warner, but there’s no project in the pipeline for now.
Therefore, and for the time being, “On Tour” will only be available on homevideo, not on DVD – let alone a DVD with a bonus disc and unreleased footage. (News, Source: Elvis Matters) |
Elvis 2007 CD Releases update: As we head towards the end of 2007 EIN has logged 23 official BMG/FTD Elvis releases this year - and around 43 bootlegs CDs. Amazingly this large number does not include the multiple budget fifties releases, official and public domain, that have also flooded the market.
Thirty years after Elvis' death more than one Elvis CD has been released for every week of this year! It's enough to make one's head-spin - especially as Elvis only released around 70 official albums in his lifetime. How many have you purchased this year?
And click here to check out all the news of every Elvis new release Book, CD, DVD, Magazine etc in 2007. (EIN Reference, Source: EIN, November 2007) |
Rev. Bob Gray dies week before trial - ironic twist in story: Bob Gray, a major leader of southern Fundamentalism, died Sunday of an unspecified cause. A picture of Bob Gray preaching against the sensuality of Elvis Presley’s music appears in a 1956 edition of Life magazine. Elvis marked a “new low in spiritual degeneracy” according to Gray. Gray died one week before he was to stand trial for molesting several girls while he was a pastor.
This is what Elvis said about him: When Elvis rolled into Jacksonville, Florida, on August 10, 1956, Judge Marion Gooding had prepared an arrest warrant for Presley charging him with impairing the morals of minors in the event that Elvis swiveled his hips.
Young people at the Murray Hill Methodist Church heard Elvis denounced in a sermon entitled, "Hotrods, Reefers, and Rock and Roll." Elsewhere in town, the Rev. Robert Gray, pastor of Trinity Baptist Church, offered up prayers for Presley's salvation after declaring that the singer had "achieved a new low in spiritual degeneracy."
The Rev. Gray gained national notoriety after being featured in Life magazine. Elvis later confessed frustration at the Baptist preacher's actions. "I think that hurt me more than anything else at first. This man was supposed to be a religious leader, yet he acted that way without ever knowing who I was or what I was like," said Presley. "I believe in the Bible. I believe that all good things come from God.…I don't believe I'd sing the way I do if God hadn't wanted me to. My voice is God's will, not mine." (News, Source: Elvis Matters)
Donations sought for Elvis forest in Israel: The Elvis Show Fanclub of Switzerland is collecting donations for our own project of a park in Israel with 500 donated trees...this park shall be then, when the 500 tress are collected, named after Elvis Presley, the King of Rock & Roll.
It will be planted next to the See Genezareth in the Swiss-Tiberias-Forests. This is a non-political project which is co-sponsored by the Jewish National Foundation KKL. This organisation is the main non-profit-organisation in Israel which stands in for the nature, such as resources of water and planting trees! Even in the desert!
So far we have collected approx. 100 tree-donations. Each tree costs only CHF 30.-, or in Euro: € 20.- (the amount in $ is becoming enormous). There are forests (of each 5000 trees) in Israel, which have been planted in the name of J.F.Kennedy and the Pope, so why not have an own forest with a beautiful plaque named after Elvis Presley?
Once JNF/KKL-Switzerland has received the money, they will (if you wish) send you a wonderful Elvis-tree-certificate (see picture below) with the amount of the donated trees. Therefor they will need your name and address so that they can send it to you or to a person that you want to offer it to. The Certificate comes in English language or in German language. |
Or call JNF/KKL, Switzerland: 0041-61272 72 36 or send a fax: 0041-61-272 72 37 (News, Source: It's Elvis Time)
Elvis Presley The Official Holiday Collection: Many thanks to Barry McLean for the images of this new 3CD set from Sony BMG:
B & K Enterprises Announces Exclusive Partnership with Elvis Presley Enterprises to Produce Authentic Replicas of Elvis’ Famed Jumpsuits and Stage Costumes: For the first time ever, Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. (EPE) has licensed a company to create replicas of Elvis’ iconic jumpsuits. B & K Enterprises, known internationally for its attention to detail in the creation of authentic replica jumpsuits worn by the King of Rock and Roll, has signed a formal licensing partnership with EPE.
B & K has exclusive rights to manufacture these replicas, originally designed and produced by Bill Belew and Gene Doucette in the 1970s. Many of the original jumpsuits worn by Elvis in concert are currently on display at Graceland. Doucette remains involved with B & K in the creative process by producing the embroidery work on the costumes using original patterns and designs.
B & K has produced jumpsuit costumes for numerous films, television shows and print campaigns, including Disney’s recent release “The Game Plan,” the 2001 film, “3000 Miles to Graceland” and the November 2007 cover of Conde Nast’s new magazine Movies Rock, featuring Bill Murray in an Elvis jumpsuit. The designs have also become popular with celebrity clients, including John Mellencamp and Madonna. EPE’s first-ever and highly successful Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest held in August of this year featured many of the contestants performing in B & K costumes including the winner, Shawn Klush (see picture above).
The family-owned business headquartered in Charlestown, IN, is one of the premier full-service custom costume shops in the world and produces costumes for stage and screen in addition to Elvis jumpsuit replicas. Butch Polston, owner of B & K Enterprises says, “This is more than a business, it’s a passion. I’m a lifelong Elvis fan and his jumpsuits are pieces of art to me. The costumes personified Elvis' larger than life image as a music artist, it’s an honor to create these costumes with EPE’s stamp of approval.”
In addition to replicas of Elvis stage wear, B & K offers a line of shirts, vests, belts, jackets, casual wear, jewelry, all authentic replicas of clothing worn by Elvis Presley. Consumers of B & K’s products include Elvis Presley tribute artists, music memorabilia collectors, Elvis fans and various celebrities. (News, Source: Business Wire)
Chart update: In Sweden "The King Of Rock And Roll" DVD remains #1 on the Music DVD Top 20 while "The Essential Elvis" compilation climbs from #36 to #25 on the Album Top 50. (News, Source: Elvis News)
'Elvis sang here' casino imploded: The New Frontier casino-hotel was imploded early Tuesday, giving a violent end to the second property to open on the Las Vegas Strip. The 16-story hotel tower was felled with over 1,000 pounds of explosives before a group of reporters and bystanders to make way for a multibillion-dollar resort bearing The Plaza brand, which is set to open in 2011. Elad Group owner and Israeli billionaire Yitzhak Tshuva, who is partnering to build an $8 billion megaresort where the New Frontier stood, shook hands and gave hugs after the tower went down.An easterly breeze helped to quickly dissipate the dust. The New Frontier earned historical notations by becoming the Strip's first theme casino and hosting Elvis Presley's debut in the city.
The low-key gambling hall, which opened as the Last Frontier in 1942 with a cowboy village theme and later embraced the space age before returning to its Wild West roots, had become known for bikini bull riding, cheap hotel rooms and $5 craps before it closed its doors for good in July.IDB Group and Elad Group, the owner of The Plaza hotel in New York, said the new property will include a luxury hotel with about 3,500 rooms, private residences, retail space and a casino earing The Plaza brand, all set to reach for the highest end of the market."Let me promise to all of you today that we will build in this beautiful city one of the most magnificent hotels in the world," Tshuva told a gathering ahead of the implosion. "I think that there should be no price tag for a place with such enormous potential."
The destruction of the New Frontier was the latest step in a dramatic, and expensive, facelift for the northern Strip. The Stardust hotel-casino was imploded in March.
"It's another budget option on the Strip that's gone," said David Schwartz, director of the Center for Gaming Research at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. "The future is really high-end."Billionaire Steve Wynn said recently that he had noticed fewer 25-cent slot players wandering into his lavish Wynn Las Vegas resort. "That's because the Frontier and the Stardust are closed," he said.
The first of Donald Trump's gold-glass, billion-dollar-plus condominium towers is set to open behind the New Frontier site early next year. Wynn plans to open the $2.2 billion. Encore in early 2009, and the $2.8 billion Fontainebleau is scheduled to open farther north later that year. MGM Mirage Inc. is planning its own multibillion-dollar goliath with Kerzner International and Dubai World at the north end of the Strip for 2012. The transformation has made land prices soar and elevated the northern Strip's importance.
"It just became an epicenter of Vegas," said Phil Ruffin, who sold the 34.5-acre site to Elad for $1.24 billion in May.
The Last Frontier was the second hotel-casino to open on the Strip, and over its 65 years it played host to such entertainers as Ronald Reagan, Wayne Newton and Siegfried & Roy. Presley performed for the first time in Las Vegas at the resort in 1956. Billionaire Howard Hughes once owned it, and Wynn's purchase of a minority stake in the 1960s in exchange for heading up the slot and keno departments sparked his career as a casino magnate. (News, Source: It's Elvis Time)
New Elvis tribute on MySpace: EIN received this message from Brandi Morin:
"I have been a fan of Elvis since I was 8 years old. In May of this year I wrote a song to him expressing my love and appreciation for Elvis and his music the way I felt it and the way he moved and inspired me.
Please take a moment to listen to my song-that many other fans of his have been able to identify with and appreciate. It will mean a lot to me to hear Elvis World's review of this special song from my heart and soul "Dear Mr. Presley".
You can hear it on my myspace at www.myspace.com/brandileemorin When you go to my page the song will begin to play.
Belgian gold award presented to Graceland: The gold award that was presented to Joe Guercio last September in the Elisabeth Music Hall (at the ELVIS 2007 concert) for sales exceeding 2 X 15.000 copies of ‘The Essential Elvis Presley’ in Belgium is now in Graceland.
Angie Marchese, director of the Graceland Archives, received the award in the offices of Elvis Presley Enterprises in Memphis. Ms. Marchese told us that the award will be put on display in the racquetball building next week, right on time for the Christmas decoration. (News, Source: Elvis Matters)
From Jailhouse to Graceland: Due for release from Xtra Records on January 8, 2008 is the CD "From Jailhouse To Graceland - The Complete 1957 Recordings". (News, Source: Amazon.co.uk/Elvis News) |
"The King of Rock and Roll" CD: Released October 19, 2007 on the Forever Gold label is the budget CD "The King Of Rock And Roll" featuring the now standard budget compilation content. (News, Source: Amazon.com/Elvis News) |
"The Beginning of Rock 'n' Roll" boxset: Elvis graces the cover of a ten CD box featuring hits from Ray Charles, Fats Domino, Bill Haley, B.B. King, Elvis Presley and other artists who contributed to the birth of Rock And Roll. This CD was released October 1, 2007 on the Weton label. (News, Source: Amazon.com/Elvis News) |
Thursday 15 November 2007 |
Jay-Z ties Elvis for #1 albums in US: Further to our report dated 7 November.......this American Gangster is fit for a King. Jay-Z's latest album debuted on top of the pop charts, giving him 10 number ones in 10 years and tying him with Elvis Presley for the most chart toppers by a solo artist. The Jigga Man and Presley are behind only the Beatles, who have 19 number one albums.
American Gangster sold 425,000 copies for the week ended Sunday, according to the latest Nielsen numbers.
Jay-Z, whose real name is Shawn Carter, first topped the charts in 1998 with Vol. 2...Hard Knock Life, featuring the Annie-sampling title track hit.
"It’s a true testament to Jay-Z's greatness to create this amazing conceptual body of work clearly not intended to be measured by commercial standards," said Antonio "L.A." Reid, the chairman of Island Def Jam. "Yet he still achieves this monumental and historic accomplishment."
In what was a busy week, there were five new albums in the Top 10. Garth Brooks' The Ultimate Hits led the runners-up at number three, selling 352,000 copies. The 34-song collection features four new tracks, including the lead single "More Than a Memory," which recently made history as the first song to debut at number one on the country radio chart. (News, Source: E! Online)
VIVA LAS VEGAS, CD #2 (Sony/BMG 2007): Crister Berge from Sweden offers EIN readers his take on the "live" album which forms one disc of the Viva Las Vegas release:
Let's start w/ the booklet: Anybody dig that yellow mike? No, I didn’t think so. Recorded August 21, 1969, but it doesn't say whether it's a DS or MS. According to Mr. Keith Flynn, it’s a little bit of both. Tracks are not given an individual playing time. Jerry Leiber's last name is misspelled. And what about this: "Guitar: Charlie Hoge"... Background vocals: “Hoge” again. Sloppy. At least they didn't put "Life story" at the end this time...
Thank God the content is so great, because this is absolutely FANTASTIC! Elvis at his best and the band is on fire. And the fun lasts for 68 minutes! |
Sound is amazing, THIS is the way it should be. THIS was probably what the people who were there, in the International's show room way back in 1969, heard. The mix is perfect and I especially like the fact that we get to hear more of Muhoberac on this one. He plays a mean piano, boy! What a darn shame that he didn't get to play a solo in "Heartbreak Hotel", like on the original. I've always wondered why they decided to omitt the piano solo and leave it all to Mr. Burton.
And speaking of J.B., to my big surprise, I noticed quite a few suttle variations in Burton's many solos in this show. The only one that doesn't work is "Baby What You Want Me To Do", where his playing is lazy and totally void of any passion. Other than this particular song, you can really hear how much James enjoys playing with Elvis for the first time in his life.
I wonder if "If I Can Dream" was considered...?
It's interesting to note how much Elvis built his Vegas act around stuff he did during his TV Special. Just look at this list: Blue Suede Shoes/All Shook Up/Love Me Tender/Jailhouse Rock/Don't Be Cruel/Heartbreak Hotel/Hound Dog/Memories/Tiger Man/Baby What You.../Are You Lonesome Tonight/Can't Help Falling In Love. All in all, TWELVE songs!
"Christ, what's wrong with me?"
Elvis clears his throat throughout the entire show and even incorporates that into his monolog, saying, "There'll be no snortin' on camera" when he talks about his TV shows in the Fifties. He also stutters quite a lot (i.e. "The cat that owns this place"). This was really a problem for him?
He throws in a "sons-a-bitches" in "Jailhouse Rock" and as always, he promotes the new energy-drink Gatorade: "...that's the damnest word. They should send me a case of that Gatorade, I tell ya. Doin' a little advertisin' for 'em." Organ is WAY UP in "Mystery Train"/"Tiger Man". And it's a long version, it clocks in at almost 4 min. But who does the train whistle?
Monolog doesn't differ much from the ones we've heard before, but I don’t agree with Gordon Minto (TMHM) saying “you’ll probably only listen to it once”. I enjoy hearing Elvis talk and the little differences from each “speech” he gave that year. And yet again I'm appalled by Elvis' lousy memory. He really believed that it took a year and a half before Sam released "That's All Right". Oh, God...
“That’s a new dance…”
What the fuck is a "woolybugger"? Sounds like there’s an edit before "Baby What You...", doncha think? It's a delight to hear the Sweet Inspirations in "Runaway," and on this occasion, Burton's solo is better, it actually has a “western” feel about it. The recitation in "Are You Lonesome Tonight" is dead-serious, but Elvis also sounds "uninterested". Undoubtedly, he could sing this song with a straight face. The “extra show-off” after “Hey Jude” is highly entertaining; they were having a ball on stage. During the band introductions, El actually got Wilkinson's name right, at least the first time… :-) This was first issued on Collectors Gold way back in 1991, as were Elvis’ humming on “Surrender.” Although it's rushed as always, this is the best version I've heard of "What'd I Say" and the instrumental part actually starts out with both Larry and James playing solos! Judging by the soporous audience, this sounds like a DS to me.
This one is a must and I’ve got more good news: If we are to believe Mr. Jorgensen, there’s still eight (!) shows from 1969 left in the can!
Top grading: + + + + + (5)
(Reviewed by Crister Berge, Sweden 2007/E-mail: joncburrows@hotmail.com)
Elvis Is Alive museum moving to Mississippi (see earlier stories 3, 4 & 10 November & 30 Oct): Don't count Andy Key as one of those Elvis Presley fanatics who insist the King never died.
Key, 38, said he's "open to the possibility" Presley is alive, but he's counting on there being enough skeptics out there to make his new business a success. With an $8,000 eBay bid, Key won the Elvis is Alive Museum's collection and plans to move the museum from its current site in Wright City, Mo., to Mississippi, where Key lives and Presley was born.
"If (Elvis) wants to come to the opening, he can certainly come back," he said.
Included in the collection are photographs, books, FBI files, DNA reports and other memorabilia that aim to support the theory that Presley never died.
Bill Beeny, 81, who founded the museum's collection, said he sold the collection hoping its new owner would continue his work.
"I'll certainly go down and visit once it sets up," he said.
Key said he'd like the museum to complement the tourist attraction in Tupelo, Miss., where Presley was born and bought his first guitar. He's considering opening it in Laurel, Jackson or Hattiesburg, Miss.
Elvis Presley Enterprises, which manages Graceland, the King's estate and mansion in Memphis, Tenn., previously has said it has no comment on the museum, a transformed coin-operated laundry 55 miles west of St. Louis. (News, Source: AP)
"I Lisa Marie" illegally published?: Lisa Marie Presley (aka Sari/Lisa Johansen) has not published the book "I Lisa Marie". The copies currently circulating are based on a stolen blueprint and Lisa Marie Presley does not stand by its form or content. Although she owns the copyright.
It was an unfinished manuscript which Lisa Marie Presley had not approved of. This applies to both pictures, text, shape and form and also the way it has reached the public. This should be obvious since the work does not have an ISBN number and is not available in bookstores and never has been.
The stealing of the blueprint and the actions surrounding it is only an attempt to diminish Lisa Marie Presley as a person and her life.
These actions were performed by a small group of malicious people that has an unhealthy interest in Lisa Marie Presley and her life. These people are strangers to Lisa Marie Presley although they do everything they can to try to establish contact. (Conspiracy, Source: Lisa Marie Presley/Lisa Johansen website)
Book premise: "A child of nine, dazed by grief over the sudden death of her famous father, is whisked from an idyllic life in America to the obscurity of a comfortable exile in Scandinavia. Trusted family members and friends convince her it is for her own safety that she must assume a new identity until she comes of age to take her rightful place as the sole heir of a huge estate. Ten years later she attempts to reach across the Atlantic to claim her legacy as the daughter of America's greatest music legend. She thinks it will be a simple matter of announcing that it is time for the real Lisa Marie Presley to come home. She expects a loving mother and friends to be eagerly awaiting her return to Graceland.
I, Lisa Marie is the intimate and personal account of a young woman's quest to reclaim her name and heritage, while being blocked at every turn by powerful and sinister forces. For years, mystery surrounded Elvis Presley's young daughter and sole heir -- who seemed to disappear from public view following the famous singer's death. Then gradually, pictures began to appear of an imposter, a young woman claiming to be Lisa Marie. Her public hijinks and questionable antics, and a circus-like marriage to controversial entertainment legend and paparazzi favorite, Michael Jackson, led millions of loyal fans of the late Elvis to question that this person could be his real daughter."
EIN Comment: EIN does not believe Ms Johansen is the "real" Lisa Marie Presley! Her story (while well written and fascinating to read) has been discredited over the years, and is simply another example of attempts to make money out of fans. Unfortunately, a website which answered each of Ms Johansen's claims, one by one, is no longer online. Patrick Lacy in his excellent book, Elvis Decoded, provides a strong case against Ms Johansen.
Visit EIN's "Elvis Conspiracy" page
New Elvis tribute song update: On 3 November we published the lyrics to a new tribute song by Anne'maree. Anne'maree, who is still looking for a songwriter who would like to compose music for the song, has penned additional lyrics:
Elvis... Just To Have You Back Again
Elvis we all miss you so much
You were our true hero, we loved you so
We were so sorry you had to leave us this way
Our memory will always stray to the great and happy times
When we all saw you show your magic on stage
Now all the places where you performed
Leave us haunted with the thought
With the thought we'll never see you again
Our hearts are filled with pain
Wish that you could come back again
Dear Elvis we all miss you so very much
Our hearts are filled with pain
Wish that you could come back again
Dear Elvis we all miss you so very much
You were magic, your life was on the stage
With each show you gave us your very best
We all fell in love with you at first glance
You sung your songs so beautifully
And you never missed a cue
Suddenly though you seemed to change
And you acted a little strange
Why didn't we know, why weren't we told
Elvis if only we knew all the strain you were under
If only we knew all the pain and suffering you endured
Our hearts are filled with pain
Wish that you could come back again
Dear Elvis we all miss you so very much
Elvis we would have rather that you cancelled all your shows
To have you well again, in body, mind and soul
Than us going on in life without you
Now the stages are all bare
As we are all standing there
With emptiness in our hearts and our souls
Now that you are gone
If only you could come back to us
And see the curtains raise again for you
What joy this would bring
To our hearts and our souls
Oh Elvis wish that you could come back to us once again.
If you can help, email Anne'maree
MRS release another winner!: The MRS organisation has done it again. Its Elvis Presley New York RCA Studio 1 The Complete Sessions DVD/CD/book (digipack) package is chock full of sublime audio, visual and narrative treats.
"And if they'd only known what was about to happen, most of the big brass RCA would likely have keeled over from heart attacks." (from the 'Elvis Presley New York RCA Studio 1' book)

Buy "New York RCA Studio 1: The Complete Sessions" from HMV UK - out now!!
The CD offers remastered and restored by Real Bouwman from high quality 24 bit/94k resolution!!! The album features 11 Master tracks, Elvis interviewed by Don Davis, and 24 intriguing session takes. The music is glorious, at times resonating with the searing power and energy of rock 'n' roll's King and at other times beautifully tender.
The recordings range from Blue Suede Shoes and Anyway You Want Me to Tutti Frutti, Don't Be Cruel and So Glad You're Mine. Also in the mix is Hound Dog, My Baby Left Me, One Sided Love Affair and I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Cry Over You; and when supplemented by 12 takes each of Lawdy Miss Clawdy and Shake Rattle and Roll listening is an absolute aural delight.
The CD also includes three bonus tracks: My Baby Left Me and So Glad You're Mine performed by Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup; and Hound Dog from Freddie Bell and the Bell Boys.
The DVD-Audio in 5.1 Dolby Digital features the same tracks (bar the three bonus tracks) as the CD, remastered in high quality 24 bit 96 kHz sound accompanied by rare photographs. For those who have experienced the earlier DVD-Audio releases from MRS you know the very high quality on offer. For those who haven't experienced DVD-Audio this is your opportunity to listen to Elvis as you've never listened to him before!!!
The 68 page book features strong design and high quality paper stock. There are many rare photographs from the famous Alfred Wertheimer Elvis Archives as well as some from the Joseph A. Tunzi Archives; archival session material; and a blow by blow account of Elvis' recording process in the studio.
The visuals are a stunning mix of b&w and color including a knock-out color shot - watch the female fans swoon (page 13) and a hauntingly expressive double page b&w image (pages 56-7).
EIN will publish a full review of Elvis Presley New York RCA Studio 1 The Complete Sessions shortly.
Great art, including Elvis, behind the times: Most of the art we call great does not force us to address the future; it is behind, or of, its time.I recently arranged to meet a friend in a local pub and, without thinking, expressed the hope that the venue wouldn't be too smoky. Then I caught myself, and we marvelled at how the anti-smoking legislation introduced this year had become so ingrained in public consciousness that it was easy to forget that it had happened at all.
With the exception of a handful of extreme civil libertarians, the ban has been acclaimed, accepted and established in just a few months. In fact, we wonder why it was not introduced much earlier. Enlightened legislation is supposed to be ahead of its time, its very enactment making its case as the public is gradually and reluctantly persuaded of its efficacy; but here was the very opposite. This was a law that was behind its time.
Culture, too, can be behind its time. This has been an unfashionable idea in modern times. We are far happier with the notion that great art should be avant-garde, not least because it fits our mythological archetypes: the artist whose visionary qualities mark him or her as a special being, and whose strange new material helps us to glimpse the future; the scornful public, wilfully criticising work it does not quite understand.
This is an attractive dialectic. We want riots at The Rite of Spring. Our visual artists, from cubists to conceptualists, must break barriers. Otherwise, what is the point of art? The last century was dedicated to progress and velocity; the new one even more so. It has been, and continues to be, confusing. Artists are our reconnaissance unit, warning us of the troubles to come.
But art that is behind its time arguably serves an even more important function. Just to be clear: this is not retro art or nostalgic art, which simply wishes it belonged to a different era.
No, art that is behind its time is art that expresses something that is already in the air but has not yet been creatively articulated. The phrase "behind its time" is not meant to disparage it. It can be just as difficult to capture a mood that already exists as it is to indulge in conjecture about possible futures.
Take Elvis. He was certainly unique, and helped to define a new era. But he was never ahead of his time, he was behind it. The western teenager, exploding with hormones and buoyed by the new spirit of affluence, was waiting to be courted. Elvis or his equivalent might easily have happened a few years earlier, in another recording studio, perhaps not quite so handsomely, but just as influential. It was in the runes.
The only avant-garde thing about Elvis was his business manager, Colonel Tom Parker, whose rapacious exploitation of both his client and his client's mass audience was a chilling look into the future: raise your glasses to the good colonel every time you see a vapid boy band staring into a middle distance full of merchandising scams and inconsequentiality.
Most of the art we call great does not force us to address the future; it is behind, or of, its time. Few are the artists that remain misunderstood for a whole lifetime, only to be acclaimed years later for their prescience. They are, by definition, unpopular while at their creative peak, and subsequently obscure. It is only following generations that pick up on their importance.
To return to the arena of rock music, it has been both surprising and gratifying to see the attention lavished on artists such as Tim Buckley and Nick Drake by contemporary audiences. They enjoyed nothing like the same regard in the late 1960s and early 1970s. They were ahead of the game.
Much contemporary art of recent years has set out to shock, despite the disingenuous disclaimers of its practitioners, in the hope that public outrage will be identified as a symptom of the artist's avant-garde brilliance. But it is not necessarily so. There is a difference between genuine outrage and knee-jerk Daily Mail polemicising. Now there is a sense of near-ennui when confronted by the frantic efforts of certain artists to make headlines.
The truth is, their argument has been won. The rich and varied strains of contemporary art are now accepted by a public that is thirsty to see their results. That is because their art speaks of its time, and is all the more satisfying for it. The reason we live in a contemporary art boom at present is not entirely down to hedge fund speculators and restless Russian oligarchs. We have a genuine confluence of public feeling and the artistic imagination.
This is nowhere more vividly illustrated than at London's Tate Modern, where the latest Turbine Hall installation, Doris Salcedo's "Shibboleth", aka the giant crack in the ground, is attracting extraordinary numbers of spectators. Last Saturday, more than 34,000 people came to see the work. To put it in some perspective, only three football matches in England attracted a bigger crowd than that.
It is a profound work, nothing less than a literal defacing of a temple of culture to protest against the fissures that still divide mankind. It is art of the here and now, and we are privileged to have it. (Comment, Source: Peter Aspden, Financial Times, Germany)
More of your feedback added:
Ebay watch: Yet again there many interesting Elvis items for sale on eBay:
New JAT book announced: JAT Productions next project right after Elvis In Tickle Me will be a book titled Elvis - Portraits. Celebrating twenty years of JAT Productions this special project will be a hardback ALL COLOR BOOK. This new book is scheduled for the first quarter of 2008. (News, Source: FECC) |
New unofficial CD release: From the makers of "The Lord is my Shepard", Tigerman Anthology series, new Legendary performer and other releases comes "Springtime Elvis".
Here are the details:
Springtime! is a new CD release from a new label: Memphis. The CD contains a newly remastered soundboard recording of the Elvis Presley show, April 10, 1972 (from the original Elvis On Tour mastertapes) and Elvis recorded live at Eddie Fadal's home in Waco, Texas, May 27, 1958. Both recordings are for the first time available in this quality! The cd release with the Texas homerecording recording was very poor.
SONGS: SOUNDBOARD RECORDING - ELVIS RECORDED LIVE IN RICHMOND, APRIL 10, 1972 1. See See Rider 2. Proud Mary 3. Never Been To Spain 4. You Gave Me A Mountain 5. Until It's Time For You To Go 6. Polk Salad Annie 7. Love Me 8. All Shook Up 9. Bridge Over Troubled Water 10. Love Me Tender 11. It's Over 12. Introductions of musicians and backup vocalists 13. For The Good Times 14. An American Trilogy 15. Elvis Walks & Talks 16. Funny How Time Slips Away 17. Can't Help Falling In Love 18. End Theme 19. Elvis has left the building / souvenir announcement
HOME RECORDING - ELVIS RECORDED LIVE IN WACO, TEXAS, MAY 27, 1958: Elvis - Anita Wood - Eddie Fadal - Janice Fadal 20. I Understand Just How I Feel 21. Dialogue 22. Happy, Happy Birthday Baby 23. Dialogue 24. I Can't Help It (If I'm Still In Love With You) 25. Dialogue 26. Who's Sorry Now 27. Who's Sorry NOw 28. Happy, Happy Birthday Baby 29. Happy, Happy Birthday Baby 30. Happy, Happy Birthday Baby 31. Happy, Happy Birthday Baby 32. Happy, Happy Birthday Baby 33. Dialogue 34. Tumblin' Tumbleweeds 35. Baby Don't Ya Know 36. Tomorrow Night 37. Tomorrow Night (by Elvis) 38. Little Darlin' 39. Monologue 40. Just A Closer Walk With Thee. (News, Source: FECC)
Chart update: The Billboard chart listings for the week ending November 17, 2007:
Top 200 Albums: Home For The Holidays: #165
Comprehensive Albums: Home For The Holidays: #188
Comprehensive Albums: #196
Pop Catalogue Albums: Elvis Christmas #25
Pop Catalogue Albums: ELV1S 30 #1 Hits #36
Country Catalogue Albums: ELV1S 30 #1 Hits #4
Country Catalogue Albums: Elvis Christmas #3
Independent Albums: Home For The Holidays: 16
Holiday Albums: Elvis Christmas: #13
Holiday Albums: It's Christmas Time: #24
Holiday Albums: Home For The Holidays: #12
Music Video: ELV1S #1 Hits Performances: #4
Music Video: Aloha From Hawaii #36
Music Video: '68 Comeback Chart: #28
Comprehensive Music Video: ELV1S #1 Hits Performances: #4
Comprehensive Music Video: Aloha From Hawaii: #37
Comprehensive Music Video: '68 Comeback Special #29
Dropping of the chart is the "Ultimate Gospel compilation from the Country Catalogue chart.
In Ireland the re-issue of "In The Ghetto" is a new entry at #34 on the Singles chart. On the Album chart "The King" drops from #94 to #99. (News, Source: Elvis International/Elvis News)
Original Graceland Nativity scene sold on ebay: The original Nativity set that was used at Graceland, beginning with the 1965 Christmas season,has sold on eBay.
The seller, Med Phipps, is the son of the late Hardy Phipps, a local Memphis artist who contracted to provide the annual Christmas scene at Graceland until the early 1990’s.
Hardy created this handmade, hand-painted fiberglass nativity scene for Elvis and Priscilla to display at Graceland in the 1960’s. The stable was later upgraded and enlarged. As a young man, the current seller helped his father set up the scene each year.
The set included:
• Mother Mary
• Joseph
• Three kneeling wise men
• One standing shepherd
• One angel
• One calf’s head
• Three-piece stable
The auction was a success with the set selling for US$5,000.00. (News, Source: Elvis Matters)
Saturday 10 November 2007 |
Play addresses Elvis' influence: The nature of Elvis Presley will be explored in the world premiere of a play that presents a down-to-earth portrayal of Elvis' past and challenges audiences to reconsider their opinions about his origins.
"Tupelo: to Elvis and the town he left behind," will open at 8 p.m. today at the ArtsCenter in Carrboro. It is the inaugural event of UNC's 15th annual Southern Writers in Performance Series. It will play again tomorrow and also 15-18 November.
The play deals with two fictional boys, one black and one white, who, as friends, went to see a free concert Elvis gave for his hometown of Tupelo in 1956. Paul Ferguson, professor of performance studies at UNC and the play's director, described the town of Tupelo, Miss., as "a highly segregated place with a lot of racial tension and socioeconomic disparity," which enjoyed a rare sense of unity at the concert.
"Because (Elvis') music was so deeply influenced by African-American blues artists and jazz singers, he appealed to that community," Ferguson said."
The concert was a time when an African-American kid and a white kid could go to the same concert, as friends, without any kind of societal barriers between them."
Ferguson said after seeing the concert, the boys were deeply moved and found something they wanted to embrace: an undivided Tupelo. The play's theme of illuminating the past runs parallel to a motive of Ferguson's to dispel a rumor about The King. |
"There was a persistent kind of myth that Elvis might have been a racist; in fact he was the opposite," Ferguson said. "The play offered me a chance to continue the debunking of that myth."
The belief that Elvis was racist is based on claims that he made a bigoted remark during a radio show moderated by Edward R. Murrow.
"In reality, (Elvis) was never on the radio show and never said that. Even Edward R. Murrow said that it was completely untrue," Ferguson said. "If anything, Elvis is the only artist who is giving African-Americans the due credit for his works."
LaMark Wright, who plays one of the lead roles in the play, said he was at first unsure about assuming the role of a black man in the context of Elvis' supposed racism.
"I had always heard the story about 'Yeah Elvis is racist and all this and all that,' and that's the notion I had gathered," Wright said. "I had preconceived notions of who and what Elvis was. (Tupelo) spoke volumes to me about what I had to personally let go of or re-evaluate."
Andrea Powell, an actress in the play, said performing in "Tupelo" gave her a new picture of the famed singer.
"One thing that I really love about this play is that it approaches the story of Elvis from a completely different perspective," she said.
"(People) think Graceland, 'Viva Las Vegas' sequined guy, but this play focuses on what really made him different in terms of changing music forever." (News, Source: Daniel Stainkamp, DailyTarHeel.com)
New Elvis line: There's no end to the creativity of the marketing department of Graceland, it seems. We already had Elvis coffee, Elvis sweets, Elvis wine and Elvis barbecue sauce - but here's the brand new Elvis Hot Chocolate. Available in two flavors (for now): milk chocolate with a creamy taste, and a blend of vanilla and caramel flavors. Packed in 10 oz. containers. (News, Source: Elvis Matters/EPE) |
Latest celebrity visitor to Graceland: Actor David Schwimmer, best known for playing the character of Ross of the hit TV series Friends, toured Graceland on 2 November. (News, Source: EPE)
"Elvis Is Alive Museum" sells on eBay (see earlier stories 3 & 4 November & 30 Oct): Someone from Elvis Presley's home state of Mississippi has placed the highest bid in an EBay auction of memorabilia from a museum devoted to proving that the King is still alive. The bidder had until the close of business Friday to put up the US$8,300 and arrange to pick it up from the Missouri museum, which is shutting down. The auction closed at 5:20 p.m. Thursday.
If the high bidder does not emerge, the museum's proprietor can offer the memorabilia to the second-highest bidder at $8,200. As of Friday afternoon, three e-mails to the high bidder had not been returned.
"He could be a very busy individual and hasn't slowed down or he could be so excited he won he had a heart attack and is in the hospital," said Steve Beeny, the son of museum owner Bill Beeny. "I'm keeping an open mind. Hopefully, he will make contact."
Bill Beeny, 81, placed the memorabilia on EBay late last month. He hoped someone would buy the collection and open a new museum dedicated to the idea that Elvis never died. The collection includes photographs, books, yellowed news clippings and replicas of Elvis' Cadillac and the casket and gravestone from his 1977 funeral - which Beeny believes was a fake.
The Baptist minister founded the quirky museum in 1990. Steve Beeny declined to put a value on his father's collection.
"Value is in the eye of the beholder," he said. "One man's trash is another man's treasure."
He said Bill Beeny would have liked the museum to stay in the family but all of his six kids "have real life going on."
"I'm sure there's some regret there," Steve Beeny added. "But he's always been one to look forward and not look back. It's bittersweet. It's kept us entertained through the years." (News, Source: The Canadian Press)
EIN Note: While the sale of the Museum included the results of the DNA tests arranged by Bill Beeny, it did not include the DNA samples themselves.
STAR´PROUDLY PRESENTS THE ULTIMATE 2007 SEASONS´ GIFT: Elvis- The Definitive Christmas Collection.......and favourite spirituals. This new box set has been sent out last week Friday and is now in stock at the dealers!!! 3 CDs - 70 tracks!! Christmas and Spiritual masters, outtakes, live songs and many more rare recordings!
1 DVD - 20 clips!! With 'Star' you know you´ll get THE VERY BEST brand new VIRTUAL Christmas and Gospel clips!
Hear and see Elvis sing ´If Everyday Was Like Christmas´ and many others!! Never before seen, this will bring your holidays to a higher level!! FREE ELVIS CHRISTMAS CARD!! - Only available in this box set. Limited Edition Only. PRICE OF THIS BEAUTIFUL SET: ONLY 20,00 EURO ! (and that's a present already).
Shown opposite: Boxset cover |
TRACKLIST: CD 1: Elvis´ Christmas Message / I´ll be home for christmas ° White Christmas ° Here Comes Santa Claus ° Santa Claus Is Back In Town ° Peace In The Valley ° Blue Christmas ° Santa Bring My Baby Back To Me ° O Little Town Of Bethlehem ° Silent Night ° Known Only To Him ° If Everyday Was Like Christmas ° In The Garden ° Somebody Bigger Than You And I ° Where No One Stands Alone ° Mama Liked The Roses ° O Come, All Ye Faithful° The First Noel ° An Evening Prayer ° On A Snowy Christmas Night ° Winter Wonderland ° A Thing Called Love ° The Wonderful World Of Christmas ° It Won´t Seem Like Christmas Without You ° I´ll Be Home On Christmas Day ( master)° Holly Leaves And Christmas Trees ° If That Isn´t Love ° If I Get Home On Christmas Day ° Merry Christmas Baby ° Silver Bells ° I´ll Be Home On Christmas Day( take 10, remake )
TRACKLIST: CD 2: Blue Christmas ( live, 1968 ) ° Somebody Bigger Than You And I ( take 11 ) ° It Wont Seem Like Christmas ( take 6 ) ° Silver Bells ( take 1) ° Oh Holy Night/The First Noel ( remix ) ° A Thing Called Love ( take 1 ) ° I´ll Be Home On Xmas Day ( take 3 ) ° Merry Christmas Baby ( unedited complete master ) ° Santa Claus Is Back In Town ( live, 1968 ) ° Where No One Stands Alone ( spliced take )° Life ° If Everyday Was Like Xmas ( takes 1,2 ) ° Holly Leaves And Christmas Trees ( take 4 ) ° The Wonderful Wold Of Christmas ( unedited master ) ° If I Get Home On Xmas Day ( take 1 ) ° We Call On Him ( take 5 ) ° Listen To The Bell ( informal recording) ° Blue Christmas ( live, 1975 ) ° Winter Wonderland ( undubbed master ) ° How Great Thou Art ( take 4 ) ° I´´ll Be Home On Christmas Day ( take 9, remake )
TRACKLIST: CD 3: Mama Liked The Roses ( undubbed master take 10 ) ° O Come ,All Ye Faithful (extended version ) ° Merry Christmas Baby ( overdubbed ) ° Holly Leaves And Christmas Trees ( take 8 ) ° Known Only To Him ( spliced take ) ° I´ll Be Home On X,as Day ( take 2, remake) ° On A Snowy Christmas Night ( remix ) ° It Won´t Seem Like Xmas ( take 3 ) ° Silver Bells ( remix, take 2 ) ° You´ll Never Walk Alone ( take 2 ) ° Stand By Me ( take 10 ) ° Somebody Bigger Than You And I ( take 15 ) ° I´ll be Home On Christmas Day ( take 4, remake ) ° Blue Christmas ( live, 1977 ) ° Auld Lang Syne ( live, 1977 ) °
BONUS TRACKS: The Elvis Christmas Medley ( unreleased ) ° The Wonderful World Of Christmas ( vocal overdub ) ° If Everyday Was Like Xmas ( demo, sung by Red West ) ° Silent Night ( sung by Lisa- Marie ) ° Jingle Bells / White Christmas ( informal SUN recording, 1956, Million Dollar Quartet) (News, Source: EP Gold)

Chart update - another #1 for the King: The DVD "The #1 Hit Performances And More" has hit #1 on Sweden's DVD Top 20. On the Album Top 60 "The Essential Elvis Presley" is currently #36, climbing from #53. (News, Source: Elvis News)
Cyrus out-Elvises Elvis: Elvis Presley was a lot of things. He was a rags-to-riches success story. He borrowed blues and gospel licks from the black performers he admired and introduced them to a mainstream audience. He wasn't a mere American Idol, but the king himself. But he didn't really know how to tell a woman to "Love Me Tender," singing the song with a syrupy sincerity that's rarely the best way to a lover's heart.
Cyrus Chestnut, on the other hand, knows how to conjure up a spirit of genuine romance. Just listen to the jaunty jazz pianist's reinvention of "Love Me Tender" on his new CD, Cyrus Plays Elvis. It's a great example of how a gifted musician can take a sappy song and set it free. |
The much-heard melody, lifted from an old Civil War ballad, rings out with newfound oomph, sounding insistent yet dreamy. Chestnut reinvigorates the song with lush chords, playful grace notes, worshipful tremolos and effortless runs up and down the 88s. Sometimes, the melody disappears altogether before returning, as if by magic. Chestnut works over the keyboard to win over the unnamed object of his desire, and it's hard to imagine anyone not giving in. (CD Review, Source: NPR Music)
Dr Nick's Elvis collection - court upholds decision: The Delaware Supreme Court has upheld a ruling granting a California businessman ownership of an odd collection of Elvis Presley memorabilia, including a glass nasal douche reportedly used to irrigate the King's sinuses before he took the stage.
A Chancery Court judge entered a default judgment in July in favor of Richard Long after his erstwhile business partners, Robert Gallagher and Betty Franklin of Nevada, repeatedly failed to appear for court hearings and depositions and ignored court orders to allow the collection to be inspected for insurance purposes.
Gallagher, also known as Bobby Freeman, appealed to the state Supreme Court after vice-chancellor Leo Strine Jr. held him and Franklin in contempt and gave Long authority to dissolve the partnership and sell the collection. The Supreme Court rejected arguments by Gallagher and Franklin that their behavior was excusable, and that Strine violated their due process rights in entering a default judgment for Long.
"To the contrary, the Court of Chancery demonstrated commendable patience and forbearance in its dealings with the Gallaghers," Justice Jack Jacobs wrote in a ruling handed down Tuesday. "Only when the Gallaghers had clearly demonstrated an extreme degree of willfulness and conscious disregard for the Court of Chancery's orders did the Court of Chancery impose its sanctions."
The collection, known as "Dr. Nick's Memories of Elvis," consists of items once owned by Dr. George Nichopolous, once a personal physician to the rock star who died of heart disease and prescription drug abuse in 1977 at his Memphis mansion. Among the items is a black doctor's bag used by Nichopolous and containing prescription bottles bearing Presley's name. The collection also includes jewelry, guns, and a laryngeal scope used to examine Presley's throat.
According to the lawsuit, Nichopolous, who has collaborated with Gallagher and Franklin in past exhibitions of the collection, agreed last year to sell it to them and Long for $1 million.
Long said he agreed to put up the $1 million, and that Gallagher and Franklin, who claimed to have a "half interest" in the collection, agreed to assign all their rights to a limited liability company he controlled. Long also allegedly agreed to lend the new company $1 million to cover expenses incurred by Gallagher and Franklin, and another $1 million for operating capital.
Long alleged in his lawsuit that Gallagher and Franklin refused to surrender access to the memorabilia and would not provide proof of their expenses and the paperwork needed to obtain insurance. He also claimed that within weeks of closing the deal, Gallagher said he was putting together a group to buy him out. The sale never developed and Franklin blamed Long for "tremendous losses" after plans to exhibit the collection at the Stardust casino in Las Vegas before it closed last year fell through.
At one point, the collection was being stored inside three tractor-trailers in Nevada airport hangars. David Finger, an attorney for Long, said Wednesday that his client doesn't know where the collection is now but is determined that Gallagher give it up.
"If he does not turn it over, we will seek to have him incarcerated," Finger said.
Michael Matuska, an attorney representing Gallagher and Franklin in a Nevada lawsuit against Long, did not immediately return a telephone message Wednesday. (News, Source: Randall Chase, AP; San Jose Mercury News)
Why can't Elvis compete....against the Beatles and Garth Brooks?: As Garth Brooks overtakes Elvis as the biggest selling album (solo) artist in the US, and the Beatles reign supreme with the RIAA (see yesterday's story), EIN asks "How many Elvis fans are there in the USA?"
Is this the way it should be?
EIN's analysis of the top selling albums for Elvis, the Beatles and Garth Brooks suggests the latter two artists hold sway over many more CD buying fans than the King! Read EIN's article and analysis
"When All Was Kool" CD release: This is a new limited edition album from the Mystery Train label with original & alternate recordings. Interesting album artwork and PICTURE DISC. Appears to be a reissue.
Track listing:
That's When Your Heartaches Begin (1953 version)
That's When Your Heartaches Begin (1956 version)
Elvis In Canada (Radio broadcast, April 4, 1957)
Live In Toronto : Heartbreak Hotel (part one)
Toronto Teenagers talk about Elvis
Heartbreak Hotel (part two) (April 2, 1957)
About the EP show
Elvis talks to Mac Lipson in Ottwawa (April 3, 1957)
The magical Sun recordings directly from 78 RPM
I'm left, You're right, She's gone
Trying To Get To You
That's All Right
Blue Moon of Kentucky
I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine
Good Rockin' Tonight
Baby let's play house
Mystery Train
How Do You Think I Feel (Sun Studio rehearsal - Scotty Moore, Johnny Bernero, Elvis - Date unknown)
Radio Promo June 3rd, 1956 concert in Oakland, California
Elvis live at the Milton Berle show
Complete & unedited Elvis performances
(April 3, 1956, San Diego, California)
Shake, Rattle and Roll
Heartbreak Hotel
Blue Suede Shoes
Comedy Skit
Radio spots for March of Dimes (January 2, 1957)
Elvis talks to "happy " on NBC (Late 1956)
Million Dollar Quartet radio spot
I Shall Not Be Moved (with Jerry Lee Lewis & Carl Perkins)
Contact It's Elvis Time for more info
"Blue Christmas" ringle: Here is the cover art for the "Blue Christmas" ringle which is due for release on November 20, 2007 from Sony. Other ringles available are "Love Me Tender" and "Suspicious Minds".
Track listing Blue Christmas
1 Blue Christmas
2 Santa Claus Is Back In Town
3 Blue Christmas
4 Blue Christmas (News, Source: Amazon.com /Elvis News) |
Elvis features in Mallard Fillmore comic strip (Source: Amber Smith)

Elvis festival makes profit: It's one for the money at this year's Elvis Festival in Collingwood. General Manager Rosemarie O'Brien says almost 10,000 tickets were sold for the July event -- that's up 10 to 20 per cent from last year. The net profit totals $23,755 -- the first time the annual event has seen a double digit profit in the thousands.
O'Brien also boasts the fact that over a hundred jobs were created for members of the community and is proud that 49 per cent of the group's operating budget was directly invested back into the town through venue bookings, hourly wages and other paths -- that total topped $300 thousand and doesn't include tourism dollars to hotels, shops and restaurants.
O'Brien says the Collingwood Festival was one of two qualifying locations for the new Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest in Memphis, Tennessee and has already been asked to be a preliminary location for next year. (News, Source: Michael Longley, Bayshore Broadcasting Corporation)
Graceland art: A Dutch woman, Mireille Kreukniet, an Elvis and Lisa fan, started painting in 2004.
During an interview she told It's Elvis Time, that she started out trying to make a computer illustration.
But she really found her drive and now she is using oil-paint.
She loves to paint Elvis or Lisa, and recently became inspired by Graceland, as you can see opposite. (News, Source: It's Elvis Time)
Resurgence by Elvis and Bob Dylan: Two radically different icons of rock music, both unparalleled yet widely imitated, seem more at the forefront of retrospection than ever these days. Bob Dylan claims, like just about everyone else from his era, that the first time he heard Elvis was “like busting out of jail,” the great deciding factor that convinced him to become a musician and, in turn, a hero in his own right. It’s fitting then that the two seem to be at the peak of their second waves of reverence in our modern times, starkly contrasting as their methods may be.
Many people would probably agree that the transformation from Elvis Presley in the ‘50s to people like Dylan and John Lennon in the ‘60s would be akin to water turning into wine, but the King’s foundation shouldn’t be underestimated. To me his music is equally compelling to anything that came after it, if for no other reason than how easy he made it sound—his unhinged performances in 1950s recordings are brilliant, yet all the while comfortably fit in with the notion that the guy didn’t write any of his songs, didn’t really play any instruments and had absolutely no semblance of creative control over his art. Instead, he was an important interpreter of other people’s songs, with his golden voice and incendiary stage moves.
Dylan, on the other hand, was first and foremost a songwriter, one who gained the bulk of his initial recognition by having others interpret his work. He was in complete command of an artistic vision, often accompanied only by himself or musicians he handpicked, and it was never about show or appearance when he played live; the sensationalism in Dylan was in the music alone.
Whatever your outlook on the long bygone days of rock ‘n’ roll infancy, the fact is that both Dylan and Elvis are making larger waves right now than they have for a very long time. One of the main differences is, of course, that Elvis has been dead for exactly 30 years, and old Bobby is still alive and kicking. When you think about it though, this is almost a non-issue: Elvis was never in charge of what he did, and was long done with important artistic output by his death in 1977, so what does it matter that he’s not around anymore? People are acting on his behalf like they have since he first began, and Bob Dylan is following his vision as always.
For Elvis, it’s all about profitability, so to celebrate the 30th anniversary of his death this year, countless reissues of his movies, TV specials and music have been coming out, ranging from inspired to rudimentary. The lowest point was probably when Elvis’ daughter Lisa Marie dubbed her voice onto one of his worst songs, “In the Ghetto,” and released it on iTunes along with a video which spliced together images of him singing, her on some apparent Quaalude binge and babies in cribs toting pistols. Anyway, plenty of people must be buying all this material, since Elvis has recently reassumed his position as Forbes’ top earning dead celebrity with a bang.
Bob Dylan has been going about things a bit differently, establishing new vitality instead of milking the past. His three most recent albums have been great, easily his best since the mid-’70s. He’s got a popular XM radio show, and lent his support and music to a phenomenal Martin Scorsese Dylan documentary (No Direction Home) and an upcoming ambitious Todd Haynes film which seeks to abstractly capture Dylan’s essence (I’m Not There).
Things are good for both the King and Dylan today; it’s still clear that what they did in their own respects they did better than anyone, and fans are now being offered more ways than ever to revel in their love. (Source: Ben Peterson/The Daily Cardinal; Amber Smith)
Elvis sheet music book: A book which slipped under our radar was Elvis Presley - Volume 2
Pro Vocal Series Volume 16 (ISBN: 0634099736). Released in hardback by the Hal Leonard Corporation, it was published in the US in February 2007. (News, Source: ElvisBookResearch)
From It's Elvis Time: Het zat er al een tijdje aan te komen dat het New Frontier Hotel in Las Vegas plaats zal moeten maken voor "The Plaza" en giga ressort dat zal openen in 2011. Op 13 november aanstaande staat dit dan echt te gebeuren....
Elvis maakte zijn debuut in Vegas in 1956. Destijds was de showroom zeer modern. The Venus Room waar Elvis optrad, had ruimte voor 972 personen.
In 1956 was het doorsnee Vegas publiek nog niet echt onder de indruk van Elvis zoals we allemaal weten.
Hij lag toen beter bij de jongeren. Het was in het New Frontier waar pr manager Bill Miller zijn oog liet vallen op Elvis. Hij schijnt gezegd te hebben 'Boy, some day I'm going to fire up this guy's career.' En vanaf de comeback in het Hotel International in 1969, heeft Elvis natuurlijk avond aan avond geschitterd in Las Vegas. |
Elvis TV watch - Australia: Continuing its recent run of Elvis movies, the Prime network has King Creole scheduled for this coming Sunday morning around 11am. Check your local guides.
Now it's Hasidic Elvis hair style: On this week's Australian Idol, final four contestant Matt Corby performed with a rather different and wild hairstyle. Judge Mark Holden remarked: "The hair is kind of like a Hasidic Elvis" (News, Source: Australian Idol) |
More Elvis geneaology: Charmaine Voisine advises EIN:
Barbara Lee Rowe is a cousin of Elvis on the Presley and Hood sides of the family. She is fascinated with the history of the Presley's and has devoted many years to its study. She is now probably one of the world’s leading experts on Presley genealogy.
To share her love of Elvis and the family history of the Presley's she opened a store in Gettysburg, PA in 2006. It’s called the “Kin of Rock and Roll” but sadly it may be forced to close because she has had little support from Elvis fans in America or from around the world. Elvis fans have visited the store but few have bought her Elvis and historical memorabilia. The only way Barbara Lee can keep such a wonderful store open is if fans either visit her store and buy memorabilia or purchase memorabilia by mail order. Click on Barbara Lee's online store to order today: Online Store
Many diehard Elvis fans hate EPE and have stopped buying from them so why not buy your memorabilia from the “Kin of Rock and Roll” and you will be helping to preserve the history of the Presley's in the USA. Please pass this Newsletter on to fans and fan clubs in the States and around the world. Why don’t US fan clubs try something different and organize bus tours to Gettysburg for an Elvis Day or Elvis Weekend. Barbara Lee will organize Elvis Events in Gettysburg, invite guest speakers and she can pass on her wealth of knowledge about the Presley's. Check out her website:
The Kin of Rock and Roll
777 Baltimore St, Suite 103
Gettysburg, Pa 17325
For more on Elvis' genealogy see our news item last Saturday, 3 Nov 2007:
...Ancestors of "Elvis Aaron Presley" 50 Generations The Unofficial Genealogy...
Sing Along with...:The Just Me Music label will release several Elvis themed CDs for children on November 9, 2007.
The titles are: Sing Along with Barney and Friends, Sing Along With Elmo and Friends, Silly Songs with VeggieTales, Sing Along with the Wiggles and the Disney Princess Tea Party: Presley (News, Source: Amazon.com /Elvis News) |
Wednesday 7 November 2007 |
Garth Brooks overtakes Elvis as best-selling solo artist (album sales) in the USA: Country star Garth Brooks has overtaken Elvis Presley to become the bestselling solo artist in history, according to new record industry figures. The singer has sold an amazing 123 million units in his career, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) confirmed yesterday, while awarding Brooks Diamond Awards for his albums Sevens and Garth Brooks.
Four of the country crooner's albums have received Diamond Awards, for sales of more than ten million copies each (Elvis is yet to receive a Diamond Award, although he holds the record for the most Platinum & Gold Awards).
In 1999, the RIAA declared Brooks the 20th century's most successful male recording artist, and indeed, its biggest selling solo artist. At the time, Brooks clocked in at 89 million albums sold. Presley, who was lauded for releasing the most gold- and platinum-selling albums, came in behind Brooks, and ahead of Barbra Streisand (the top-selling female artist), with 77 million. (All figures reflect only United States sales.)
But then Brooks, who made it big with the help of "Friends in Low Places," retired. And in 2004, the dead but still-working-it Presley was named the RIAA's top solo act, with 117.5 million albums sold. That announcement was made, as such announcements are wont to be made, on the occasion of what would have been Presley's 69th birthday. It followed a new count of Presley's old albums.
Meanwhile, Brooks took time away from Leisure World in 2005 to seal a deal with Wal-Mart to exclusively peddle all of his recorded wares, including his then-new collection, Garth Brooks: The Limited Series. With the about-to-be released Ultimate Hits, Brooks has released five albums since vowing to enjoy his golden years.
The Standing Outside the Fire singer accepted the latest accolade for his work at a ceremony held at his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, outside the Capitol Records tower.
"This award reflects the magnitude of the country audience and what they can accomplish when they act together," Brooks said at the presentation.
RIAA figures place Elvis' sales at 118.5 million units, with only the Beatles ahead of Brooks with 170 million units sold.
"He has always been true to country music as a format," observed Ed Benson , chief strategic officer of the Country Music Association.
"He's never decided to cross over and be anything else, and so it's great that the number one selling solo artist of all time is a country music artist."
The RIAA tracks albums shipped plus digital downloads sold. (News, Source: inthenews.co.uk/EOnline!)
EIN Comment: With Brooks' "Ultimate Hits" compile soon for release the country singer will increase his lead over Elvis. Brooks' affiliation with Wal-Mart is important - it highlights the importance and potential of effective, strategic marketing.
It is likely that over time Elvis will peg back and overtake Brooks through a combination of ongoing sales, reissues and new album titles (of recycled material). EIN does not see consumer demand for Garth Brooks albums rivalling Elvis in the long term, although we note demand for Elvis albums is currently generally in decline.
It also needs to be noted that Elvis' "lost" album sales (due to poor record keeping by RCA in the 1950s and 1960s and the 1977-78 year) would arguably place him ahead of Garth Brooks. The real issue is whether or not the quantum of "lost" sales would put Elvis on a par with the Beatles in the US. Traditionally, sales of Elvis albums have not compared to sales of albums by the Beatles.
Another important point is that the RIAA figures relate only to album sales, not sales of singles and EPs. In the 1950s and 1960s sales of (particularly) singles were the dominant product. This was of course the period when Elvis ruled supreme on the sales charts.
More on the Elvis' sales dilemma
Top selling album artists in the US: The RIAA top 10 list as of 7 November 2007 is:
The Beatles |
170m |
Billy Joel |
79.5m |
Garth Brooks |
123m |
Pink Floyd |
74.5m |
Elvis Presley |
118.5m |
Barbra Streisand |
71m |
Led Zeppelin |
109.5m |
Elton John |
69.5m |
Eagles |
91m |
68m |
Rapper star poised to equal Elvis' tally of #1 albums: If all goes Jay-Z's way, the rap mogul will tie rock legend Elvis for the most number one albums in USA history, a feat that depends on the success of the rapper's American Gangster album.
Jay-Z, born Shawn Carter, landed his ninth number one album last year with Kingdom Come, which sold about 680,000 in its first week, the rapper's best to date. The Kingdom Come album put Jay-Z in a tie with another iconic rock act, The Rolling Stones, who have landed number nine number one albums throughout their 40-year career.
If Jay-Z's American Gangster sells well, only The Beatles would have offered the music world more number one albums, with an incredible 19.
American Gangster's main opposition includes Cassidy’s highly anticipated album B.A.R.S. and Nas' Greatest Hits package which landed in stores (November 6) as well. (News, Source: allhiphop.com)

Pre-order "New York RCA Studio 1: The Complete Sessions" from HMV UK - due out next week!!
Elvis musical returning to Dublin: It is with great delight that I have been advised by George Twamley of www.elvis.ie that his musical, My Boy Elvis" is to return in the new year having received standing ovations in Dublin's Olympia Theatre on the 18th and 19th October. The future scheduled dates are:
The Olympia Theatre, Dublin. Sunday 24th. February 2008.
Theatre Royal, Castlebar, Co. Mayo 14th. March 2008
The Waterfront, Belfast. Friday 18th. April 2008. (News, Source: elvisonline.org/elvis.ie) |
Chart update: On the U.K. singles chart the re-issue of "Viva Las Vegas" is a new entry at #15. On the Dutch singles Top 100 the re-issue of "Viva Las Vegas" is a new entry at #57. (News, Source: Elvis News)
Another Elvis related venue being imploded: Its been expected for some time, but the New Frontier Hotel in Las Vegas is to be imploded at 2.30am on November 13, to make way for The Plaza, a multi-billion dollar resort which will open in 2011. Elvis made his Las Vegas debut at the New Frontier in 1956 in the futuristic new showroom - the Venus Room.
From the Western-themed hotel that had opened as the Frontier in 1942, the resort was re-modelled in 1955 and renamed the New Frontier with a décor that encompassed the nations growing curiosity with space travel, featuring planets and flying saucers in the Cloud Nine dining room and celestial chandeliers hovering over the casino, where six alien figures headed towards its entrance.
The Venus Room, where Elvis appeared, was a circular showroom and could seat up to 972 people, who surrounded the revolving stage, but Elvis' appearance did little to excite the stuffy Vegas clientele, when he was used to performing to screaming teenagers. Elvis was reportedly paid $12,500 a week, during an era when headline acts could command double that amount in other resorts.
It was at the New Frontier where agent Bill Miller, who was booking acts for the Dunes at the time, spotted Elvis and is quoted as saying 'Boy, some day I'm going to fire up this guy's career.'
So, at the close of the next decade as the booking agent for Kirk Kerkorian’s International Hotel, Bill Miller booked Elvis for his famed Las Vegas comeback in 1969 and the rest, they say, is history. (News, Source: Elvis UK On-line /Elvis News)
New Elvis book in Japan: "The Elvis Vol. 21" was released in Japan in July. ISBN-13: 9784750003214. (News, Source: Amazon Japan)
Elvis jumpsuit on eBay: Recently, ElvisMatters was asked to be the go-between for a very special sale. A European collector contacted us and asked us to lend a helping hand in the selling of an original Elvis Presley stage worn Jumpsuit.
Tons of pictures of Elvis in this Turquoise suit were taken at his August/September 1973 engagement in Las Vegas. Elvis gave the suit to the Alden family, who later sold it to Jimmy Velvet. This suit was THE eye catcher of the first Jimmy Velvet Auction in Las Vegas, NV. Here is your chance to bid on a stage suit, worn by Elvis and designed by Bill Belew/Gene Doucette in 1973 for Elvis. The Turquoise Suit is also known as “The White Spanish Flower Suit” and “Aqua Blue Vine”. It is the original, authentic suit as worn by Elvis Presley – it is not a replica. The suit is in splendid condition and may very well be the last suit available on eBay, as most suits are in private collections or on display in Graceland.
Description in the Jimmy Velvet Catalogue: Elvis Presley Stage Suit, Circa Mid 1970’s. Disigned by Bill Belew. A cream-colored Stage jumpsuit having zip front closure, high Pointed collar, flared sleeves and legs with Blue lined inverted kick pleats. Studded with Faux turquoise stones and gold beads allover. (News, Source: Elvis Matters) View eBay listing
Son of Elvis gets "jailhouse rock" time: A man who believes he's the birth son of Elvis will be going to prison, not because of his alleged connection to "The King," but because he filled answering machines of judges with threatening messages.
Ernest John Young, aka Jason Presley, 50, was sentenced Thursday afternoon in 4th District Court to zero to five years in prison on a charge of retaliation against a judge, a third-degree felony.
In May 2006, Young made threatening phone calls to 3rd District judges, asking that they prosecute several people for murder, rape and extortion in Graceland years ago.
"Mr. Young is able to separate in his mind his belief as to who he is, and his understanding is that in the legal system, he's known as Ernest Young," said attorney Brook Sessions.
Young has been in the Utah County Jail or the Utah State Hospital since May 2006, yet has been filing motions with Utah courts for years proclaiming he is the heir to the Presley fortune and should be able to collect nearly $700 million from the estate.
Sessions said when Young called the judges, it was because he had stopped taking his medicine and was drinking heavily instead. He said his client thought the calls constituted participation in the legal system.
"However, getting himself drunk and calling the judge and leaving threatening voice mails at night is not the way to participate," Sessions said.
Rather than send Young to prison where he won't get treatment, Sessions asked for probation and a chance for mental health court in Salt Lake City, especially since Young has already been in jail more than 520 days.
"One of the benefits of mental heath court, is they will meet with him and monitor him, so if he shows signs that he's off (his medicine) they can take action quickly, not wait until he deteriorates till he commits an additional crime," Sessions said.
However, Stott said he was persuaded by a line in the report from Adult Probation and Parole, the agency that reviews individuals before sentencing, that said "Ernest Young is a poor candidate for supervision," and so sentenced him to prison.
"I only hope that Mr. Young's future is such that he never finds himself back here again, that he continues to take his medication and that he understands what he has to do to avoid getting in trouble again." (News/Conspiracy, Source: Deseret Morning News)
Joe Moscheo inducted to GMA Hall of Fame: The GMA Foundation inducted the Statler Brothers, Larnelle Harris, Phil Keaggy, The Winans, and Joe Moscheo as the newest members of the GMA Gospel Music Hall of Fame on Mon. Oct. 29. The dinner and ceremony at Nashville’s Richland Country Club featured performers and presenters including Melinda Doolittle and Harry Chapman.
Pictured (L-R): Statler Brother Harold Reid; Statler Brother Don Reid; Steve Brallier, Exec. Dir. GMA Gospel Music Hall of Fame; Michael Winans of the Winans; Ed Harper, Chairman GMA Foundation Board of Directors; Carvin Winans of The Winans; Marvin Winans of The Winans; Phil Keaggy; John Styll, Pres./CEO GMA; Joe Moscheo; Statler Brother Jimmy Fortune; Larnelle Harris; Statler Brother Phil Balsley. (News, Source: Elvis Matters)
Wanted: Elvis fan to prove the King is alive (see earlier stories 3 November & 30 Oct): Given that seven per cent of Americans still believe it, the Elvis Is Alive Museum may have a rosy future after its curator put his collection up for sale. Seventeen years after he turned a roadside launderette in Wright City, Missouri, into a memorial to one of the world's more appealing conspiracy theories, Bill Beeny is selling his Presley memorabilia on eBay.
The Rev Beeny, an 81-year-old Baptist minister, says he hopes that someone will buy the collection and open a new museum dedicated to the theory that the singer's death in 1977 was a sham. The evidence includes 3,500 pages of FBI papers purporting to prove that Presley worked for the bureau and disappeared as part of a federal witness protection programme.
The museum also claims to have DNA evidence that the body in the coroner's report was that of a different man. And if sceptics are still not satisfied, they can hear a tape
recording of Presley's voice supposedly copied from a telephone answering
machine a full six years after the funeral.
Meanwhile, the gravestone has long been cited by conspiracy theorists as it misspelt Presley's second name, Aron. Rev Beeney now plans to devote his energies to local charity work rather than disproving Presley's death.
He said to The Daily Telegraph: "The museum's a hard thing to put a price on as it's primarily selling information.
"It will tear a little hole in my heart when we close this place down. But someone else can run - will run - the museum." (Conspiracy, Source: Tom Leonard, Telegraph UK)
Oklahoma fan club looking for new members: Charle Reeves, President of the Oklahoma Elvis fan club says:
"We are looking for new potential Members for our Elvis presley fan club of Oklahoma. We are 10 years old and are an active fan club. We do everything from Big events to small ones. We send out 4 newsletters per year. Offer Members only contests and drawings and Special Email updates. We also sell a variety of Elvis Licensed items at various times of the year to helpfund our events. Our events are approved by Graceland and we prefer to donate to a charity Elvis supported from that event. If this sounds like something you would like to do be involved in dues are just $12 a year. Once dues are recieved a member packet will be sent to you. packets always include a special Elvis licensed item plus a member card and other fun info. Email me for an application!" (News, Source: Charmaine Voisine)
EPE adopts "winter" look for its website: The arrival of winter at Graceland was always special time of year. It meant the holiday season was fast approaching and the anticipation of all the fun things the season would bring, including decorating for Christmas, the annual New Year’s Eve party, Elvis’s birthday, building snowmen in the front yard of Graceland and more.
No matter where you are staying warm this winter season, you can experience the
beauty and magic of Elvis and Graceland during this special time of year. Enjoy
lots of Elvis winter fun, including winter e-cards, wallpapers, videos, trivia
games, a special Web cam and much more.

Graceland Annual Lighting Ceremony & Graceland Night-Time Tour
November 23, 2007
Approximately 5:45 PM
Graceland Plaza, across the street from Graceland
Bring the family to experience the annual Memphis tradition as Elvis’s Christmas lights at Graceland come alive for another year. Santa, decked out like the king of rock ‘n’ roll, will make a dramatic entrance just like Elvis would have….limo and all.
A full evening of holiday fun to kick off the holiday season:
- A rare, nighttime tour of Graceland decorated for the holidays
- Santa will be available for pictures and to meet the kids
- Special prices and discounts at Graceland gift shops for the Elvis fans on your list
- Hot Chocolate and Cookies Available
- Free activities for the Kids
For more information or to purchase tour tickets for the nighttime tour, call (901) 332-3322 (News, Source: EPE)
Elvis in Stained Glass: Bud Glass has circulated this message:
"This is not my product. The person who makes these asked me to let you all know about them. These are
really beautiful, and very unique, as each one ordered is custom made. If you are interested in ordering one of these, please let me know and I will
instruct you on where to send your order". Email: bglass@nettally.com

Ancestors of "Elvis Aaron Presley" 50 Generations The Unofficial Genealogy: Lorina Bolig has written a terrific book about Elvis' ancestors - tracing his genealogy back a very impresive 50 generations!
EIN will shortly publish our review of what is a very different Elvis book, but one all Elvis historians will want to have in their library. (News, Source: Lorina Bolig)
Buy the book from Amazon |
New tribute song: Anne'maree has written poignant lyrics for an Elvis tribute song. She is interested in any songwriter who would like to compose music for the song. If you can help, email Anne'maree
Oh how I wish we could have helped save you Dear Elvis,
If only we-your fans could have known,
For all your pain and suffering and your heartache,
Now it is you we sadly miss to a tone.
While you were always thinking about someone else,
And forever giving of yourself so unselfishly,
We were too busy thinking only of our needs for you,
As your heart and your soul gave ever so lovingly.
Oh how could we miss all your suffering,
And how could we miss what you needed,
Your sweet memory is all that we have now,
So deeply in our souls this will forever be embedded.
If only we-your fans could have noticed,
I am sure that we could have helped save you,
As you gave of yourself always for all of us,
Oh but now we must remain forever blue.
Your loving memory for eternity will be cherished,
Your songs and your music and beautiful soul,
This sweet memory is all that we have now,
And will forever be held dearly in our hearts and our souls.
Oh how could we miss all your suffering;
And how could we miss what you needed,
Your sweet memory is all that we have now,
So deeply in our souls this will forever be embedded.
New online fan club established in Ireland: EIN received this message:
"My name is Darren Clinton and I write to you as an ardent Elvis Fan from Ireland. I have recently set up my online fan club/site, www.elvisonline.org and welcome you to visit it.
Elvisonline.org is an Irish run website, acting as an online resoruce for Irish fans connecting them with the Elvis global community. Its a not for profit site, but purely recreational with future work for charities planned. It is registered and authorised with Elvis Presley Enterprises".
Sale of "Elvis Is Alive" Museum attracting strong bidding on eBay: On 30 October we published a news story that Bill Beeny was selling his "Elvis Is Alive Museum" in Wright City, Missouri which includes his claimed DNA evidence supporting the contention the body in the casket in August 1977 was not Elvis Presley.
Earlier today 42* bids had been placed and the price had risen to US$7,300.00 (still below the undisclosed reserve). (News, Source: Bill Beeny/eBay)
* 1 bidder withdrew a number of bids shortly after this news item was published
Opposite: Rev. Bill Beeny looks through FBI files on Elvis
View eBay listing |
Mae Boron Axton inducted to Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame: Two of Ada’s legends were honorees for Thursday night’s annual Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame Concert and Induction ceremony. Mother and son, Mae Boren Axton and Hoyt Axton, Ada natives, where honored.
Mae Boren Axton is most famous for writing Elvis Presley’s first No. 1 hit in 1956, “Heartbreak Hotel.” The song became the biggest-selling record of 1956 and eventually earned her a Grammy hall of Fame award in 1995.
Mae Boren Axton is also known for writing other hits, including Patsy Cline’s “Pick Me Up (On Your Way Down)” and “Honey Bop” by Wanda Jackson. She was also influential in fellow Ada native Blake Shelton’s career. Mae Boren Axton told Shelton he might have a chance in Nashville after he performed in a tribute concert in her honor. Mae Boren Axton is also recognizd as an East Central University Distinguished Alumna.
She was the mother of fellow 2007 inductee Hoyt Axton as well as the sister of former Oklahoma Gov. and U.S. Sen. David Boren, who now is serving as president of the University of Oklahoma. Mae Boren Axton died in 1997.
Hoyt Axton enjoyed a wide-ranging succes as both a songwriter and performer. He wrote “Greenback Dollar” for the Kingston Trio and “The Pusher” for Steppenwolf. Hoyt Axton wrote “Never Been to Spain;” Presley also recorded the song. In doing so, Presley recorded songs by mother and son.
Hoyt Axton continued his career writing “Joy to the World” which became a huge hit as performed by Three Dog Night. Hoyt Axton appeared as a character actor in “The Black Stallion” and “Gremlins,” among other films. Hoyt Axton died in 1999.
Other inductees in Thursday night’s ceremony were Sammi Smith, Tommy Crook, Cal Smith and the rock band Hinder. Three Dog Night was to perform a tribute to Hoyt Axton at the post-ceremony concert, along with tributes to other deceased honorees. Hinder was scheduled for an acoustic performance. (News, Source: Ada Evening News)
Golden Boy Elvis #4 released: The fourth volume of the German "Golden Boy Elvis" magazine is out. This redesigned full color edition contains news, reviews and a series of articles.
The cover tells you part of the focus is on "Charro" in text and images. But the latest releases, the Elvis exhibition in Friedberg, a detailed looks on the vinyl edition "Essential Elvis Volume 2 (Stereo ´57)", concerts on CD - focus on the months August and September of 1970 - and much more complete this edition. (News, Source: Elvis News) |
Man who produced award winning Elvis documentary; Sinatra & Star Trek now lives quiet life in Wales: During the 1960s and '70s, Herb Solow was arguably one of the most influential people in Hollywood. As a studio chief, he oversaw two of the most successful and enduring shows in TV history - Star Trek and Mission Impossible.
Not only that, but he produced an award-winning documentary about Elvis, and worked with Frank Sinatra and Clint Eastwood (Kelly's Heroes), among others.
So it may come as a surprise that he now lives quietly in mid Wales. |
By the late 60s Solow had quit Paramount to become MGM's vice-president of worldwide TV and motion picture production. He also headed MGM's studio in California and its set-up at Borehamwood in England. This led to work with legendary British director David Lean on the Oscar-winning Ryan's Daughter, and at around the same time he also worked with two 20th Century icons in Sinatra and Elvis.
Solow commissioned the comedy western, Dirty Dingus Magee, starring Sinatra. "I found Frank Sinatra to be a very pleasant and professional performer," said Solow. "Frank always turned up on time and knew exactly what he had to do, he didn't interfere and just got on with it."
Solow was called on next to produce the documentary Elvis: That's The Way It Is.
"Just like Sinatra, he was an absolute delight. He had stopped performing for a bit and the documentary showed him on the comeback trail and finally ended up with him performing in Las Vegas.
"Everybody loved Elvis - that's the way it was." (News, Source: BBC News)
Chart update: The Billboard chart listings for the week ending November 10, 2007:
Pop Catalogue Albums: ELV1S 30 #1 Hits #23
Country Catalogue Albums: ELV1S 30 #1 Hits #2
Country Catalogue Albums: Ultimate Gospel #22
Country Catalogue Albums: Elvis Christmas #13
Independent Albums: Home For The Holidays: 29
Holiday Albums: Elvis Christmas: #20
Holiday Albums: It's Christmas Time: #24
Holiday Albums: Home For The Holidays: 14
Music Video: Aloha From Hawaii #28
Music Video: '68 Comeback Chart: 24
Comprehensive Music Video: Aloha From Hawaii: #28
Comprehensive Music Video: '68 Comeback Special #24
Dropping of the chart is the "ELV1S 30 #1 Hits compilation from the Comprehensive Albums chart .
In Ireland the re-issue of "Viva Las Vegas" is a new entry at #31 on the Singles chart. On the Album chart "The King" drops from #87 to #94. (News, Source: Elvis International/Elvis News)
Marty Lacker clarifies the issue of Elvis & Robert Goulet: On 24 October we ran the following story about singer/actor Robert Goulet who sadly died a few days later.
Why Elvis really shot the TV set: The myth persists that Elvis shot the TV set after seeing Goulet because he felt the singer lacked emotional connection with the song. This was discounted when it was revealed Elvis was annoyed (really annoyed) at Goulet who tried to woo Elvis' girlfriend, Anita Wood, when Elvis was in the Army.
Goulet once claimed he and Elvis were friends. We asked Memphis Mafia member Marty Lacker for his view on the friendship. Marty told EIN:
"No, not really. If Goulet came back stage once or twice in Vegas, Elvis was always civil to him as he was with just about everyone who did. He never came back while I was there. Elvis had a dislike for Goulet from the very early years while he was in Germany when Goulet wrote something on the bottom of a letter that Anita Wood had mailed him, as I talk about in the book "Elvis Revelations of the Memphis Mafia" (written with Alanna Nash)." (News, Source: Marty Lacker)
Read EIN's archival news/interview item from 2004 about "Elvis and Robert Goulet"
New CD boxset with booklet & posters: Elvis Presley The Lowdown commemorates the short life but huge impact of Elvis on a 2 CD set, and features rare interviews - many previously unpublished - undertaken with the man himself throughout his career, and a full spoken word biography and audio celebration of Elvis's life.
Packaged with the collector in mind the set features two booklets with rare photos, two inner slipcases and two Elvis posters! Released by Video Music, Inc. last month. (News, Source: eBay/Amazon)
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Elvis #1 Hit Performances: Many thanks to Barry McLean for sending EIN this promo ad for the Sony BMG Elvis Hits DVD.
This collection of wonderful performances by the King of Rock 'n' Roll showcases 15 of his #1 US and UK hits. Culled from his TV guest appearances, movies, concert films and television specials - from 1956, the year his star ascended, to the 1970s when he reached the pinnacle of his career - this is Elvis at his best.
See Elvis perform "Heartbreak Hotel," his first gold record award winner, shortly after the single's release. Marvel at his Ed Sullivan Show performances of "Hound Dog" and (from the waist up only) "Don't Be Cruel." See the matinee idol croon one of his greatest love ballads, "Can't Help Falling in Love," and sing and dance in one of rock music's all-time greatest production numbers, "Jailhouse Rock." Experience Elvis in Las Vegas with an energetic delivery of "Suspicious Minds" and in Hawaii performing a version of "Burning Love" for a global television audience and many more from film and TV.
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First ever Elvis CD (boxset) on eBay: The legendary "Elvis The Legend" 3CD boxset is now on eBay. This was the first Elvis CD ever released. Only 5,000 copies were pressed worldwide and this one is #1616. There are 60 tracks on the set and each disc is a "gold" disc. (News, Source: eBay/Lagarde Arnaud)
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