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How many Army uniforms did Elvis have?: Elvis Matters recently published this interesting story:
Elvis must have been one of the best treated GI’s in the American history. This week, the Hard Rock Café Biloxi announced the re-opening on July 7, with Elvis’s army uniform on display. The uniform was found floating on the water, after hurricane Catherina had destroyed the casino.
Graceland claims to have two army uniforms, while a collector in Brussels says that he has “the one and only” army outfit of Elvis. To top things off, even the Pink Palace Museum in Memphis puts “the original” Elvis army uniform on display this summer (see picture). (News, Source: Elvis Matters) |
"It's Long Way To Graceland": Photographic Exhibition in Melbourne, Australia on 1 May 2007
Elvis comic strip update: Further to our story yesterday, Brian Quinn has avised EIN that the idea for an Elvis strip has proven to be an old idea and one that was dismissed by EPE. Thanks also to Pam Dyson who advised us that the comic strip story, which ran in this week's Commercial Appeal in a column called
Memphis Memories, was originally from 25 years ago: March 27, 1982. Maybe it is time for EPE to reconsider the concept? (News, Source: Brian Quinn/Pam Dyson)
New "Elvis Is Alive Museum" website: Bill Beeny had sent EIN this message: This email is to inform your viewers about our new web site pertaining to the museum. The address is,The Elvis Is Alive Museum.com. On this site I explain our reason the opening the museum,which has now operated for over seventeen years,there is no admission fee for seeing the museum.
Also on the web site each week we update our reasons why we believe that Elvis is alive. When you come to the museum we do not try to convince you that Elvis is alive, we simply show you our evidence and then you draw your own conclusions. The web site also informs Elvis fans about our books and other Elvis items. Have a new book just released,it is “An Elvis Encyclopedia”, it has 500 questions and answers concerning Elvis, the last 100 questions and answers concerning facts about Elvis being alive today. The book is $10.00 postage paid (In the US) or may be ordered through pay pal through the web site. (News, Source: Bill Beeny)
Pre-order "Hot Shots and Cool Clips Vol. 2" from Elvis Unlimited
Chart update: The U.S. Billboard Elvis Chart listings for the week ending April 7, 2007:
Comprehensive Albums - Ultimate Gospel - down 5 to #174
Top Pop Catalog Albums - Ultimate Gospel - up 1 to #18
Top Country Catalog Albums - Ultimate Gospel - remains at #3
Top Country Catalog Albums - Elvis 30 #1 Hits - down 4 to #14
Hot 100 Singles Sales - Heartbreak Hotel - down 9 to #44
Top Music Video - Elvis Lives - 25th Anniversary Concert - down 1 to #6
Top Comprehensive Music Video - 25th Anniversary Concert - down 1 to #6
No new entries this week, dropping off the charts include the "Elvis 68 Comeback Special" and "Aloha From Hawaii" from the Music Video and Comprehensive Music Video charts.
On the Dutch Free Record Shop Music DVD Top 20 volume 1 of "The Definitive Collection" remains steady at #12, "Elvis Lives" is steady at #13 while volume 1 of "The Definitive Collection" climbs one spot to #14. (News, Source: Elvis International Fan Club/Elvis News)
Bill E. Burk's Elvis World #83: EIN recently took a peek inside the latest issue of Bill Burk's long running quarterly magazine. From an informative article on the American Studio Sound Sessions to the deluge of Elvis products planned for the 30th anniversary and a photo article showing Elvis really is everywhere, we found "something for everybody". Take a tour of what is in the latest issue with EIN. (Magazine Review, Source: EIN) |
Tiger Man Vol. 6 released: Volume six in the Tiger Man - An Alternate Anthology" series has been released. This volume contains 27 alternate takes and rarities. The material on the previous releases was taken from other releases. (News, Source: Elvis News) |
New Fort Baxter CD rumored: According to a post by Keith Richards Jr. on the FECC board, the Fort Baxter group is working on a release in their Classic Series called "High Voltage". More details when they come to hand. (News, Source: FECC)
Plans for Elvis comic strip: Also on the FECC board, Brian Quinn has posted this interesting message:
Plans for an Elvis Presley comic strip are in the works, but, at least for now, there is a cloud of secrecy hanging over the comic strip. A few weeks ago, Bob Greene, a syndicated columnist for The Chicago Tribune, wrote a column detailing plans by the Presley estate to sell a comic strip about the late singer's life. It quoted Mack Webner, one of the estate attorneys, indicating the strip would focus on the positive in Presley's life and not problems such as drugs. Between then and now, Webner has changed his approach with the media. For what reason, no one will say. But his office staff admits he is not welcoming questions from the press. One Memphis attorney connected with the estate said officials believe publicity would not be helpful at this time. (News, Source: FECC)
Maureen Shaw dies: Bill Burk informs us:
"Sadly we received news this afternoon that Maureen Shaw, wife of London's Sid Shaw, died at 1:20 a.m., Tuesday, 27 March, at Watford Peace Hospice. Shaw has operated Elvisly Yours forever.
Maureen, who taught at Harlesden Primary School for 26 years, has been battling cancer for many years. And even though she was struggling to become victorious over the dreaded ailment, when I was diagnosed with two cancers in 2001, Maureen was right there to offer me advice on how to handle the battle.
It was thought she had won, but earlier this month it was learned her breast cancer had not only returned, but had spread considerably. Yesterday was Sid's birthday and, so like Maureen, even in deepest pain, she had sent out to get Sid a birthday present and it was delivered yesterday by her sister, Pat.
The following is direct from Sid to one and all:
Maureen will be cremated at Kensal Green Cemetery, Harrow Rd, London W10 on Thursday April 5th at 11am. The service will be non religious except the kaddish will be said by Martyn Dias (Elvis Shmelvis). There will be a Memorial Service for Maureen at Harlesden Primary School, Acton Lane, London NW10 at 1 pm where she worked for 26 years and counselled thousands of children, their parents and teachers.
Instead of flowers we are asking each person who attends the funeral to bring just one rose to place on the casket as they pay their last respects to Maureen at the end of the non religious service. Instead of a wreath or bouquet of flowers people can make a donation to the "Lynda Jackson Macmillan Centre" for cancer support. This is the "Elvisly Yours" designated charity since Maureen developed breast cancer in March 2000 and they have been very kind counselling Maureen ever since.
People who cannot attend the service can still send one rose and make a donation to the "Lynda Jackson Macmillan Centre":
Send a rose for Maureen to:
"In memory of Maureen"
Nethercott & Son Ltd
20 Aldenham Road
Herts WD7 7JL
Make a donation to Lynda Jackson Macmillan Centre: Send a cheque/money order made payable to Lynda Jackson Macmillan Centre:
Elvisly Yours
233 Baker Street
London NW1 6XE
Write on the back of the cheque or money order "In memory of Maureen"
For credit card donations go to: www.justgiving.com/in_memory_of_maureen
EIN extends its deepest symapthies to Sid on his very sad loss.
New Elvis Week Insiders Conference guests announced: New guests including the TCB Band have now been announced for the Official Elvis Insiders Conference. Ronnie Tutt, James Burton and Glen Hardin of the TCB Band will be guests on August 14 to answer questions from host Tom Brown. Also, Larry Geller and Nancy Rooks are confirmed as guests in the Merchandise and Memorabilia Showroom during Elvis Week. Tickets for the Elvis Insiders Conference and other Elvis Week events are on sale now. Admission to the showroom is included with your Elvis Insiders Conference ticket.
Insiders special guests confirmed so far for August 13: D.J. Fontana, Elvis' original drummer; Loanne Parker, former long-time RCA Records staff member who worked with Elvis, Colonel Parker and who later became Mrs. Parker; Dick Grob who handled security for Elvis; and Charles Stone who was part of the management for Elvis' concert tours. |
Special guests confirmed so far for August 14: Priscilla Presley former wife of Elvis Presley; Jerry Schilling close friend of Elvis' and author of the acclaimed 2006 memoir 'Me and a Guy Named Elvis'; James Burton, Glen D. Hardin and Ronnie Tutt from the TCB Band and Myrna Smith and Estelle Brown from The Sweet Inspirations.
Confirmed so far in the Merchandise & Memorabilia Showroom are: Rockabilly legend Wanda Jackson, who toured with Elvis early in both their careers; Larry Geller, Elvis' close friend and spiritual advisor; Nancy Rooks, who was a long-time member of Elvis' staff at Graceland; actress Darlene Tompkins who appeared in the movies Blue Hawaii and Fun in Acapulco; actress Cynthia Pepper who appeared in the movie Kissin' Cousins; actress Chris Noel who appeared in Girl Happy; dancer Tanya Lemani George who appeared in the 68 TV Special; singer/author Maxine Brown Russell, formerly part of the hit-making trio The Browns, with whom Elvis toured early in his career; and Elvis Insiders member Sandi Pichon Elvis fan and close friend of Elvis'; and June Juanico, who dated Elvis in 1955-57 during his rise to fame. More guests to be announced. Click here to see EIN's exclusives on Elvis Week 2006 and 2005. If you are in Australia or New Zealand make sure you don't miss out on these exciting ELVIS WEEK 2007 events and join the EIN exclusive Tour . Click here for information. - Click here to contact EIN (News, Source: EIN/EPE)
Let Elvis Presley Rest In Peace: Some other websites are publishing complete twaddle about the possibility of Elvis' body being exhumed. They report that "A suit filed in the Superior Court of Tennessee may permit the exhumation of the late King of Rock and Roll Elvis Presley. The suit has been filed anonymously by a couple in Germantown TN in order to see if that is Elvis who is buried in the Meditation Garden at Graceland. The couple has retained famed lawyer F. Lee Bailey to represent their case. The suit contends that the public may not have been told the truth due to the suspicious nature of the circumstances surrounding the death of one of the world's greatest entertainers."
This is ridiculous and vacuous news, since anyone can apply to a court for an 'exhumation order' however no court will allow it since Elvis Presley died on August 16th 1977, had a very public funeral and was seen interred by his family and friends. Elvis Presley rests in peace, as he so deserves.
In EIN's recent fascinating interview with author Patrick Lacy he noted - "As with the entire death hoax theory, “believers” offer up plenty of conjecture and speculation, but they do not offer substantive evidence. It is my position that there is not one shred of evidence to prove or even suggest that Elvis faked his death. As I write in the book, I’d be more than glad to consider any such evidence…if it is compelling, I’ll take a closer look…I’ll even change my mind if the evidence leads me to conclude that Elvis faked his death. But I doubt that evidence will be forthcoming.." Go here to EIN's Patrick Lacy interview for more detailed information as well as links to our Elvis conspiracy pages. (News, Source: EIN)
VIP Ticket Auction for 30th Anniversary Concert: Ten front-row VIP tickets for 'Elvis 30th Anniversary Concert' on August 16 will be auctioned off starting April 3. The ten front-row VIP tickets will include front row seats for the show, access to VIP reception room, opportunity to mingle with the cast in the reception room and a special gift package. In addition, only these 10 front-row auctioned seats will include access to the backstage hospitality room that will be home-base for the cast, production team, EPE management and corporate guests throughout the evening.
EIN Comment - We hoped that this auction would be for charity but it seems it is only for profit. Remember when Elvis had to buy his own Pearl Harbour benefit tickets, surely he would want the same to be happening now in his name? (News, Source: EIN/EPE)
Madison to release Huntsville 1975 Afternoon Show CD: In a strange coincidence (see below) the next release from Madison will be the May 31, 1975 afternoon show recorded from the soundboard in Huntsville, Alabama. Some performances from this show were previously released, but for the first time the show will be available unedited. The same label is also planning to release the afternoon show from the same city recorded from the soundboard on June 1, 1975. The latter was definitely one of the rare show from this tour where they started to record over one minute before the start of ''I Got A Woman/Amen'', and therefore one of the longest recorded performance from this tour. Several other projects are also being planned and no doubts fans will be pleased. (News, Source: FECC)
'Elvis - Across Country Vol.2' CD release: This soundboard compilation focuses on one of the five famous Huntsville, AL shows. From the May 31, 1975 8:30 PM performance Elvis was in great vocal condition and a good mood. The show contains many highlights including rocking versions of 'Burning Love' and 'T.R.O.U.B.L.E.' a rare 1975 performance of 'I Can't Stop Loving You' and a haunting late rendition of 'I'm Leavin'' just to name a few. FTD presented a similar concept with their 'Southern Nights' release. Unfortunately, as all other soundboards from May/June 1975 tour, this concert was not recorded in its entirety and the songs C. C. Rider, I Got A Woman/Amen, Love Me, If You Love Me (Let Me Know) and Love Me Tender were not recorded. To compensate for this material from 3 other unreleased soundboard recordings (surprisingly not Hurstville, nor 1975!) has been added as bonus tracks.
The complete Sweet Inspirations pre-program was recorded in Minneapolis, MN on October 17, 1976. The Sweets treat us to their trademark song 'Sweet Inspiration' and to a fine Stevie Wonder medley which was part of almost every 70s Elvis Presley Show. Elvis played his very first 1976 concert in Johnson City on March 17. The soundboard of this show was recorded in binaural stereo with James Burton's lead guitar separated to one track. Elvis was in fine voice and clearly excited to be on stage again with new musicians Shane Kiester and Larry Londin. This CD closes with three tracks from February 15, 1977 in Orlando, FL. This show, also recorded binaurally, had Tony Brown's piano separated to one track. With today's techniques, Elvis vocal was enhanced and brought up as the original recording had Elvis' vocal drowned deep in the mix. According to the press release, the result is surprisingly good!
This CD comes in a deluxe package with liner notes, a 16-page booklet and a collection of photographs taken in Huntsville on May 30 and 31, 1975 and additional shots from Johnson City March 17-19, 1976, and the October 1976 and February 1977 tours.
Tracklist: Minneapolis, Minnesota, 17.10.1976 (approx. running time 14:34)
01. Sweet Inspiration 02. Last Time I Saw Him 03. Introductions of the band and the Sweet Inspirations - 04. Stevie Wonder Medley ("Stevie Is A Wonder"/For Once In My Life / You've Got It Bad Girl / Superstition / You Are The Sunshine Of My Life / Living For The City / All In Love Is Fair / Higher Ground) 05. Closing Announcements.
Huntsville, Alabama, 31.05.1975 (8:30 P.M.) (approx. running time 49:52)
06. All Shook Up - 07. Teddy Bear / Don't Be Cruel - 08. The Wonder Of You - 09. Burning Love - 10. Band Intros - 11. Johnny B. Goode -12. Drums Solo (Ronnie Tutt) - 13. Bass Solo (Blues - Jerry Scheff) - 14.Piano Solo (Glen D. Hardin) - 15. School Day - 16. (*) I Can't Stop Loving You - 15. T.R.O.U.B.L.E. - 16. Hawaiian Wedding Song - 17. Let Me Be There (with reprise) - 18. Why Me Lord - 19. An American Trilogy - 20. Hound Dog - 21. Funny How Time Slips Away - 22. Little Darlin' - 23.(*) I'm Leavin' - 24. Can't Help Falling In Love - 25. Closing Vamp.
Johnson City, Tennessee, 17.03.1976 (approx. running time 05:22)
26. (**) What'd I Say - 27. (**)And I Love You So (with break) Orlando, Florida, 15.02.1977 (approx. running time 09:23) 28. If You Love Me (Let Me Know) - 29. You Gave Me A Mountain - 30. Help Me
Total CD running time: 79:10 * = previously released tracks. ** = binaural stereo recordings (News, Source: E-mail)
'EIN's Best of Elvis on YouTube' Weekly Update: Another ten great Elvis video clips added. Featuring a rare live 1976 version of 'Such A Night' on stage, two sensational versions of 'My Way', a cool 'Charro' edit, as well as Elvis' cousin Billy Smith showing guests around Graceland in the 1980s. And not forgetting Dolly Parton's take on Elvis and 'All Shook Up'. EIN presents over one hundred of Elvis' greatest video clips from the internet - what more could you want!? ('EIN's Elvis on YouTube', Source: EIN/YouTube) |
Dolly Parton tells how Elvis wanted to record her song 'I Will Always Love You':
Curvy country queen, Dolly Parton has revealed again, to Irish newpapers, how she told Elvis to keep his hands off her biggest hit! The buxom US superstar - who soon plays two sold-out Ulster concerts - knocked back advances from Elvis Presley's people to record one of her most famous songs, I Will Always Love You.
Dolly, who finishes a triumphant European tour at Belfast's Odyssey Arena on April 3, turned down the tempting offer, after discovering that she would have to sign over half of the publishing rights for the song. |
The big-hearted little lady from Smoky Mountain, Tennessee stood up to Presley's management and put the welfare of her family ahead of fame and fortune with Elvis. She remembered: "Elvis loved I Will Always Love You and wanted to record it. I got the word that he was going to record it and I was so excited." But her dream date with Elvis was abruptly cancelled after Presley's formidable manager, 'Colonel' Tom Parker demanded that she sign over 50% of the publishing royalties to them.
Said Dolly: "I was really quiet. I said, 'well, now it's already been a hit (for me). I wrote it and I've already published it. And this is the stuff I'm leaving for my family, when I'm dead and gone.
"'That money goes in for stuff for my brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews. So I can't give up half the publishing'. And he said, 'well then, we can't record it'."
More than 30 years later, Dolly's mixture of emotions about what could have been, is always on her mind.
Added the 61 year-old writer of more than 3,000 songs: "I cried all night. Other people were saying, 'you're nuts. It's Elvis Presley. I mean, hell, I'd give him all of it'.
"I said, 'I can't do that. Something in my heart says don't do that'. And I just didn't do it and they didn't do it.
"But I always wondered what it would sound like. I know he'd kill it. But anyway, so he didn't. Then, when Whitney (Houston's version) came out, I made enough money to buy Graceland!" she laughed.
Dolly's decision to retain complete ownership of that song turned out to be one the wisest moves she ever made. She has enjoyed major chart success with it three times, while Houston's version is the biggest selling single of all time by a female artist - earning Parton more than $$6m. In a strange twist of fate, Ulster audiences may be set to hear what a Parton/Presley duet of I Will Always Love You sounds like. For Dolly sang the song with an Elvis impersonator at a London gig last week! (News, Source: Sanja Meegin)
Elvis Items in 'Icons of Music' auction; An auction of rock memorabilia to benefit the Music Rising charity, features several Elvis items including a Memphis Federation of Musicians contract from 1955, a signed silk scarf, a concert ticket and thirty-six black and white original negatives from a 1972 Honolulu concert. Music Rising is a charity founded, with much support from the band U2's The Edge, to help in the purchasing of new instruments for the musicians of New Orleans affected by Hurricane Katrina. The live and online auction will be offering approximately 200 pieces of music memorabilia, much of which has been specifically donated for this cause.
For around US$4000 you can bid on an early contract for Elvis' performance at the B&B Club in Gobler, Missouri on April 8, 1955. It's signed by Elvis in green ink, however it is noted that it could be manager Bob Neal's penmanship. According to the contract, Elvis, Scotty, Bill and DJ would receive 75% of the admission money, but had to supply their own window cards announcing their appearance. (Photo right: Signed Elvis scarf for auction) |
For around US$2,500 you can also bid on 36 black and white original negatives from a 1972 Honolulu concert. Elvis is wearing his black Conquistador jumpsuit. Included with negatives are eight, 8½ x 11" black and white prints and eight, 4 x 6" black and white prints of the negatives.
Also in the collection is a red silk scarf (photo above) signed "Sincerely Elvis" and a concert ticket from September 1977. Highlights from the Icon's of Music auction will be previewed in special exhibits at:
Los Angeles: (March 27-29 @ The Beverly Hilton), Dublin, Ireland: (April 3-6 @ The Clarence Hotel) London: (April 11-13 @ The Hard Rock Cafe) New York: (April 16-20 @ The Hard Rock Café)
The Auction is being held April 21st at New York: Hard Rock Café, Broadway. The live and online auction, hosted by Ebay and Julien's Auctions (www.juliensauctions.com) will be offering approximately 200 pieces of music memorabilia, much of which has been specifically. (News, Source: EIN/Various)
'Roots Of Elvis Volume.2' CD release: The UK's Cherry Red/Rev-Ola label are issuing this new compile of Elvis' musical roots by other artists in April. It is interesting for featuring so few tracks actually recorded by Elvis.
The pre-release publicity states - "Always cause for speculation and sometimes unfounded rumour, Elvis Presley's early months with Sun Records and the brief, hazy period he spent performing on radio shows in Mississippi, Tennessee and Texas, have generated a substantial list of songs that he either never recorded commercially or have since been lost. In order to give the Elvis fan an idea of these mythical songs, this compilation endeavours to collate the original versions of these songs which inspired Elvis to try them out for Sam Phillips or to perform them for a radio or live audience in those long-lost days of the mid 1950s. Featuring Elvis' favourite Country artists from mighty Hank Snow and Eddy Arnold to lowly Fairley Holden and Billy Hughes along with a smattering of jump and R&B tracks, this compilation is as entertaining as it is thought-provoking; File it alongside Volume 1 for the whole picture on the formation of the world's brightest star."
Tracklist: The Delmore Brothers 'Blues Stay Away From Me' / Billy Hughes & His Buckaroos 'Take Your Hands Off Of It' / Fairley Holden & His Six Ice Cold Papas 'Keep Them Cold Icy Fingers Off Of Me' / Lefty Frizzell 'Always Late (With Your Kisses)' / Lefty Frizzell 'Give Me More, More, More (Of Your Kisses)' / Johnnie Lee Wills & His Boys 'Rag Mop' / Ivory Joe Hunter 'I Almost Lost My Mind' / Johnny & Jack 'Crying Heart Blues' / The Delmore Brothers 'Midnite Special' / Red Foley 'Tennessee Saturday Night' / Bob Wills & His Texas Playboys 'Sittin' On Top Of The World' / Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup 'Hey Mama, Everything's Alright' / Red Foley & Roberta Lee 'Night Train To Memphis' / Sheb Wooley 'Blue Guitar' / Johnny Tyler 'Okie Boogie' / Hank Snow & His Rainbow Ranch Boys 'It Don't Hurt Anymore' / Eddy Arnold 'I Really Don't Want To Know' / Red Foley, Ernest Tubb & Minnie Pearl 'Love Bug Itch' / Terry Preston (Ferlin Husky) 'Gone' / Bill Monroe & His Blue Grass Boys 'Uncle Pen' / Bob Wills & His Texas Playboys 'Milk Cow Blues' / The Lone Star Cowboys 'Just Because' / Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup 'Hand Me Down My Walkin' Cane' / Buddy & Bob 'Down The Line' / Sonny Fisher & His Rockin' Boys 'Rockin' Daddy' / Charlie Feathers 'We're Gettin' Closer To Being Apart' / Pee Wee King & His Golden West Cowboys 'Tennessee Dancin' Doll' / Chuck Miller 'Lookout Mountain' / Eddie Riff 'Ain't That Lovin' You, Baby' - (News, Source: EIN/Various)
White Stripes frontman Jack White to appear as Elvis?: In a weird, ill-fitting bit of stunt casting IESB is reporting that White Stripes frontman Jack White will show up in John C. Reilly's music biopic parody movie 'Walk Hard' as Elvis Presley. Now I realize that it's the secret desire of every celebrity and pseudo celebrity to dress up and pretend to be Elvis, but if there's a guy who has less in common with Elvis than Jack White I can't think of anyone. For one thing, Jack is actually talented... I mean beyond being able to slick back his hair, snarl his lip, and swivel his hips. For instance Jack actually writes music, instead of hiding in the bushes outside bars stealing it from black people. He also looks nothing like him as shown in the image right. I'm not sure if you've noticed this, but Jack is a stocky, round-faced fellow. Jack's age Elvis was tall, lanky, and dead sexy. But, hey if Kurt Russell can play Elvis, so can Jack White. (News, Source: EIN/Various) |
Elvis' Army Uniform Rescued From the Mississippi: Elvis' army uniform will be back on display at the Hard Rock Biloxi when it re-opens on July 7 2007. The casino barge was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina and Elvis' army uniform was found floating on a mannequin in the Mississippi Sound.When the casino re-opens, Elvis' suit, along with other memorabilia such as guitars belonging to B B King, Kiss and Johnny Cash, will be back on display along with a special tribute to James Brown. (News, Source: Elvis.co.uk)
Elvis exhibition in EC: A lot of rare and personal belongings of Elvis will been shown at the Queen Elisabethbethhall in Antwerp Belgium on the 9th of june 2007 and at the 10th of june at 'de Kunstmin' Dordrecht in Holland.
It will be a real treat to the fans to see all the memorabilia, it's an unique exhibition with for example the black guitar which Elvis bought in 1959 during his service in Germany.
Ticketline: 0900 00311 for Belgium
.+ 31594518265 for The Netherlands.
Elvis comes alive at Little Graceland: Little Graceland may be more than 1,000 miles from Memphis, Tenn., but at this shrine and museum in Los Fresnos, Elvis Presley has not left the building.
"When I retired in '93, I decided I was going to do something for Elvis. Something to keep his name and music going," said Simon Vega, the 72-year-old proprietor and curator of a collection of Elvis memorabilia in the attic above his home.
Vega's interest in the rock 'n' roll king began around 1955, when he purchased his first Elvis records. Three years later, as a draftee in basic training at Fort Hood, Vega recognized another draftee as the face on the album covers.
"I never really got to talk to him much at Fort Hood," Vega said. "During basic training you don't have a lot of time for talking."
After training, Presley and Vega were shipped to Germany. Until the singer moved off base, he and Vega lived in the same barracks.
"There were five or six of us that hung out together," Vega said. "We all became pretty good friends."
The centerpiece of Vega's collection of record albums and trinkets with Presley's familiar portrait are several grainy, black-and-white photographs of the two. "I would have to say that those are my most cherished possessions," Vega said. "They're priceless."
A few months before Presley, Vega and their Army buddies were to be discharged, Vega said Presley offered him a job. "I had a new wife at home and just didn't see how I could support her by being a roadie for Elvis," Vega said. Two other Army cohorts, Charlie Hodges and Joe Esposito, did go to work for Presley and were at Graceland when he died on Aug. 16, 1977.
After the Army, Vega returned to Texas, went to college and settled down to teach school and raise a family. When Elvis died, Vega said he was devastated. That's when he began collecting anything with a connection to his friend. Vega doesn't know how many pieces of Elvis memorabilia are in the glass cases that line the walls, probably 1,000 or more. He has a bottle of "Love Me Tender" shampoo, Elvis key chains, playing cards, dolls, pocketknives, neckties and a set of Elvis Presley collector plates.
As the collection grew, word of Little Graceland spread. Vacationers and winter Texans heading to Port Isabel and South Padre Island were enticed to stop by the replica of the gates of Graceland in front of Vega's house. Presley was a special person and unique entertainer, Vega said. He exuded charisma on his records, and in person you could feel the electricity of his personality. "Once you got to know him, Elvis was a really good guy, but he was never an ordinary guy. Elvis liked to see people happy. That's part of why he sang and entertained the people."
Vega estimates 50 visitors stop by his museum during an average week. "From the oldest to youngest, everybody still knows who Elvis was."
Soon after Vega retired from teaching, he began holding tribute festivals on the weekends closest to the anniversaries of Presley's birth (Jan. 8) and death. Then he met Danny Lee, an Elvis impersonator from Corpus Christi. The two, along with the help of the city, have ratcheted up the festivals every year since they began. The festivals are "not a competition just good fun, and that's what Elvis would have wanted."
Vega opens the gates to Little Graceland, on the western edge of Los Fresnos on Texas 100, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesdays through Sundays. For an appointment, call him at 956-233-5482. There is no admission fee, but there is a box available for donations. (News, Source: It's Elvis time/UEPS)
Chart Update: The "Elvis Lives" DVD drops one spot to #4 on the UK Music DVD Top 10 in it's 4th week on the chart. (News, Source: BBC Top 40 /Elvis News)
Tupelo Elvis Festival Poster released: This is the great poster designed by world famous Elvis sketch artist, Betty Harper, for the 2007 Elvis Festival in Tupelo.
Betty tells EIN there will be a month long exhibit of 37 pieces of Elvis art at the Gum Tree Museum of Art in Tupelo, May 25th - June 29th. Posters are on sale through the Tupelo Elvis committee. (News, Source: Betty Harper)
View larger image of poster
Read EIN's interview with Betty Harper |
Las Vegas August 1975 Revisited: A new import double CD set has been announced. The set, containing two - previously released - remastered concerts from August 1975, comes as a deluxe gate fold set with a 20 pages booklet.
Here is the "press release":
"After a highly successful tour in July, Elvis was booked for 2 weeks in Vegas, starting on the night of august 18. That opening night was followed by only two more nights and four performances. known among fans as the "Request Box Shows".
On the night of August 20 Elvis left the Vegas Hilton in a hurry, and was flown back to Memphis. Luckily a fan from Japan recorded several of these shows on portable Sony equipment, resulting in excellent sounding tapes. They were released, in part, on both Bilko and Live Archives releases. In May the Southern Comfort label will release two complete shows plus additional songs on a deluxe gate fold double CD set remastered from the original 32 year old tapes. A 20 pages photo booklet will be included with the two CDs. (News, Source: Elvis News)
Michael Bublé covers another Elvis classic: On previous releases he covered the songs "Fever" and "Can't Help Falling in Love", and for his new album he recorded "Always On My Mind". His new album, "Call Me Irresponsible", is set for worldwide release May 1, 2007. The CD is a mix of originals and new material. (News, Source: Elvis News)
James Burton International Guitar Festival To Announce Lineup: Press release from the James Burton International Guitar Festival:
On Thursday, March 1, 2007 at 10:30 a.m. James Burton and representatives of the James Burton International Guitar Festival will hold a press conference at Municipal Auditorium to announce the 2007 featured entertainers for the 2nd James Burton International Guitar Festival. The festival kicks off Friday, March 30th at 6 p.m. with the Party on the Plaza in Festival Plaza featuring local and regional talent. Gates open at 5 pm and the party continues to midnight. The Party continues Saturday, March 31st in Festival Plaza with the 2nd Guitar Showdown, a guitar competition hosted in conjunction with Tipitina’s Shreveport Music Coop, beginning at 11 a.m. Music continues until 5 p.m. Admission is $3.00 both days.
The signature event of the James Burton International Guitar Festival, the James Burton & Friends Concert at Municipal Auditorium is slated for 7 p.m. on Saturday, March 31st. Doors open at 6 p.m. Tickets, now on sale at www.jamesburtonmusic.com, range from $25 to $100. Fifteen special guests will join James Burton on stage to raise money for the James Burton Kids R Rockin program. The James Burton Foundation donated 600 guitars and a year-long specialized guitar training program to 600 students in 23 Caddo Parish Schools in 2006. The finale of the 2007 event will feature those 600 students in concert with James Burton and a surprise special guest on Sunday, April 1, 2007 at 2 p.m. at the Municipal Auditorium. Tickets for the Kids R Rockin Concert are $10 at the door. |
Join us on the steps of the historic Municipal Auditorium at 10:30 a.m. for this exciting announcement. For more information, visit www.jamesburtonmusic.com. (News, Source: EPE)
Visitors to James Burton Guitar Fest in for treat: Visitors of the James Burton Guitar Fest in Shreveport Louisiana next weekend, are in for a treat. One of the eye catchers on stage is Steven Seagal. In Europe, Steven may be best known for his acting work, but in the States he is a recording artists and an excellent guitar player. Another special event on stage during the Festival, is the Family Jam, with James and his son Jeff, and his grand children. And on Sunday, over 600 kids, who all got a guitar from the James Burton Foundation, will play together for the first time. (News, Source: Elvis Matters)
Charity Event & Auction during Elvis Week 2007: Collector’s are invited to attend the Elvis Presley Memorial Dinner Charity Event at the Peabody on August 13, 2007. There will be an auction from 3:30-5:30 followed by dinner which will be served at 7 PM in the grand ballroom. Special guests will be The Jordanaires, Jerry Schilling (picture), George Klein, Linda Thompson, Sam Thompson, Millie Kirkham, Joe Esposito, Dick Grob, Dr. Nichopolous along with his son Dean, Kim Davis Harmon, Joe Guercio , Larry Geller and others. Cost of the evening is $75.00. (News, Source: Elvis Matters) |
"All Shook Up" stage musical closes run??: All Shook Up," a musical based on the songs of Elvis Presley, will not be coming to Birmingham, Alabama as announced earlier by the Birmingham Broadway Series.
The show is no longer touring as part of the 2007-2008, and all engagements have been canceled, said Glenda Kennedy, executive director of the series. No replacement has been named for the show, which was one of the season extras along with "Ring of Fire," a musical featuring the work of Johnny Cash. (News, Source: The Birmingham News)
Elvis 50’s Concert Film with Sound in Post Production "update": On 22 March EIN broke the news of this upcoming release.
As a result of our story there was been a flurry of activity on other Elvis websites with a number of sites contacting Joseph Pirzada for comment, and more than 150 postings have been published about our story on the Elvis messageboards. From what EIN was originally told (and subsequently verified), many of the subsequent news items and board postings are misinformed.
The most interesting messageboard posting was made by TheKingStillRocks (on FECC). He stated:
"It has to be the amateur filmed footage, one which I missed out on last year. I tried to buy it but it was sold extremely fast. It has been part of a collection from an Elvis fan in Lubbock, TX since the early days. He had a large collection of 1950 footage, with some very rare performances. His first filming was at the Fair Park Auditorium, hometown Lubbock. 2 performances and Tupelo
The 56 footage: Forth Worth, Shreveport, Richmond Norfolk, Lubbock, El Paso, New Orleans, Tupelo, San Antonio.
1957: Tupelo, San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles.
Also footage Elvis eating somewhere with reporters and driving off etc. Some have sound which is very rare in those days.
His grandson did put it on eBay last year and they were approached within 10 minutes. He didn’t reveal the amount but it was a great deal as he said it. He mentioned that the buyer said that he was thinking of using a part ot it for a DVD. There are not too much people with that much money and releasing possibilities. I tried to buy some the collection, asked what is was but he said that he had a buyer already, it it wouldn’t come through he would get back to me. He had also a lot of photos and souvenirs and the ticket stubs. I think that some of this will be on the release….
Anyway a very nice idea indeed a tour DVD from the 50’s well in this way I get it much cheaper. Let’s hope I’m right!" (News, Source: TheKingStillRocks on FECC board)
Judge hears dispute over macabre collection of Elvis memorabilia: Who owns Dr Nick's things? The "Dr. Nick" collection which is temporarily padlocked inside a Nevada airport hangar includes a stuffed dog, a desk carved by Elvis' Uncle Vester, a .38 Smith & Wesson, the laryngeal scope used to examine the King's throat, and the official red strobe light issued to Dr. Nick in case he needed to race to Graceland for an emergency.
Read this unusual story (News, Source: Philadelphia Inquirer) |
Thomas Kincade's artwork: "Graceland 50th Anniversary"
(News, Source: Dawson & Jean Brown)
Visit Graceland with EIN in August 2007 and possibly WIN a great Elvis Prize Pack consisting of Elvis CDs, DVDs, books and more.
Open to all Australian and New Zealand fans who place their deposit for our "Ultimate Elvis Week 2007 Tour" by 27 March 2007 |
Aussie female ETA has US critics "all shook up": She is the Elvis Presley impersonator who has critics in the US all shook up. Sydney singer Jacqueline Feilich is the only Australian competitor - and one of a handful of women - to make the second round of an official Elvis impersonator competition being held for the first time by Elvis Presley Enterprises.
The owners of the giant Elvis corporation usually snub impersonators. This is the first time they've embraced international Elvis performers.
Feilich is among 72 competitors chosen for the Elvis competition - there are about 250,000 Elvis impersonators worldwide - and will travel to Tupelo, Mississippi, in June to strut her stuff.
"This is the first time they've paid any attention to tribute artists," Feilich said. "Now they're really going hard with this - promoting it left, right and centre - saying the winner will be named the ultimate Elvis tribute artist."
The 36-year-old gemologist has been copying Elvis since she was three. After 10 years of building up a profile under her performance name She is the King, she works as a full-time Elvis impersonator.
"I'm obsessed [with Elvis]," she said.
Feilich sent a digital audition to Elvis Presley Enterprises late last year. She waited three months to hear if she was successful, such was the demand for auditions. (News, Source: Sydney Morning Herald) |
Elvis owned guitar relisted for auction: For the third time in a short period, a guitar that once was played by Elvis, is up for auction. This instrument can be seen as the most reliable of the latest offers. Auction gallery Heritage from Dallas is putting up a 'Entertainment' auction with numerous celebrity items. There will be a whole range of Elvis items with the guitar as the masterpiece.
Presley used this guitar in 1962 for the movies 'Follow That Dream' and 'Kid Galahad'. After the shooting of 'Kid Galahad', he donated the guitar to prop master Ralph Agone who treasured the item for the rest of his life.
After Ralph passed away, the guitar was donated to his son, who was also a big Elvis fan. Agone Jr's life ende prematurely and his widow decided to donate the instrument to the 'Warner Bros Movie Museum'. Because if this important auction and also for the 30-years after, the widow wanted to make the guitar 'available for the Elvis fans'. Estimated price is starting at $40.000. (News, Source: Elvis Matters) |
TV Land Myths & Legends: Elvis Presley: Based on the popularity of season one of TV Land Myths & Legends, this half-hour special coincides with TV Land's month-long salute to Elvis Presley . Thirty years after his death, TV Land takes an in- depth look at some of the most popularly held notions about the "King of Rock and Roll" and dissects them to separate fact from fiction. Airdate: August 16, 2007 (in USA). (News, Source: The Futon Critic)

Elvis 1956 Bendable Key Chain (available from ShopElvis) (News, Source: Charmaine Voisine)
Kathy Westmoreland & The TCB Band in Denmark: including James Burton (Guitar), Ronnie Tutt (Drums), Glen D. Hardin (Piano) and Jerry Scheff (Bass) will be performing a Rock’n’Roll show with their Scandinavian friends plus Maarten Jansen from Holland.
The singers from Denmark will be Steen Jørgensen (lead singer in the very successful Danish band Sort Sol), Bobo Moreno and Lasse Helner (who recently released an album recorded in Memphis and Nashville with The Memphis Boys).
Beside the TCB Band and the singers, the great Soprano Kathy Westmoreland will also be at the show. Kathy performed with Elvis on stage and in the studio in the 1970's. The shows will take place in three different cities.
April 6 in Svendborg, Denmark (Tickets can be ordered at Fynsbilletten +45 7554 2081)
With Lasse Helner, Steen Jørgensen & Maarten Jansen
April 7 in Randers, Denmark (Tickets can be ordered at Værket in Randers +45 8913 5110) With Lasse Helner, Steen Jørgensen & Maarten Jansen
April 9 in Uddevalla, Sweden (Tickets can be ordered at Uddevalla Turistbyrå +46 522 99720 or at info@uddevalla.com) With Stephen Ackles & Maarten Jansen
The tickets prices are between 329.- Dkk. and 349.- Dkk. (News, Source: Elvis Unlimited / Its Elvis Time/ UEPS/ Freia Roos)
ETA makes history at Graceland: For the first time in history Graceland has endorsed and approved an Elvis Tribute Artist to participate in one of their licensed events. The event occurred yesterday in Memphis.
Out of thousands of Elvis singers, David Crews was honored and selected to actually perform 4 songs in front of Jack Soden, President of EPE and EPE Executive Staff and guests at the American Diabetes Gala Event and Auction. He was dressed in a 68 Comeback Special Leather outfit at Graceland's request to reflect their emphasis in 2007 of the 68 Comeback Special.
Never before has Graceland ever endorsed an Elvis Tribute Artist for a licensed EPE event according to Jack Soden, President and we are thrilled to announce that they have selected him. He will be riding into the event itself through the building into the ballroom on the back of a Harley Davidson motorcycle !
In 1999, David did a cameo appearance in a Showtime Movie but for Graceland's policy was not allowed past the gates of Graceland for filming and filming had to be done outside the gates of Graceland.
David and his 12 piece show band, The EP Express Band, will be hosting a $300.00 a head fundraiser special Harley Davidson, American Diabetes and Graceland sponsored/licensed event April 21st on the rooftop of the Gibson downtown Memphis.
There are many great Elvis Tribute Artists out there and believe us David is truly grateful for this unique opportunity. For more information visit: www.elvisentertainmentofmphs.com (Almost Elvis, Source: David Crews)
Altercation at UK Elvis event leads to suspended sentence and community service: An Elvis lookalike got drunk and attacked four people at a convention for Presley fans, a court has heard.
Justin Phillips, 34, attacked a doorman and three Elvis fans when he was refused entry at the event in Porthcawl, south Wales, last September. Phillips, of Nantyffyllon near Bridgend, bit a woman's arm and "gouged at" two men's eyes after drinking heavily, Cardiff Crown Court was told.
He received 150 hours community service and an eight-month suspended sentence.
The court heard Phillips had been drinking at the seaside resort's Brentwood Hotel, decked out for the occasion as the Heartbreak Hotel.
He left the convention - the UK's biggest annual tribute to the King - believing the festivities were over, but heard the Presley tribute band struck up again. He tried to get back in, but was refused entry. The court was told a doorman and three Elvis fans stopped him because he was "too drunk". Prosecutor Richard Evans said: "He became abusive and aggressive towards staff and other Elvis fans.
"One woman became involved and he bit fiercely into her arm. Two men attending the convention tried to make him calm down but he gouged at their eyes with his fingertips."
Phillips admitted assault, wounding and inflicting actual bodily harm.Judge Christopher Llewellyn-Jones gave him an eight-month suspended prison sentence and 150 hours community service. Robert Hawkins, defending, said: "He is deeply remorseful and ashamed of himself."
(Odd Spot, Source: BBC News)
"Elvis and Kathy" (Book Review): One of the most sought after Elvis books ever written is Kathy Westmoreland's "Elvis and Kathy". With copies selling on eBay for up to US$500.00, and book dealers listing it at prices as high as $999.00, this is one book many fans want.
Susan MacDougall recently delved inside the Westmoreland memoir. She discovered that Kathy loved Elvis deeply and went through emotional traumas adjusting to being only one of the many women in his life. She was determined not to be just another victim and came out the stronger for it.
Read Susan's detailed review of a touching and informative book.
(Book Review, Source: EIN) |
"Good Rockin' Tonight" CD: The French limited edition 19-track compilation "Good Rockin Tonight" album will be released in Japan April 11, 2007. It contains the early work of Elvis Presley, recorded between 1954 and 1956 including, "That's All Right", "Mystery Train", "Baby Let's Play House" and 11 bonus tracks. The audio has been remastered in high definition 24-Bit. The set is presented in a sealed card sleeve with unique 'vinyl-look' disc.
Content: I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine - That's All Right - Blue Moon Of Kentucky - Baby Let's Play House - I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone - Milkcow Blues Boogie - You're A Heartbreaker - Harbor Lights - I Love You Because - Blue Moon - Tomorrow Night - I'll Never Let You Go (Little Darlin') - I Forgot To Remember To Forget - Mystery Train - Trying To Get To You - When It Rains It Really Pours - I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone (Slow Version) - Heartbreak Hotel (News, Source: Elvis News) |
Classic Rockabilly compilation CD: Due for release on April 6, 2007 on the Proper label is the compilation "Classic Rockabilly".
Synopsis: Hearing Elvis Presley perform his brand of rockabilly on record influenced a whole host of other artists who would soon emulate him, many are included here. It features 120 classic rockabilly tracks, performed by artists ranging from its leading exponents to the most obscure performers of the genre in all its glory and formats. This set is compiled and annotated by acknowledged expert Adam Komorowski. (News, Source: Amazon.co.uk/Elvis News) |
Elvis ballet ties 50s issues to today: Whether you know about carhops, sock hops and pedal pushers, Ballet San Jose has a treat for you. The drive-in waitresses, capri pants and teenage dance parties in Dennis Nahat's sweetly nostalgic "Blue Suede Shoes" are all part of this 1996 love letter to Elvis Presley, a tribute to the '50s.
Maybe Nahat's backward look is overly romantic, but the show, with dozens of sharp costumes and psychedelic sets (by Bob Mackie), is terrific. Blue Suede Shoes will play, with Twyla Tharp's playful "Baker's Dozen," at San Jose's Center for the Performing Arts through Sunday.
From the hundreds of Elvis songs- he recorded 150 albums and singles during his 25-year career - Nahat gathered about 30 and shaped them around a narrative about three buddies, splendidly danced by Ramon Moreno as the nerd Arthur, the big jumping Preston Dugger as Raymond, and blond heartthrob Peter Hershey as Johnny. They fall in love; they compete, and finally part on their way to adulthood. For our three heroes, as it did for Presley, this meant first responding to Uncle Sam. The scenes in the military are among the show's most hilarious and the most poignant.
When this joyous ballet-musical premiered 10 years ago, joining the service was simply a career option. Vietnam was history. Today, seeing a mother (Karen Gabay) kissing her son (Moreno) goodbye, a young soldier (Hershey) catch his fiancee (Maria Jacobs) with another man (Rudy Candia), and a veteran (Dugger) lose his way in civilian life resonate with discomforting familiarity.
Not the least of this splendid entertainment are the beautifully mastered recordings of such hits as "Love Me Tender," "Tutti Frutti," "Jailhouse Rock" and, of course, "Blue Suede Shoes." But the audience also walks away with fresh appreciation of Presley's complex gifts. He could rock better than most, but he also was a balladeer ("Wooden Heart," "Love Me Tender") of uncommon talent and taste. He would skirt schmaltz, but didn't step in it.
Nahat's choreography is inspired right up to the finale. In "The American Dream," the characters return as tinsel versions of themselves. But this tongue-in-cheek vision of a sunny future remains a pedestrian affair, essentially a series of extended curtain calls.
Until that moment, "Blue" moves at a wonderfully clipped pace with choreography that is equally inspired by sentiment and humor. Having the inductees getting their shots in the you-know-where was as perfectly timed as the more somber marching sequences. The contrast between the raucous hot-dog party and the wistfulness of the subsequent graduation must have rung bells in the memory of those in the audience who couldn't help but bob their heads to Elvis' infectious beat.
Nahat often choreographed the ensemble numbers like backup singers in which center stage is given over to the stars. And what stars they were. None sexier than Catharine Grow's Sally, whose leg reached into the stratosphere and whose ponytail whipped away unwelcome suitors with the swivel of a neck. And who would have thought that Daniel Gwatkin, who can sometimes look so stolid, could create such a convincing "Boss Man" as a third-rate, sleazy Elvis impersonator. In the teeniest costumes, high-kicking sassy carhops Yui Yonezawa and Mirai Noda looked as if they had stepped out of the Playboy mansion.
Nahat's noblest moment came in "Highways and Lonely Heart," in which his three soldiers are beset by depression and fear. He sequenced six songs into a tight unit so that Moreno mourns his mother's death as Hershey contemplates his fiancee's returned ring and Dugger ends up unjustly accused of murder. This is tight dramatic structure used to excellent effect.
The King would have approved.
This most enjoyable program opened with another less splashy gem. The fusion of jazz, ballet, social and modern dance that Tharp pioneered in the '70s - and "Baker's Dozen" was her first extended essay in this new genre - does not look as revolutionary as it did in 1979. However, the casual elegance of those relaxed shoulders and lickety-split footwork feel as fresh and natural as ever. With staging by former Tharp dancer Shelley Washington, Ballet San Jose's dancers looked as if the company premiere of these duets, solos and small ensemble numbers had been created specifically for them. (Review, San Jose Mercury News)
Read EIN's review of the superb Elvis ballet, Blue Suede Shoes
Chart update: The "Essential Elvis Presley" compilation CD has now completed its run in the Australian top 100 ARIA Album Chart. In total the album was on the chart for 7 weeks reaching a high of #33. Weekly chart placings were; 48, 39, 38, 33, 38, 58, 95. The album is currently outside the top 100 at #126 after being #118 last week.
After one week "Elvis Lives" fell from the Danish Music DVD Top 10. (News, Source: Elvis Australia/Elvis News)
Kincade painting of Graceland unveiled: 50 years ago, on March 19, 1957, Elvis paid his $1000 deposit to buy Graceland. On Friday March 23, 2007 Thomas Kinkade's commemorative painting of Elvis’ mansion was unveiled at 10am on the Graceland front lawn, with Priscilla Presley in attendance.
Tickets for the unveiling were priced at $250.
Artist Thomas Kinkade visited Graceland last September to work on the painting "Elvis Presley created rock and roll and changed music forever.” He told the press on his visit. “Graceland was his refuge from the demands of his fame. My hope is that I will capture on canvas a bit of the home that he loved so much." |
Kinkade's oil painting, "Graceland, 50th Anniversary," takes artistic license, using a telescoping perspective that shrinks the sweeping lawn in order to focus attention on the home. Instead of Elvis' famous pink Cadillac, Kinkade chose a shade of green for the car, because, "I just felt like we needed a color accent that was a little different," he says.
Kinkade incorporated his signature warm glowing lights in the windows of Graceland with late afternoon sunlight streaming through the trees and across the lawn. He also "thinned the trees" on the lawn to keep the focus on the home as a symbol of Elvis.
"I truly believe we have an opportunity with this painting to commemorate an American icon," the artist says. "That home was a dream for a lot of people -- a vision of the good life. And the home, 50 years later, is a kind of lasting emblem of the legacy of Elvis."
For Kinkade, 49, Graceland and many of his other subjects have represented refuge from harsh realities. His parents separated when he was 5, and Kinkade says he grew up poor. (News, Source: Commercial Appeal/Amber Smith)
Australian fans can now register for "Elvis" special on ABC's 'The Einstein Factor': Last week we received news from ABC TV that on 2 May 2007 they will be filming a special "All Elvis" episode of the popular "The Einstein Factor" quiz show. The ABC is looking for avid fans who who who know all about his life and music. In particular, the ABC is seeking fans who nominate a specific period or aspect of Elvis' life, eg. movies; live performing; hit singles etc.
The show (which screens at 6.30pm on Sunday evenings) is to air coinciding with the 30th anniversary of Elvis' death. To register interest in being one of the contestants go to ABC TV/Einstein Factor and fill in the application form ("Be a contestant"), noting your interest in the Elvis special. The ABC wishes to select the contestants in the next week or so. (News, Source: ABC TV)
"In The Ghetto" featured as "universal song": Dolores O’Riordan (right) recorded two live performances this week in France, one for TV show Taratata and the other for RTL2 radio show “Zacoustics by Zegut.”
Dolores performed two songs for the Taratata taping:
- Ordinary Day
- In the Ghetto (Elvis Presley)
Dolores appeared with a black T-shirt and jeans and played guitar on “Ordinary Day.” Artists are usually asked to perform one cover song for the show.
During a short interview in between songs with the show’s host, Nagui, Dolores explained, “I picked this song because, beside the fact that it’s a great Elvis song, it’s a universal song, since there’s lots of people in the world living in extreme poverty conditions.” (News, Source: Zombieguide News) |
WHO: Priscilla Presley.
WHAT: Priscilla Presley will guest host Elvis Radio live from Graceland commemorating the 50th anniversary purchase of Elvis’ home.
WHEN: Friday, March 23, at 3 pm ET.
WHERE: Elvis Radio, SIRIUS channel 13. (News, Source: EPE)
Breaking News!!!!!
Memphis Recording Service Sets to Be Released
Australia Wide and
**Elvis 50’s Concert Film with Sound in Post Production** The Memphis Recording Service Vol 1 & 2 sets are being released Australia wide in all good CD stores on the April 9th.
Sources close to the UK based Memphis Recording Service label tell us that Joseph Pirzada is currently finishing off his latest project that will bring for the first time ever, unreleased Elvis footage in Concert from the 1950’ with original sound. To date, the only live 50’s performance footage with sound we know are from the TV shows. The release will also include an unreleased interview with Elvis from 1957 and live audio music. More details to follow…
New Sony-BMG CD releases announced in Germany: Two new CD titles have been announced by BMG Germany. Due for release May 4, 2007 are "Elvis Presley - Hit Collection - Edition" and the 2 CD set "Elvis Presley - The Early Years". (News, Source: Collectors Service /Elvis News)
Audiobook edition of "Careless Love" in Germany: Here is the cover of the German audio book edition of "Careless Love - Die Elvis Presley Biographie (1958 - 1977)" which is due for release July 2007. (News, Source: Elvis Club Berlin /Elvis News) |
Cover artwork "Elvis Duets": Here is the cover art of the upcoming import CD "Duets" which is due for release April 3, 2007. This compilation will contain every duet Elvis recorded during his career through studio, movie, home and live recordings.
Elvis recorded duets with other famous singers like Frank Sinatra, Ann-Margret, Juliet Prowse, Nancy Sinatra and others. Beside those with others stars did he also record some with less known singers and even with some of his own backup singers. As a special bonus will this release also feature a newly re-mastered soundboard version of the very touching duet with Lisa Marie Presley on "Don't Cry Daddy". See full tracklisting (News, Source: Elvis News) |
"Images of Elvis" reissue in EC/Germany: This is the cover art of the "Images Of Elvis" book which is due for release by Parragon on May 1, 2007. The book holds 224 pages (ISBN 1405490691). (News, Source: Elvis Club Berlin/Elvis News) |
Cover artwork "Elvis in Nederland": Here is the cover artwork for the re-issue of this book which is due out next month.
Originally published in 1997 and written by Dutch author Rob van Scheers. For his book, the writer interviewed Dutch celebrities with an Elvis link, such as Junkie XL, Ellen ten Damme, Jan Cremer, Monique van de Ven, André Hazes, Andy Tielman, Connie Palmen, and Hans van Manen. The book comes with 288 full color pages, and a bonus CD with Dutch artists paying tribute to Elvis: Bob Fosko, Bennie Jolink, Vincent Bijlo, Bluegrass Boogiemen, Erwin Nijhoff, Roosbeef, JW Roy, Denise Jannah, Thom Hoffman and the Bintangs. (News, Source: Elvis Matters)
Read EIN's interview with JunkieXL |
EIN's biggest daily update in 2007.......20 items added today!
Patrick Lacy talks to EIN: In a fascinating interview, Patrick Lacy tells EIN how he went about researching his book, Elvis Decoded, why he had to leave out various pieces of information, and addresses a wide range of controversial issues including (the):
- Elvis is alive theory
- alleged uncashed $1m insurance policy
- Bill Beeny DNA evidence
- Dr Donald Hinton
- Sari Johansen (the other Lisa Marie Presley)
- Billy Miller
- Forest Hill Cemetery break-in
- Lucy de Barbin's alleged love affair with Elvis
- Dick Grob's "The Elvis Conspiracy"
- Paul Terry King
Anyone serious about properly understanding the many controversial theories, myths and misinformation in the Elvis world needs to consider the more than ten yeasrs of research Patrick undertook in writing Elvis Decoded. Join EIN as Patrick takes us on a fascinating journey behind the facade of an unusual, but potent, part of the Elvis World mosaic. (Interview/Conspiracy, Source: EIN)

"Elvis A Legendary Performer Volume 9" CD: Due for release on the new Wolf Call import label is "Elvis - A Legendary Performer Volume 9". It should feature previously unreleased live and rehearsal performances, unedited studio recordings, movie outtakes, and previously issued tracks with improved sound quality.
Some of Volume 9's highlights include previously unreleased rehearsals of "Never Been To Spain" in stereo, undubbed stereo master of "Blueberry Hill" in perfect sound, an extended stereo version of "One Night Of Sin" an unedited stereo version of "Too Much Monkey Business" (alternate take 9), three previously unreleased live renditions of "How Great Thou Art" " Let Me Be There" "You Can Have Her" and "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" (duet version).
All previously released soundboard and rehearsal tracks were remastered from first generation tapes.
Track listing: 01) Almost Always True (extended remix 02) An American Trilogy (rare rehearsal) 03) Blueberry Hill (alternate take unknown) 04) Dixieland Rock (extended remix) 05) How Great Thou Art (live 1976) 06) If You Talk in Your Sleep (alternate take 5) 07) It's a Long Lonely Highway (complete master) 08) Let Me Be There (June 1975 Memphis) 09) Make Believe (unedited uncut recording) 10) Never Been to Spain (rehearsal - March 1972) 11) One Night Of Sin (extended remix) 12) Reconsider Baby (remake incomplete) 13) She Thinks I Still Care (take 2a) 14) She's Not You (extended remix) 15) Stop Where You Are (extended remix) 16) The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (duet version) 17) Too Much Monkey Business (alternate take 9) 18) Yesterday (remix unreleased) 19) You Can Have Her (AR recording may 11,974) Los Angeles.
(News, Source: Elvis News)
New Dutch DVD/CD set: The Dutch chain Kruidvat will release a DVD/CD/Book (256 pages) combination simply titled “Elvis” on August 15, 2007. Compiler of the product is Roel van Diepen. The set will be released in a slipcase.
This is what the ad on the Kruidvat site says about the book:
On August 16, 1977 the world was shocked by the news that the greatest pop star of all time passed away. During the last 30 year many authors and journalists tried to find out who The King really was: musician, author, man, lover, brutal, sensitive, a bad or a good dad, guitar player, thinker, drug abuser, legend during his life and after his death an icon. How is it possible that Elvis’ music and his message still are relevant for millions in the whole world? Many prominent Elvis-lovers try to answer this question in the book “Elvis”.
The DVD “Elvis 1935-1977” is a tribute to one of the biggest stars ever. This documentary shows the breathtaking rise of Elvis Aron Presley to “King”. With rare images and footage and comments by friends all phases of Elvis’ life are shown: from his early Sun days to the army in Germany, from his Hollywood career and his years in Vegas until his tragic death in Graceland. (News, Source: Kruidvat Entertainment /Elvis News) |
The Frontier Hotel in Vegas faces possible demolition: The Frontier Hotel, where Elvis made his Las Vegas debut in 1956, may soon disappear from the Las Vegas Strip. Real Estate Investment Group Elad Properties are rumoured to be making an announcement any time about their purchase of the hotel. The current owner Phil Ruffin has previously turned down offers of $20 million on the site, but this new deal is rumoured as being up to $1.5 billion.
In 1942, the Hotel Last Frontier was the second hotel to open on the Las Vegas Strip. In April 1955 it was remodelled and renamed the New Frontier with a space age décor that reflected the atomic era of the fifties and, the following year, Elvis made his debut there billed as "The Atomic Powered Singer".
Elad Properties purchased the Plaza Hotel in Manhattan for $675 million in 2005, which they are now renovating, so they may want to bring the same luxury to Las Vegas. The Frontier has been threatened with demolition many times, but after 65 years on the Strip, it could finally be retirement age for this piece of Elvis and Vegas history. (News, Source: Elvis UK On-line /Charmaine Voisine)
The History of Elvis: 1960
Elvis in race for the White House: As campaigning starts for the 2008 US presidential election, you can be sure that a few candidates start using Elvis references to woo voters. The first to start with Elvis is former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney who is using "A Little Less Conversation" as part of a new presidential campaign launched on Myspace com.
In previous presidential elections Elvis has beena recurring theme. Most prominently has been President Bill Clinton who frequently used the Elvis name and associated imagery during his campaign. On one occasion he wa seen on national television playing Heartbreak Hotel. (News, Source: Elvis UK On-line/Elvis News/EIN)
Polar bear baby raised on Elvis: The comforting power of Elvis has once again become obvious, this time in the Zoo of Berlin. Zookeepers are doing their best to keep a baby polar bear alive, after it was abandoned by its mother. A healthy daily meal keeps the baby animal up and running, but after each meal, the baby polar bear is treated to 'feel good Elvis music'. However, not all is well in Berlin. Animal right activists have filed a request to put the baby polar bear to sleep. Their main argument is the 'human' and therefore unnatural way the baby bear is raised. Away from his kin, the little animal has no chance to live a normal Bear live. Needless to say that the general public thinks different, after seeing the cute first pictures. (News, Source: Elvis Matters) |
Glen Bonham book pitch on YouTube: Glen Bonham, author of The Elvis Interviews novel has made an amusing and informative video promo which can now be viewed on YouTube. (News, Source: Glen Bonham)
Read EIN's review of The Elvis Interviews
Elvis on Ed Sullivan Show ranked #5 event which stopped the world: On Australia's popular TV program, 20 to 1, Elvis' performance on The Ed Sullivan Show (filmed from the waist up) was ranked the 5th most significant event which stopped the world. Also in the top 5 were the assassination of JFK (#4); the fall of the Berlin Wall (#3); man's first step on the Moon (#2); and 9/11 (#1). (News, Source: 20 to 1)
Walkers dance to Hound Dog during 75th birthday bash: Australia's iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge turned 75 years young last Saturday. As the bridge was closed to its normal automobile traffic, and opened to more than 100,000 joyous Sydneysiders who walked across it, the TV media coverage included scenes of happy walkers dancing to the sounds of Elvis and Hound Dog. (News, Source: Australian TV Media)
"Rock 'N' Roll Hero" CD: Due for release on the Pid label on March 27, 2007 is the budget compilation CD "Rock 'N Roll Hero". (News, Source: Amazon.co.uk/Elvis News)
Priscilla courts "Nasty Nigel": According to press reports Pricilla Presley is dating Nasty Nigel, American Idol boss and producer. Nigel-known as Nasty for his tough remarks on ITV1 talent show Popstars-met Priscilla in Los Angeles where he now lives. The 57-year-old recently split from his wife Bonnie. It was then he started dating Priscilla, 61. An insider revealed: "They clicked instantly." (News, Source: EP Gold)
Elvis in Nederland: Some years ago the book "Elvis In Nederland" (Elvis In The Netherlands) was released. It featured well known Dutch artists talking about their love for Elvis. This book will soon be re-released, this time in colour with a CD of Dutch artists singing well known Elvis songs in the Dutch language.
Rumour has it that a concert is in the works of those artists singing their songs live as a tribute to Elvis. (News, Source: Luyken/Elvis News)
"Last Train to Memphis" German audiobook: Here is the cover of the German audiobook edition of Peter Guralnick's "Last Train To Memphis - Die Elvis Presley Biographie 1935 - 1958" which is due for release May 20, 2007. VOlume 2, "Careless Love - 1959 - 1977" is due for release July 2007. (News, Source: Elvis Club Berlin /Elvis News) |
Garage punk band finds you shouldn't mess with The King!: UK garage punk band the Horrors did everything it could to live up to their name Tuesday night at Great Scott. For much of the notoriously rowdy band’s set, singer Faris Badwan agitated the crowd, jumping off the stage, barreling into fans and generally terrorizing the audience in true indie punk fashion. But a line was crossed when Badwan grabbed a bust of Elvis, a beloved piece of bric-a-brac, and allegedly smashed it on the ground. The plug was pulled on the Horrors set and Badwan and his band were kicked out of the club. After being brought up to speed of her clients latest shenanigans, publicist Karen Ruttner replied in an email, “Yeah, to be honest, none of that surprises me.”
Ruttner then went on to list other Horrors show incidents involving firecrackers, stuffed bats and wine bottles, among other objects. Through his publicist, Badwan denied full responsibility of the Elvis-smashing incident, insisting that a club staff member pulled him to the ground while he was touching the statue, causing it to fall and break. Eyewitnesses offered a different account, claiming that Badwan first used a bar stool to climb the club’s wall and remove the Elvis bust, which he then carried across the room and destroyed on his own.
Great Scott isn’t the first club to feel the fury of the Horrors. Back in November they destroyed a potted plant at a particularly wild gig in New York, and at a recent Virgin Megastore in-store, Badwan hurled a beer cooler into the unsuspecting crowd. Chances of the Horrors gracing the Great Scott stage again in the next millennium look slim. When asked if he’d ever consider hosting another of the band’s tantrums, general manager Tim Philbin replied emphatically, “Oh, no. I can’t imagine that would happen. I don’t want to have to deal with (Badwan) again.” The lesson here is simple. Be as rowdy as you want. Just don’t mess with The King. (News, Source: Boston Herald)
Elvis artwork for sale: EIN received the following email: The movie “Jailhouse Rock”, starring Elvis Presley and Judy Tyler, premiered on October 21, 1957. Elvis was presented with a rare gift from MGM. The two matching still portraits, measuring 33 x 43, from his third movie, are truly priceless. They are both in color, achieved by an old printing process resembling water colors.
One still remains at Graceland, the home of Elvis Presley, and has hung in the house for many to see throughout the years. The other beautifully captured moment of Elvis with Judy Tyler in his arms ended up in the hands of an auctioneer. It is unclear as to why Elvis decided to keep the one portrait of him alone and let go of the one with Judy Tyler. We do know that Elvis became close to Ms. Tyler and was devastated when she was killed in a tragic auto accident on July 3, 1957, before she was able to see the movie.
I have been a collector in the business for over 30 years. I have appraised, authenticated, and evaluated many items from 1978. I have never seen a more exquisite piece than this. The clarity and quality are overwhelming. The piece is all original and in very good condition.
This rare find would make a gorgeous addition to any collector’s treasures and would also be the ultimate in a focal point for a themed business or in any home. Click to enquire about artwork (News, Source: Memories of Elvis)
Entertainment roster for Jazz Cruises "30th Anniversary Cruise"
"Elvis in the Bluegrass" - An Official Preliminary for "Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest": Step back in time on Saturday, June 16th as Harrodsburg welcomes Elvis back to town and classic cars roll onto Main Street. Historic Harrodsburg kicks off the 2007 Downtown Summer Entertainment Series with a Classic Wheels Cruise-In and an Elvis tribute artist competition called “Elvis in the Bluegrass.”
“Elvis in the Bluegrass” is an Elvis tribute artist contest to be held at the Mercer County Fairgrounds and is officially sanctioned by Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. Qualifying rounds will be held on June 14th and 15th. The final contest will begin at 7:00 p.m. on June 16th. “Elvis in the Bluegrass” is an official preliminary competition that will send its winner to Memphis in August to compete in “The Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest,” the first tribute artist contest ever presented by Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. and one of many events in the 30th Anniversary edition of “Elvis Week” in Memphis.
Any Elvis tribute artist (ETA) is welcome to participate. ETA’s will be asked to perform a ballad, fast tempo, and song of their choice. ETA’s will compete in the preliminary competition on Thursday/Friday and the top 25 will compete on Saturday to determine the winner. ETA’s must submit their application and entry fee of $100 by May 1st. Applications are available online at www.mercerfair.com or by calling 859-734-5546.
Only one overall winner will be selected to represent “Elvis in the Bluegrass” in The Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest in Memphis in August. Along with $500 and a coveted spot in the Memphis contest, the “Elvis in the Bluegrass” winner will be given a seven-night stay at the Memphis Marriott East hotel to accommodate appearing in the contest and enjoying the many other events of Elvis Week in Memphis.
Elvis fans may enjoy “Elvis in the Bluegrass” all three days at the Mercer County Fairgrounds. The entry fee on Thursday and Friday will be $5 with children under the age of five admitted free. Seating in center ring will be $10 on Thursday and Friday and spectators must bring their own chair. The final competition on Saturday evening will cost spectators $10 with children under five admitted free. Seating in center ring Saturday evening will be $15 and spectators must bring their own chair. A three day center ring seating pass will be pre-sold for $30.
Vehicles dating from the 1930’s to the present will be on display at the Annual Classic Wheel Cruise-In from 3 to 6 p.m. There will be music, food booths, and many downtown businesses will be open.
During the Cruise In an Elvis look-a-like competition for children and adults will be held along with an Elvis Car look-a-like contest. The winners will be announced at the “Elvis in the Bluegrass” final competition later that evening. The Classic Wheels Cruise-In is sponsored by Harrodsburg First and the Bluegrass Cruisers. For more information about the Cruise In contact Harrodsburg First at 859-734-6811 or email at harrrodsburgfirst@bellsouth.net. Get your cameras, cars, and Elvis records ready to welcome Elvis back to Harrodsburg!
For more information about “The Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest” and all the events of Elvis Week in Memphis, visit www.elvisweek.com. (Almost Elvis, Source: EPE)
Elvis at 21: New York to Memphis (Book Review): Finally, a book which does proper justice to the exquisite photographic images of the young King of Rock 'n' Roll captured by Alfred Wertheimer in 1956.
Quite simply this release is an outstanding example of how to present a photo-journal!
Elvis at 21 New York to Memphis was the stand-out book of its type in 2006 and one of the best Elvis book releases in many years!
Join EIN's Nigel Patterson as he explores the absolutely stunning visual feasts this book has to offer. (Book Review, Source: EIN) |
"The American Way Volume 3": Here is the cover of the third volume in "The American Way" series featuring Elvis' legendary sessions from January - February 1969 at the American Sound studio in Memphis.
The subtitle of this volume, due for release April 2007, is "Movin’ And Groovin’".
Track listing:
01 If I'm A Fool - takes 1, 2 (rehearsal + false start + "Am I That Easy To Forget" one line + long false start)
02 If I'm A Fool - take 3 (complete take)
03 If I'm A Fool - takes 4, 5, 6 (long false start + false start + long false start)
04 If I'm A Fool - takes 7, 8 (2x false start)
05 Long Black Limousine - takes 1, 2 (rehearsal + false start + long false start)
06 Long Black Limousine - takes 3-5 (3x false start)
07 Long Black Limousine - takes 6-8 (complete take + 2x false start)
08 It Keeps Right On A-Hurtin' - take 1 (long false start with edited intro + "Only The Lonely" one line)
09 It Keeps Right On A-Hurtin' - take 2 (complete take + false start)
10 It Keeps Right On A-Hurtin' - take 3 (complete master take)
11 Any Day Now - take 1 (false start + long false start + rehearsal)
12 Any Day Now - take 2 (complete take + rehearsal)
13 Any Day Now - take 3 (6x false start + long false start)
14 Any Day Now - take 4 (7x false start + long false start + workpart)
15 Any Day Now - take 5 (2x false start + long false start)
16 Any Day Now - take 6 (unrepaired master take with edited intro)
17 And The Grass Won't Pay No Mind - takes 1, 2 (rehearsal + false start + long false start)
18 And The Grass Won't Pay No Mind - takes 3, 4 (2x long false start)
19 And The Grass Won't Pay No Mind - take 5 (false start + long false start)
20 And The Grass Won't Pay No Mind - take 6 (false start + complete master take)
tracks 01-07 mono, tracks 08-20 stereo. (News, Source: EIN)
New Madison label CD: The Madison label will release soon a new CD titled ''A New Kind Of Rhythm!'' featuring the March 21, 1976 evening show in Cincinnati, OH. For the first time, the whole performance will become available as originally recorded, in '' living binaural ''.
This concert was recorded in binaural with Larrie Londin's drums separated on one track, which definitely gives a new life to that show with his heavy drumming style.
The recording runs also a bit more longer since it contains the complete '' final announcements '', not featured on '' Holding Back The Years '' released in mono.
Elvis' performance that night at the Riverfront Coliseum was excellent by 1976 standard. His revamped TCB crew with Larrie Londin on drums and Shane Keister on piano certainly add that evening, a freshness that cannot be denied. Elvis was on stage to have fun and he did, but got serious on songs such as '' You Gave Me A Mountain '', '' America The Beautiful '', '' And I Love You So '' and '' Hurt '' ( including a full reprise ). His new musicians didn't let him down either on heavier numbers like '' Steamroller Blues '' and '' Polk Salad Annie ''. As the audio evidence proves, Larrie's powerhouse drumming and Shane's bright keyboard stylings gave the music a new spark, a new kind of rhythm for America's Bicentennial year.
The packaging will come with a 16 page booklet, picture disc, relevant liner notes and over 25 photographs from the actual concert. This is not a new show...but definitely a different and new kind of sound!
Tracks: 01 - Introduction: Also Sprach Zarathustra 0:36 ; 02 - C.C. Rider 4:06; 03 - I Got A Woman / Amen 4:37; 04 - Love Me (w/false start) 1:57; 05 - Let Me Be There 2:48; 06 - Love Me Tender 1:44; 07 - Steamroller Blues 3:03; 08 - All Shook Up 1:00 ; 09 - Teddy Bear / Don't Be Cruel 2:05; 10 - You Gave Me A Mountain 3:23; 11 - Polk Salad Annie 3:41; 12 - Introductions by Elvis of vocalists, band (incomplete) 0:39; 13 - What I'd Say? (James Burton) 0:47; 14 - Drum solo (Larrie Londin) 0:43; 15 - Bass solo (Jerry Scheff) 1:00; 16 - Piano solo (Shane Keister) 0:59; 17 - Electric piano solo (David "Bobby" Briggs) 0:45; 18 - Introduction by Elvis of orchestra 0:18; 19 - School Day (Joe Guercio Orchestra) 0:59; 20 - And I Love You So (w/false start) 4:00 ; 21 - Hurt 2:17; 22 - Hurt (full reprise) 2:11 ; 23 - Emergency Announcement (Elvis) 0:29 ; 24 - Burning Love 3:05; 25 - America The Beautiful 2:12; 26 - Hound Dog 1:58; 27 - Funny How Time Slips Away 3:07; 28 - Can't Help Falling In Love 1:49; 29 - Closing vamp 1:14; 30 - "Elvis Has Left The Building" and Final Announcements (Al Dvorin) 3:10 (News, Source: FECC)
"30th Anniversary Collection" 8 DVD set: Here are the covers of the "30th Anniversary Collection" 8 DVD set which is due for release on April 19, 2007 in Europe. The set contains the movies "Roustabout", "Paradise, Hawaiian Style", "King Creole", "Girls! Girls! Girls!", "G.I. Blues", "Fun In Acapulco", "Easy Come, Easy Go" and "Blue Hawaii". (News, Source: Elvis Club Berlin /Elvis News)

"The Original Hits" CD: Here is the cover art of the Not Now Music 2 CD release of the budget compilation "The Original Hits" It was release February 5, 2007. (News, Source: Amazon.co.uk/Elvis News) |
"Elvis Presley The Legacy" DVD: Here is the cover art for the documentary DVD "Elvis Presley - The Legacy" from Flashpoint AG (Germany) which is due for release April 19, 2007 with region code 2.
The DVD comes in the PAL format, English language, screen size 4:3 and a running time of 65 minutes. (News, Source: Elvis Club Berlin/Elvis News) |
Chart update: Last week the "Elvis Lives" DVD was a new entry on the UK Music DVD top 10, straight in at #1. This week the DVD has dropped to #3. (News, Source: Elvis News)
Coming this week on EIN:
Some of the scheduled items to be added to EIN this week are:
Monday: EIN's Best of YouTube Weekly Update
Tuesday: Elvis At 21 New York To Memphis - Alfred Wertheimer (Book Review)
Wednesday: Patrick Lacy, author of the fascinating book, Elvis Decoded, talks to EIN
Thursday: Aloha Elvis - Jerry Hopkins (Book Review)
Friday: How Great Thou Art - A Portrait of the Artist - Linda Ann McConnell (DVD Review)
Saturday: Elvis and Kathy - Kathy Westmoreland (Book Review)
'EIN's Best of Elvis on YouTube' Weekly Update: EIN adds yet another fifteen great Elvis clips. This week's highlights are some sensational split-screen edits, Madison Square Garden footage, wonderful 'Elvis On Tour' footage, a tribute to Charlie Hodge, and a marvellous 'Polk Salad Annie' from Jan 1st 1977. We also feature a very whacky TTWII rehearsal outake - see them all before the Elvis internet police take them away! ('EIN's Elvis on YouTube', Source: EIN/YouTube) |
This week on The Elvis Hour: Welcome to another edition of The Elvis Hour. This is the show that shares fond memories of the King of Rock n Roll; Elvis Presley. This week we'll hear from a Rock pioneer Little Richard stops by with his special memories of Elvis. Plus highlights from 1968, a rare interview with a very young Elvis and we'll join The King in concert. Join us for a busy edition of this weeks Elvis Hour. (News, Source: Darwin Lamm)
Visit Graceland with EIN in August 2007 and possibly WIN a great Elvis Prize Pack consisting of Elvis CDs, DVDs, books and more.
Open to all Australian and New Zealand fans who place their deposit for our "Ultimate Elvis Week 2007 Tour" by 27 March 2007 |
Replica of Elvis' birth home teaches students construction skills: Students in Matt McGuire's construction class at the Academy for Change (AFC) are working on an idea of Reed's, to build a replica of Elvis Presley's birth home. The work is being done the way Elvis's father would have done it when the house was built in 1934. Read full story (News, Source: ChicoER.com)
Brendan Bowyer to feature on 'Elvis Duets' album: Veteran entertainer BRENDAN BOWYER will pay tribute to late rock legend ELVIS PRESLEY on a new duets album, marking the 30th anniversary of the star's death. The former frontman of THE ROYAL SHOWBAND - who experienced chart success in Ireland with the song THANK YOU, ELVIS in 1977 believes he owes his musical success to his hero. Bowyer recalls meeting his idol when Presley paid him a visit in Las Vegas. He says, "It was Elvis who inspired me to be a singer, so imagine the thrill I experienced when he came to see me perform in Las Vegas." Other artists featured on the commemorative album include VAN MORRISON, PAUL BRADY, SHANE MACGOWAN and LIAM O'MAONLAI. (News, Source: EP Gold)
Song allegedly co-written by Elvis relisted on eBay: Although recently sold on eBay, the song "Just Like Rolling Up Hill", allegedly co-written by Elvis and Paul Terry King has been relisted. Apparently the original buyer failed to comply wityh the auction terms. As EIN and members of the Memphis Mafia have previously stated, this item is one which falls under "Caveat Emptor" (or "buyer beware"). (News, Source: Terry King/EIN)
Read EIN's earlier report on "Just Like Rolling Up Hill"
Elvis remix album or not?: In the latest edition of the Official Elvis Presley Fan Club Of Great Britain magazine, Todd Slaughter mentions that plans are still going ahead for the long awaited Elvis Remix album from Sony/BMG due for release around the 30th Anniversary of Elvis' death.
Slaughter also announces a new remix single which is due for release on April 16th.The single, entitled 'Let There Be Elvis' is not on the Sony/BMG label and according to our source, it is a dance track which uses the speaking voice of Elvis.
EIN Comment: Todd's news is interesting as EIN was told recently by Sony-BMG that the remix album was proving problematic. The company has so far been unable to find a suitable anchor "remix single" with which to promote the album. (News, Source: Elvis Express/EIN/Sony-BMG)
CD release from country of Maynmar: Maynmar, formerly known as Burma, has release its first ever Elvis Presley CD entitled "The Greatest Collections". It contains the same track listing as "Elvis 2nd To None". (News, Source: FECC) |
"The Sun Years" CD: Here is the cover art of the Not Now Music budget compilation of SUN (and RCA) material from Elvis Presley budget compilation entitled "The SUN Years". It was released on February 5, 2007.
Track listing: 1. That's All Right 2. Blue Moon Of Kentucky 3. Good Rockin' Tonight 4. I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine 5. Milkcow Blues Boogie 6. You're A Heartbreaker 7. Baby Let's Play House 8. I'm Left You're Right She's Gone 9. I Forgot To Remember To Forget 10. Mystery Train 11. I Love You Because 12. Blue Moon 13. I'll Never Let You Go 14. Just Because 15. Trying To Get To You 16. Heartbreak Hotel 17. Blue Suede Shoes 18. I Want You I Need You I Love You 19. Don't Be Cruel 20. Hound Dog 21. Love Me Tender (News, Source: Amazon.co.uk /Elvis News) |
"The Original Sun Hits" CD: Here is the cover art of the Not Now Music 2 CD budget compilation entitled "The Original Sun Hits and More". It was released on February 5, 2007. (News, Source: Amazon.co.uk/Elvis News) |
"Elvis Presley" CD: Here is the cover art of the Not Now Music release of an Elvis Presley budget compilation simply titled "Elvis Presley". It was released on February 5, 2007. (News, Source: Amazon.co.uk/Elvis News) |

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Lisa and Priscilla celebrate St. Patrick's Day in Ireland: Elvis Presley' daughter, Lisa Marie and her mother Priscilla (The Kings Ex-Wife) have been lapping up Irish culture in the build up to St Patrick's Day singing and dancing at a bar in County Tipperary.
The pair are in the Emerald Isle as guests of German aristocrat Gottfried Helnwein, who has a castle in the county - and they both stunned regulars at a traditional bar by joining in the singing and dancing.
A reveller tells the Sunday World newspaper, "They were spotted drinking at a bit of a hooley in the Halfway Bar near Ballymacarberry in County Tipperary, singing along to some of the tunes."
Halfway Bar publican Tony Condon confirms the reports saying, "Yes, they dropped in one night and seemed to have a good time."
(News, Source: Elvis Express)
Elvis owned guitar being auctioned: Put up for auction on eBay is a guitar, played by Elvis and owned by Hawaiian actor Jack Lord. Elvis was a friend of Jack and Marie Lord and visited them on at least one occasion. In that time they spent together Elvis played this Spanish style Ramirez guitar – at least, according to the item description on eBay. Last year, a stage belt Elvis gave Jack Lord, sold on eBay for 66.000 $US. Oddly enough, eBay features another Elvis guitar, and an Elvis played banjo, both from the Jack Lord collection. (News, Source: Elvis Matters) |
Elvis owned ukelele being auctioned: Besides the Elvis guitar from the Jack Lord collection, fans can place a bid on an Elvis ukelele too. The wooden instrument was a gift to Elvis from the staff of the Coco Palms Hotel in Hawaii, in the early 60’ies. Elvis donated the ukelele shortly before his death to talk show host Joe Franklin. The instrument, with a starting bid of 1.000 dollar, is to be sold on March 30th in South Corona, California. Another item of interest is a casual sweater that Elvis gave to long time collector David Kupp. More info: www.urauctions.com (News, Source: Elvis Matters) |
Graceland Press and Tour: The Graceland Press was a newspaper devoted to Elvis which was published one year after his death. All photographs and stories were by Jerry Robbins. Jerry was a sincere friend to Elvis and even though suffering a near-death heart attack, Jerry pushed on to publish the original tribute to Elvis. He used his own photographs and stories to publish the 1st edition of The Graceland Press in 1978 to commemorate the 1st Anniversary of Elvis' death. Jerry is a very well kept secret but is probably the true tribute godfather of post Elvis mania.
To order the special souvenir edition for $25 + $6.25 (shipping & handling) e-mail elvis@gracelandpressandtour.com or ask at various shops in Memphis where Elvis frequently spent his money and time. The organisation behind Graceland Press is also offering Elvis related tours. (News, Source: Gerald Robbins)
"Words Volume 9" released: The long awaited 9th volume in the Words – The Complete Lyrics series has now been released. The Words series is the most complete and correct collection of Elvis lyrics ever printed. You can find all the lyrics as Elvis sang them plus the original lyrics and the story behind each song. Everything is included. Every master, live recording, one-liner, home recording etc. Buy from Elvis Unlimited (News, Source: Elvis Unlimited)
Elvis chart update: The "Elvis lives" DVD is the highest new entry at #4 on the Official Swedish Music DVD charts this week.
On the UK's chain Woolworth's Elvis dominates the Music DVD chart claiming the top 3 positions:
1] Elvis Lives
2] The Road Show Interstate (Elvis with Johnny Cash)
3] Elvis on Elvis
On the U.S. Billboard chart for the week ending March 24, 2007 Elvis is listed at:
Top Pop Catalog Albums - Ultimate Gospel (cat #57868) - enters at #33
Top Country Catalog Albums - Revised Ultimate Gospel (cat #05236) - enters at #8
Top Country Catalog Albums - Ultimate Gospel (cat #57868) - reenters at #10
Top Country Catalog Albums - Elvis 30 #1 Hits - remains at #15
Hot 100 Singles Sales - Heartbreak Hotel - down 5 to #42
Top Music Video - Elvis Lives - 25th Anniversary Concert - enters at #4
Top Music Video - Elvis: 68 Comeback Special - up 8 to #31
Top Music Video - Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii - up 7 to # 29
Top Comprehensive Music Video - 25th Anniversary Concert - enters at #4
Top Comprehensive Music Video - Elvis: '68 Comeback Special - up 8 to #31
Top Comprehensive Music Video - Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii - up 7 to #29
New entries and re-entries on the charts include both the old and new edition of the "Ultimate Gospel" compilation on the Top Pop Catalog and Top Pop Country Albums Charts. The "Elvis Lives" enters the Music and Comprehensive Music Video Charts. (News, Source: Elvis News)
Marine's "Elvis jump" saves life: A LUCKY Royal Marine has told how he escaped death from a Taliban rocket — by jumping in the air like ELVIS so the speeding missile flew underneath him. Garry Halliwell (see inset), 28, had moments to react as the 130 metres-a-second rocket propelled grenade hurtled towards him at knee height. The commando — dubbed Geri by pals in Afghanistan — decided the last second “disco” jump was his only hope. At the crucial moment he did an airborne SPLITS and dodged the killer rocket.Garry, of J Company, 42 Commando, said: “I couldn’t believe it went through. My Elvis routine helped. I do it on the dancefloor.” In reply, he blasted the attacker with a mortar, in Helmand province. (News, Source: Defence News) |
A Tale of Two Cooks: Susan MacDougall recently indulged in a little Elvis culinary delight as she savoured the treats offered in two disparate books by two of Elvis' cooks at Graceland: Elvis Beyond Graceland Gates by Mary Jenkins, and Inside Graceland Elvis' Maid Remembers by Nancy Rooks.
Together, these two books provide a fascinating glimpse into the private life of Elvis Presley at Graceland . Mary Jenkins and Nancy Rooks were daytime employees at Graceland, both starting out as maids and later taking on the role of cook. Mary started in 1963 and Nancy in 1967. They worked together for several years and recount unique individual experiences as well as overlapping anecdotes. Read Susan's full review (Book Review, Source: EIN) |
Rare Mexican "Elvis" artwork on ebay: This unusual, but attractive item called "Day of the Dead" was attracting strong bidding when we added it to the site. It stood at US$62.00 with 5 hours left in the auction. (News, Source: eBay)
Sweets and Imperials in Italy: The Elvis Friends fan club from Italy is organizing the benefit concert "Elvis the Event" on May 26 2007. Special guests are the Sweet Inspirations and The Imperials. Also appearing are the Symphonic Orchestra and The Dreamers. (News, Source: Elvis Friends Italy/Elvis News)
Susan Anton Is Graceland's latest celebrity visitor (News, Source: EPE)
New line licensed by EPE - Elvis Shoes: Here is the press release from the EPE site:
Elvis Shoes are making a lasting impression across the nation at Bakers Shoes, one of the first major chains to test the line, produced by PSDI USA. The shoe – the Canvas King™ – is available in Bakers Shoes stores and its Wild Pair stores, in locations such as Lynnhaven Mall, Virginia Beach, VA; Woodland Hills, Tulsa, OK; Hamilton Place, Chattanooga, TN; Chesterfield Mall, St Louis, MO; and Glendale Galleria, Glendale, CA. |
Bakers Shoes has had tremendous success in the 10 test locations nationwide where they have sold the Canvas Kings. “Bakers will begin to implement the Elvis line into some of its other 200 locations nationwide,” said buyer Chris Lane. They are also looking to possibly sell the shoes online through www.bakersshoes.com.
Bakers Shoes is not the only trend spotters this season. Shoe City, in Baltimore, Md., Washington D.C., and Richmond and Norfolk, VA, have picked up the Canvas Kings and will begin to sell multiple colors by the end of March. The line has also been added by other boutiques throughout the U.S, including: Image in New York City; Littles in Pittsburgh; Love my Shoes, in Long Island; Via Moda in Miami; Silver Rose in New York; and Shoe Parlor in Denver.
O Koo Ran in Big Bear, CA, sold out of all of its Canvas Kings in just two weeks. Store Manager Debra Klouzer said, “That was a quick turn around for a small store like ours. The rock-and-roll style and the pattern of the shoes are what I think has made them such a hit with our customers.”
Although no international distribution contracts have been signed yet, the shoes garnered high levels of interest during the 2007 tradeshow circuit from countries ranging from Mexico to Russia. Marketing Director Melissa Diner noted, “The Canvas Kings have proven to be a strong crossover shoe for PSDI USA’s comprehensive clientele list. The current sales information has forecast the level of interest in the line, which will allow us to plan accordingly for future expansion and product development of Elvis Shoes.” A new design deal has been made between PSDI USA and Alain Mirran Studio of Paris to design the entire 2007/2008 Elvis Shoe collection.
Elvis shoes are produced by PSDI USA, founded in 2001 by French native Philip Chemla, a specialist in apparel and footwear sourcing and supply, who has accumulated over 17 years expertise both in his native France and here in the United States. After working with companies such as Ross, TJ Maxx, and Hale Bob in the U.S., Philip formed a strong relationship with Christian Audigier, founder of Von Dutch Originals, Ed Hardy and most recently his signature line, Christian Audigier. This bond structured PSDI USA to create footwear distribution channels in over 15 countries worldwide and accumulate over $10 million in gross sales in their first year in business. Their elite positioning within both the US market and abroad has put them in prime position to begin the production, selling and marketing of Elvis shoes in 2007. For more information on PSDI USA visit www.psdiusa.net. (News, Source: EPE)
Charlie Hodge honored by Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame: Charlie Hodge, who passed away on March 3rd 2006, has been honored at the 2007 Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony in New York City. The Ceremony was broadcasted live on VH1 Classic. Jennifer Hodge, who agreed to do a lengthy interview for ‘ElvisMatters Magazine #16’, confirmed the news: “The ceremony opened with photos of those who passed on in 2006, who were important in Rock ‘n’ Roll History – which Charlie was part of. I have always been proud of Charlie, but to see him honored in this way was extra special to me. It was just a quick flash of his picture and his name, but it was a large gesture in mind.” (News, Source: Elvis Matters) |
"Sun Singles" boxset reissue: Due for release in Europe from Sanctuary / Castle Music America on vinyl is the album "Sun Singles". This was previously released on the Castle label in the US on July 25, 2000. (News, Source: Amazon.de /Elvis News)
Graceland Harley-Davidson website: Probably not to be announced already, but in the works and partly available on the world wide web is a special site for the Elvis Presley Harley Davidson which will be presented April 23, 2007. (News, Source: Graceland Harley Davidson /Elvis News) |
Budget CD-DVD releases in EC: Released in Europe from the Payless label are two budget CD + DVD sets. The first one, entitled "Elvis Essential" is a 2 CD + DVD set containing 50's songs and interviews with as bonus the DVD "The story of Elvis Presley".
The second one "Elvis & Friends" is a 2 CD + DVD set with rock and roll songs and as a bonus the DVD "Sun Days With Elvis / Elvis Presley's America".
These sets were previously available in Australia. (News, Source: Elvis Corner /Elvis News) |
The Private Tapes Vol.2 & Vol.3: These two new DVD's are on the NTSC system and region free. The Private Tapes vol.2 features footage from the December 31, 1976 New Year's Eve concert and July 18, 1975 in Cleveland, OH. The running time of volume 2 is 1h 29 min. The Private Tapes vol.3 contains footage from May 1, 1977 in Chicago, IL, June 18, 1977 in Kansas City, MO, June 24, 1977 in Madison, WI, December 30, 1976 in Atlanta, GA. There's also a bonus program titled '' Tribute To Elvis ''. The total running time of volume 3 is the same as volume 2. (News, Source: FECC) |
"Who Killed Elvis" stage play in Punta Gorda, South Florida: The Port Charlotte Middle School Drama Club is to show people how Elvis Presley died. "Who Killed Elvis" by Craig Sodaro will be performed at 7 p.m. today and Friday at The Center at The Center for Performing Arts, 701 Carmalita St., Punta Gorda. Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for students and seniors; children 10 and younger are free. Call (941) 637-0459. (News, Source:Sun-Herald)

"Elvis Ultimate Gospel" reissue: Here are the front and back covers of the new 25 track 2007 reissue - including 'In My Father's House, 'Take My Hand, Precious Lord' and 'Evening Prayer'. Go here for EIN's original 'Ultimate Gospel' review. (News: Source: Barry McLean) |
'Elvis: The Man and His Music' #75; 'Elvis; The Man and His Music' March 2007 issue is out now. If you are fascinated by Elvis, the man and his music then you will find this quarterly magazine indispensable. This jam packed issue features a long interview with Elvis' drummer Ronnie Tutt, plus articles on Elvis' celebrity introductions, another Ernst Jorgensen update on his SUN project, as well as a new series by Elvis expert Keith Flynn looking at notable session logging errors by BMG/FTD and even bootlegs. There is plenty to read in the regular reviews & features and even the letters page helps discover two landmarks from 'King Creole' for next time you visit New Orleans. My favourite Elvis magazine and, no, I do not get it for free! Go here for more info and interview excerpt - (News: Source: EIN) |
Another #1 for Elvis in the UK: The DVD "Elvis Lives" was a new entry at #1 on the Official UK Music DVD Chart last week.
In The Netherlands Elvis is listed twice on the Free Record Shop Music DVD Top 20; volume 2 of "The Definitive Collection" dropped from #11 to #13 while volume 1 dropped from #10 to #12. (News, Source: BBC Top 40/Elvis News) |
"Elvis Duets" CD: Due for release is an import 2CD compilation with every duet Elvis recorded during his career. According to the information we received it will feature studio, movie, home and live recordings. All tracks have been remastered.
Many people think that Elvis didn’t do that many duets, but that’s not the truth. He did some with other famous singers like Frank Sinatra, Ann-Margret, Juliet Prowse, Nancy Sinatra and others. Beside beside those with others stars did he also record some with less known singers and even with some of his own backup singers. As a special bonus will this release also feature a newly remastered soundboard version of the very touching duet with Lisa Marie Presley on "Don’t Cry Daddy". (News, Source: Elvis News)
Sweet Inspirations Sing Elvis (new album): The female vocal group of Elvis – The Sweet Inspirations – are presenting their new CD at the Elvis Festival in Tilburg, The Netherlands, on May 27, 2007. The album, “Sweet Inspirations Sing Elvis” contains 6 Elvis tracks in a new arrangement, and are sung by Myrna Smith, Estelle Brown and Portia Griffin.
More so, ‘Sweet Myrna’ celebrates her birthday on stage in Tilburg, and invites all Elvis fans to join in the celebrations.
Tickets for the Elvis Festival, featuring the Explosion Rockets, the Electric Band and the 75 p. Symphonic Orchestra, are available through the website of ElvisMatters.
Tracks: 1. Steamroller Blues 2. Bridge Over Troubled Water 3. Jailhouse Rock 4. Love Me Tender 5. Trouble 6. Heartbreak Hotel (News, Source: Elvis Matters/ Elvis News) |
Budget CD releases in EC: The Pid budget label will release a gospel compilation CD entitled "Gospel Favourites" on March 20, 2007. One week later the same label will release "Where Rock N Roll Began".
The NotNow label will release an "Original Hits" compilation on March 5, 2007. (News, Source: Elvis News)
Flaming Star outfit up for auction: Elvis’ tan coloured jeans which he wore as Pacer Burton in his 1960 movie Flaming Star are to be auctioned in Christie's upcoming Pop Memorabilia Sale in King Street, London on Thursday 26 April 2007 at 2pm. The image of Elvis in this outfit was also immortalised by Andy Warhol in his Double Elvis artwork. The price for Elvis’ Flaming Star costume is estimated between £1,500 and £2,000.
The auction also features personal items from rock and pop stars from the 1950s to the present day and the 300 lots also include Marc Bolan's guitar, David Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust stage costume as well as items from the Beatles, John Lennon and Freddie Mercury among others.
Pop Memorabilia
Thursday 26 April 2007, 2pm
Christie’s South Kensington (News, Source: Elvis UK On-line/Elvis News) |
Bounty of unpublished Elvis photos in new book: The memoirs of Neil Perry Clemans, a 1950s tabloid newspaper photographer, are being published by his daughter. Although the release is several months away, the book will contain a rare contact sheet with Elvis pictures that have never been published, a previously published picture is also included, as well as another unpublished shot of Elvis singing autographs.
The draft promotion for the book states that:
Clemans takes us back to the years immediately following World War II when tabloid journalism and paparazzi antics were on the rise in Los Angeles. Expressing post-War optimism through the eyes of a young army veteran and USC college man ready to take on the world, this upstart Valley Times junior photographer travels the road that led him to become head of the Los Angeles Mirror photo department.
Exposing corruption, sexual escapades in the burbs, knock outs, strippers with hearts of gold, back room politics, the antics and shenanigans behind the news, Hollywood legends in the making and breaking. Marilyn Monroe and Sinatra. Dino, Sammy, Jayne Mansfield and Elvis back from the War and Judy Garland.
The back cover draft features a stunning picture of Elvis in 1960, so a whole contact sheet of the same makes this book very appealing to fans. (News, Source: Elvis UK On-line/ Elvis News)
Roy McComb dies: Roy McComb, widower of Janelle McComb in Tupelo, died yesterday. He will be buried tomorrow. (News, Source: Bill E. Burk)
Visit Graceland with EIN in August 2007 and possibly WIN a great Elvis Prize Pack consisting of Elvis boxsets (just added), CDs, DVDs, books and more. Total value more than $500.00!
Open to all Australian and New Zealand fans who place their deposit for our "Ultimate Elvis Week 2007 Tour" by 27 March 2007 |
"Elvis on The Ed Sullivan Show" DVD sells 100,000 units: To get a sense of the value of historical musical performances, consider what Andrew Solt has made of the archive of “The Ed Sullivan Show.” As a director and producer of rock documentaries, Mr. Solt kept returning to the Sullivan archives to license footage from Mr. Sullivan’s family, which owned the rights to the program under the terms of Mr. Sullivan’s deal with CBS.
Mr. Solt’s licensing costs became so expensive that he inquired about buying the rights to the show, which he did in 1990, for a price said to be below $10 million. “I paid every penny I had to lawyers and borrowed all the money from a bank,” he said. “I would wake up at night and say, ‘What did I do?’ ”
But it seems that Mr. Solt got a very good deal. He has used the material in the archives to produce television specials and DVDs, but he said that the most valuable material is the musical performances, including historical appearances by Elvis Presley and the Beatles.
He has released a DVD featuring the Beatles’ performances on the show, which he said has sold 200,000 copies; last fall, he released a similar Elvis package that he said has already sold 100,000 copies; and he licensed the material for “Ed Sullivan’s Rock ’n’ Roll Classics,” a box set distributed by Rhino, a subsidiary of Warner Music. (News, Source: Amber Smith)
El Gamble - The Comeback Interview: Last year Australia's legendary Elvis tribute artist returned to the Elvis scene after an absence of nearly 30 years. The man who sold out nearly 300 shows straight in the late 1970s with his phenomenally popular Elvis tribute was back.
On the eve of his return to live performing the man with the "Elvis voice" sat down with EIN to talk about his incredible career, what he has been doing for the past 30 years, and how after such a long break from the Elvis scene, and now afflicted with a rare motor neurone disease, he was confronting his self doubts in the hardest of all places, Parkes...recognised as Australia's "Elvis town".
What resulted was a heartfelt, at times very funny, and always entertaining look back at an incredible professional life. From his early days when he was fired by Johnny O'Keefe, through his alcohol infused rock 'n' roll years, his incredible 13 months run of sold-out "Elvis" shows, and working with stars such as Kylie Minogue, Digger Revell, Johnny Devlin, Kamahl, John Farnham and (almost) Tom Jones, there are many amazing stories to relish. The drugs, the alcohol, the groupies, the laughter, the tears...it is all captured in an interview you will not easily forget! (Interview, Source: EIN)
New conspiracy book - "Elvis Alive Truth Behind The Myth": A new book on the Elvis "underground" is being written. It is proposed to also release an audio CD edition including all of the mystery voices from Sivle Nora to Elvis Jesse and others. Release date will be December 2007 or early 2008. (News/Conspiracy, Source: Paul Monroe)
CKX 2006 stock exchange return: The Robert Sillerman company responsible for things Elvis has submitted its 2006 Securities and Stock Exchange report. It makes very interesting reading and covers issues from revenues to the number of visitors to the official Elvis website. (Sale of EPE Archives, Source: Dr John Walker)
Elvira features on "The Elvis Hour": This week we'll hear a rare press conference in which Elvis is asked about his personal life. Do you know an actress by the name of Cassandra Peterson? Well you may know her better as Elvira Mistress of the dark. At any rate she was at one time a Las Vegas Showgirl and she'll tell us the advice she received from Elvis. Much to do and it's all coming up on this edition of The Elvis Hour. (News, Source: Darwin Lamm)
James Burton impresses Sweden: James Burton is almost halfway through his 10 gig tour in Sweden. James has been invited by the popular Swedish rock band ‘The Cadillac Band’ and does shows in 10 different cities in less than 14 days.
Reason enough to fly over to Sweden and check out the shows. The response James gets in the cities has been overwhelming, as we witnessed ourselves. James delivers the tasteful solos as only he can in the ‘classical’ Elvis songs, but also includes a Ricky Nelson set, with “Travellin’ Man” and “Hello Mary Lou” among the highlights.
Not only the sold-out audiences treated James to standing ovations, but the Swedish press is very impressed by James’s showmanship. Guest vocalists during this tour are among others Larry Cole, Svenne and John Wilkinson. (News, Source: Elvis Matters)
'EIN's Best of Elvis on YouTube' Weekly Update: Want to flip out over Elvis 'Kung Fu Fighting', watch rare army footage, see brand new clips for 'A Fool Such As I', 'Paralysed' and 'Memories' along with a rare ten minute interview from 'Elvis On Tour'? Well don't miss out on this week's EIN YouTube update. EIN presents over one hundred of Elvis' greatest video clips from the internet - what more could you want!? ('EIN's Elvis on YouTube', Source: EIN/YouTube) |
Elvis rules UK charts: Alesha Dixon is set to unveil the 50 best selling male acts in chart history, in VH1 show, The Nation's Favourite No 1 Men.
The programme is the second in a series of VH1 collaborations with The Official Charts Company, and features stars from Cliff Richard to Nelly, who have bagged the UK No 1 singles spot more than once.
Alesha says: "How lucky am I, checking out the stats of 100 gorgeous and talented men in music?"
The King, Elvis reigns, outselling all other artists to claim the coveted title of the UK's favourite, having accumulated 21 No 1s and selling a staggering figure of 10,311,196 singles.
The Beatles are in second place, followed by Sir Cliff Richard.
The show is on VH1 on March 10 at 7pm.
Here is the full top 10: 1 Elvis Presley 2 The Beatles 3 Cliff Richard 4 Westlife 5 Shadows 6 Take That 7 Rolling Stones 8 Oasis 9 Elton John 10 Michael Jackson (News, Source: Brian Quinn, FECC message board)
Ballet San Jose pays tribute to The King with Blue Suede Shoes: It should surprise no one that the one time he saw Elvis in the flesh, Dennis Nahat was on his way home from dance class.
Nine-year-old Nahat had just gotten off the bus in Detroit when he spotted a ruckus in front of a theatre, and a much-ballyhooed name on the marquee. He then snuck in by telling the (rather gullible) doorman that his mother was in there.
His review of the performance? “He ripped that joint apart.”
Four decades later, Nahat and his San Jose-Cleveland Ballet would do a little joint-ripping-apart of their own with Blue Suede Shoes, a full-length story ballet based on 36 of Presley’s songs. The show went on to a national tour and a much-repeated PBS broadcast.
Before all the acclaim, of course, there were many who thought Nahat’s idea was a little crazy. But San Jose’s choreographer laureate never blinked.
“My gut reaction right from the get-go was that this was something that would grab a few eyes,” he says. “It was the first time that anything like this was done.”
Nahat sweetened the pot by getting fashion legend Bob Mackie to design the production’s 280 costumes and 16 sets. When the show debuted in 1996, it showed instant promise of bridging both sides of the cultural divide.
“A lot of people came to this who had never been to the ballet before – out of curiosity,” he says. “A lot of ballet folks hate Elvis, and they came away saying, ‘I had no idea his music was so beautiful.’ And they went out and bought his records.”
This effect was not missed by RCA, which put out a collection of the 36 songs as they appear in the ballet.
Following a trio of boys as they grow to manhood in the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s, Shoes is technically demanding, putting its charges through jazz, modern and rock movements while simultaneously maintaining the overall tone of ballet. Nahat wasn’t worried, though, because he knew he was working with virtuosos.
“A ballet company can do so much more,” he says, “because the technical abilities of the performers are so much more. If I were to put Shoes together using Broadway dancers, it would almost be impossible – because it’s all en pointe.”
For Peter Hershey, who danced the role of Johnny in 2001 and returns for this go-round, the challenge of dancing Shoes is balanced by its many rewards.
“It’s such a treat to dance to Elvis Presley songs,” he says. “The music carries you through the ballet and pushes you to keep going, even when you’re tired. The audience is also a great source of motivation. I remember feeling such an incredible energy from the house each night we performed. You feel like a rock star.” (Review, Source: Michael J. Vaughn, The Wave Magazine)
Read EIN's review of Blue Suede Shoes
EPE buys more property: Craft Manor Apartments Inc., an Elvis Presley Enterprises (EPE)-affiliated company, has bought an apartment complex on Craft Road for $6.5 million from Southern Hills Court LLC.
The 182-unit apartment complex is at 1094 Craft Road, west of Elvis Presley Boulevard. Built in 1961, the apartment complex formerly was called Southern Hills Apartments. The name has been changed to Craft Manor Apartments.
Phone messages left at EPE were not returned by press time. But EPE has been buying properties around Graceland with the intention of making millions of dollars worth of improvements to the area.
"We've got an ownership group with very deep pockets and significant intention to invest in the future of the Elvis legacy," EPE president and CEO Jack Soden was quoted as saying in a Jan. 14 Commercial Appeal story. "If we make Graceland as big a draw as we think it can be, we are going to suffer if we don't control the doughnut of land around us."
In December, EPE bought China Buffet, a restaurant on Elvis Presley Boulevard for $1 million. At that time, Todd Morgan, a spokesman for EPE, told The Daily News it was the beginning of the organization's efforts to invest in properties near other EPE-owned properties. (News, Source: Elvis News)
Love Me Tender Music Edition: Due for release from Fox Video in the UK is the DVD "Love Me Tender Music Edition". This release contains 1 disc and should hit the streets April 23, 2007. (News, Source: HMV U.K. /Elvis News)
New issue of "The King" magazine released: Recently released in Finland is volume 23 of the "The King" fan club magazine.
Besides reviews this magazine is filled wit a lot of articles again: Elvis moving into Graceland, the link with Bill Haley, Elvis in the sixties series, Elvis findings (apparently he lives on the Canary Islands), the story behind "You're The Boss" and Elvis in concert in Miami, September 12, 1970. (News, Source: Elvis News) |
Cuddledown presents the Inspiration Collection by Priscilla Presley: For the first time in the U.S. - Cuddledown introduces Inspiration by Priscilla Presley. Personally selected to debut her collection, Cuddledown proudly offers Priscilla's exclusive ensemble beautifully inspired by her passion for luxury, indulgence, and comfort.
The Inspiration Collection, Presley's favorite of her bedding designs, is available in "clean and crisp" porcelain with blue embroidery. "The detailing came from a vintage fabric of mine," she says. "A lot of bedding is very floral, very feminine; we're trying to make the settings a little more for men and women," Presley says. Be the first to see Priscilla's new collection in the U.S. - shop now (News, Source: PriscillaPresley.com)
Elvis Radio/Sirius 13 To Air "Elvis Lives: The 25th Anniversary Concert" DVD: Elvis Radio/Sirius Satellite 13 will air Elvis Lives: The 25th Anniversary Concert DVD over the St. Patrick's Day weekend. Schedule:
Thursday 3/15 - 8:00 p.m. ET
Saturday 3/17 - 12:01 a.m. ET
Saturday 3/17 - 7:00 a.m. ET
Sunday 3/18 - 1:00 a.m. ET
Visit the homepage of Elvis Radio to see details about current and upcoming special programming.
NOTE: The DVD has been a temporary exclusive for ShopElvis.com sinc August. It is now available through national retailers like Wal Mart, Target, Best Buy and Amazon.com. The DVD may also be seen on PBS affilate TV stations across America this month.
Not a Sirius Subscriber?: While visiting Elvis Radio check out the free trial subscription offer to enjoy not only Elvis Radio, but also all the other Sirius channels. Also check out the new Internet-only subscription option for enjoying Sirius Satellite Radio on your computer! (News, Source: EPE)
"Heartbreaker" 2CD set: Just released is the 2 CD budget set "Heartbreaker". It contains 49 tracks. EIN assumes it is an EC release. (News, Source: Elvis News) |
"Elvis Ultimate Gospel" reissue: Due for re-release from the SBME Strategic Marketing Group on March 6, 2007 is a reissue of the sacred "Ultimate Gospel" compilation. Besides a version with a few changes in song selection ("Miracle of the Rosary" removed and "In My Father's House", "Take My Hand, Precious Lord" and "Evening Prayer" added).
There is a second version coming out as a "Collector's Edition" with two additional bonus tracks: "Mansion Over The Hilltop" and "Somebody Bigger Than You And I". This edition is available at Wal Mart and Amazon. (News, Source: Elvis News) |
Chart update: U.S. Billboard Elvis Chart listings for the week of March 17, 2007:
(sg - sales gainer, gg - greatest sales gainer, ne - new entry, re - re-entry)
Top Country Catalog Albums - Elvis 30 #1 Hits - up 1 to #15
Hot 100 Singles Sales - Heartbreak Hotel - down 5 to #37
Top Music Video - Elvis: '68 Comeback Special - down 3 to #39
Top Music Video - Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii - down 3 to # 36
Top Comprehensive Music Video - Elvis: '68 Comeback Special - down 3 to #39
Top Comprehensive Music Video - Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii - down 3 to #36
New entries and Re-entries on the charts include - none
Dropping off the charts include - none (News, Source: Elvis International)
Elvis skull goes on display: A cast of the skull of "Elvis" - a dinosaur found near the South Pole - will be part of the 27th annual Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show this weekend at Western Illinois University. The show, presented by Geodeland Earth Science Clubs Inc., will be open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday in the University Union Grand Ballroom. Parking and admission are free.
This year's theme is "The Natural History of the Southern Hemisphere." The ballroom will be filled with displays of rocks, gems, minerals, fossils and artifacts as well as gem and mineral dealers. There will be activities for children, geode cracking demonstrations, a silent auction, door prizes and much more.
William Hammer, professor and the Fritiof Fryxell Endowed Chair of Geology at Augustana College in Rock Island, will give a video presentation about finding "Elvis." Hammer and Augustana alumnus William Hickerson found the skull of the large-crested Theropod, a Cryolophosaurus dinosaur from the early Jurassic, in 1991 on Mount Kirkpatrick, near the South Pole. The skull has a bony crest that Hammer said swoops forward, something like Elvis Presley's pompadour. That prompted the name "Elvis."
(News, Source: PJStar.com)8
Suspicious minds as Elvis to vote in Papua New Guinea election: The late Elvis Presley plans to be a ghost voter at the 2007 national elections in the jungle-clad South Pacific nation of Papua New Guinea -- if you believe the nation's electoral rolls. In 2006 almost half of Papua New Guinea's 4.9 million registered voters were regarded by the electoral commission as ghost voters and did not exist. The commission has been trying for a year to update voter registration ahead of June 30 elections, but admits voter rolls in remote, rugged highland electorates remain vastly inaccurate. Electoral Commissioner Andrew Trawen said ghost voters remained a problem with several Elvis Presleys, the U.S. rocker who died in 1977, registering to vote, alongside a handful of Tom Jones, and a couple of kings and queens. (Odd Spot, Source: CNN.com)
New audience recordings released: Just released as two separate CDs are new audience recordings. The first is a remastered audience recording of Elvis'performance from April 17, 1972 in Little Rock, Arkansas. This CD, entitled "An Unforgettable Night In Little Rock", contains 23 tracks.
The second CD is a remastered audience recording of Elvis' performance from November 9, 1971 (08:30 PM show) in Baltimore. This CD, entitled "An Unforgettable Night In Baltimore", contains 24 tracks. (News, Source: Ebay UK /Elvis News) |
Song about "Graceland" chosen National Recording Registry: Every year the Librarian of Congress chooses a variety of sound recordings to include in the National Recording Registry. The recordings are nominated by members of the public and a panel of music, sound and preservation experts, the library's National Recording Preservation Board. This year one of the chosen songs is the Paul Simon hit "Graceland" (News, Source: AP)
New Jerry Hopkins book released: Jerry Hopkins, the original Elvis biographer, has had his latest book, Aloha Elvis, released this week. It is a follow up to Hopkins earlier book, Elvis In Hawai'i. (News, Source: ElvisBookResearch) |
Rare Australian pressings of the LP "Easy Come, Easy Go" on ebay: Less than a week after a copy of the ultra-rare New Zealand pressing of the "Easy Come, Easy Go" LP sold for more than US$270.00 on ebay, a mono and stereo pressing of the rare Aussie releases have been listed on the auction site. (News, Source: ebay)
Opposite: Stereo pressing of the LP |
Cover artwork "The Elvis Encyclopedia": Here is the cover art of the upcoming "Elvis Encyclopedia" from author Adam Victor which is due for release August 7, 2007 by Overlook Press (ISBN: 1585675989). (News, Source: Elvis News) |
New budget CDs: Here is the cover art of the Intenfrank label budget releases "Don't Be Cruel" and "Lawdy Miss Clawdy" which are both due out in the EC on March 12, 2007. (News, Source: Elvis News) |
CD Review - "Memories of Elvis": Australia's "Voice of Elvis", El Gamble, is back with another sublime album of 20 well known and not so well known Elvis tracks.
It is this balance between the familiar and not so familiar which gives Memories of Elvis much of its power, a power nicely complemented by a pleasing mix of rock, ballad and spiritual recordings, and El Gamble's trademark Elvis vocal. (CD Review, Source: EIN) |
Doc Pomus bio released: Just released by Da Capo Press is the book "Lonely Avenue - The Unlikely Life and Times of Doc Pomus", written by Alex Halberstadt.
According to the synopsis it is a revealing look at the life of the prolific songwriter who is known for writing for Elvis Presley, Ray Charles, B.B. King, Bob Dylan, Led Zeppelin and Bruce Springsteen among many others. It’s the story of Pomus’ private life that is getting the critics keen attention with the press release stating: ‘Despite his successes, few acquaintances knew that this writer of jukebox hits led one of the most dramatic lives of his time. Spanning extravagant wealth and desperate poverty, suburban family life and the depths of New York's underworld, enduring love and persistent loneliness, Doc's story remains one of the great untold American lives.’
For Elvis he is famed for co-writing songs such as Viva Las Vegas and A Mess Of Blues along with countless other songs including Girl Happy, Little Sister and It’s a Long Lonely Highway. (News, Source: Elvis News) |
Elvis in the name of charity: Priscilla Presley was the special guest of University of Memphis athletic director R. C. Johnson and his wife, Melba, recently at a reception at the FedExForum's Ambassador Room. Priscilla said she was in Memphis to "carry on Elvis' tradition of charity." She announced two scholarships being established at U of M in the name of the Elvis Presley Charitable Foundation. One is for an intern to work in the athletic department and the other is designated for the pompon squad. Before attending the basketball game between the Tigers and Houston, Priscilla spoke to a crowd that included Memphis Mayor Willie Herenton, U of M president Dr. Shirley Raines and Jack Soden, president and CEO of Elvis Presley Enterprises. (News, Source: Commercial Appeal)
New release from Memory Records: "Autumn Revival" will be the next Memory Records CD release and feature an unissued 1976 concert recorded from the audience during the October tour. From September to early October Elvis lost about 25 pounds, so he fit into his 1974 jumpsuits again.
He looked much healthier, his face was not swollen and he surprised the audience with a solid, energic performances. This positive wave lasted for the entire tour, evening after evening.
The October concerts were longer than the summer performances and his repertoire expanded. Several older songs were "revived" once again to make the shows variable and lively.
On October 22, the ninth stop of the tour, Elvis played in Champaign, IL at the University of Illinois Assembly Hall for a crowd of 17,000 strong. This rare recording captures the mood perfectly. Among the highlights are "You Gave Me A Mountain", "Love Me Tender", "And I Love You So", "America" and "Heartbreak Hotel". A good show from a generally good tour. This recording is previously unreleased. A second generation copy of the original audience recorded master tape was used and the sound was restored in studio to achieve the best possible quality from an amateur source tape.
Tracks: 01. Also Sprach Zarathustra - 02. C. C. Rider - 03. I Got A Woman / Amen - 04. Love Me - 05. If You Love Me (Let Me Know) - 06. You Gave Me A Mountain - 07. Jailhouse Rock - 08. Love Me Tender (with false start) - 09. All Shook Up - 10. Teddy Bear / Don't Be Cruel - 11. And I Love You So - 12. Fever - 13. America (The Beautiful) - 14. Polk Salad Annie - 15. Band Introductions - 16. Early Mornin' Rain - 17. What'd I Say - 18. Johnny B. Goode - 19. Drums Solo (Ronnie Tutt) - 20. Bass Solo #1 (Blues - Jerry Scheff) - 21. Bass Solo #2 (Battle Of New Orleans - Jerry Scheff) - 22. Piano Solo (Tony Brown) - 23. Electric Piano Solo (David Briggs) - 24. Love Letters - 25. School Day - 26. Hurt - 27. Hound Dog - 28. Little Darlin' - 29. Heartbreak Hotel - 30. Can't Help Falling In Love - 31. Closing Vamp & Announcer. (News, Source: Pavel Cernocky)
'EIN's Best of Elvis on YouTube' Weekly Update: EIN presents over one hundred greatest Elvis videos from the internet. This week's additions include 'That's All Right' live in 1954 and 1974, a 'Viva Las Vegas' remix, clips for the lesser-known 'We Can Make The Morning' and 'Sound Of Your Cry', a sensational 'Gospel Medley', more Elvis live in 1977 - plus some fabulous rare home video. What more could you want!? Check them out before they disappear! ('EIN's Elvis on YouTube', Source: EIN/YouTube) |
"Across The Country Vol. 2": soundboard: The "Audionics" label is back with a new CD to be released this month. This brand new soundboard compilation is titled "Across The Country Vol. 2" and is the follow up to "Across The Country Vol. 1”.
This album has a very similar concept and contains portions of four different soundboards from the 1975 - 1977 era.
This CD comes in a deluxe package with liner notes, a 16-page booklet and a collection of photographs taken in Huntsville on May 30 and 31, 1975 and additional shots from Johnson City March 17-19, 1976, and the October 1976 and February 1977 tours. Total CD running time: 79:10
Track listing:
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 17.10.1976 (approx. running time 14:34)
01. Sweet Inspiration - 02. Last Time I Saw Him - 03. Introductions of the band and the Sweet Inspirations - 04. Stevie Wonder Medley ("Stevie Is A Wonder" / For Once In My Life / You've Got It Bad Girl / Superstition / You Are The Sunshine Of My Life / Living For The City / All In Love Is Fair / Higher Ground) - 05. Closing Announcements.
Huntsville, Alabama, 31.05.1975 (8:30 P.M.) (approx. running time 49:52)
06. All Shook Up - 07. Teddy Bear / Don't Be Cruel - 08. The Wonder Of You - 09. Burning Love - 10. Band Introductions - 11. Johnny B. Goode - 12. Drums Solo (Ronnie Tutt) - 13. Bass Solo (Blues - Jerry Scheff) - 14. Piano Solo (Glen D. Hardin) - 15. School Day - 16. (**) I Can't Stop Loving You - 15. T.R.O.U.B.L.E. - 16. Hawaiian Wedding Song - 17. Let Me Be There (with reprise) - 18. Why Me Lord - 19. An American Trilogy - 20. Hound Dog - 21. Funny How Time Slips Away - 22. Little Darlin' - 23. (**) I'm Leavin' - 24. Can't Help Falling In Love - 25. Closing Vamp.
Johnson City, Tennessee, 17.03.1976 (approx. running time 05:22)
26. (*) What'd I Say - 27. (*) And I Love You So (with break)
Orlando, Florida, 15.02.1977 (approx. running time 09:23)
28. If You Love Me (Let Me Know) - 29. You Gave Me A Mountain - 30. Help Me (News, Source: Elvis Matters)
Is EPE price gouging fans?: Elvis World's Bill E. Burk received the following message about prices for Elvis Week 2007. Bill wants to know what fans think of EPE's pricinmg strategy:
"What's your take on the prices listed for some of the events for Elvis week ??? Personally I think they stink.
Seems like they have forgotten what us older fans were doing when Elvis died or do every year...We come to Memphis to Honor Elvis' Memory and pay respect for the man who changed the music world.
Everything now is surrounded by the almighty DOLLAR in mind. Stick it to the fans; they will pay any price !!!!!
I wanted to attend the Elvis Insiders Convention (that we have to pay each year just to be a member) , but when they posted the price I said enough was enough. I will not pay $85.00 a person. We don't want to be gouged by raising the price to do things about Elvis...
How many millions do they need.??? Is this the way Elvis would have wanted things to be??? He gave of himself for his fans and did good deeds because he wanted to , not because he had to...
The people who run EPE have lost focus or never had it.......
Thanks for listening. I missed getting my money in for the lunch at Marlowes before it sold out. If you schedule another one for the week I will try and fit it in my schedule...." Let Bill know what you think
"Hot Shots and Cool Clips" Volume 3 announced: While volume 2 in Joe Tunzi's "Elvis Presley Hot Shots And Cool Clips" DVD series is due to be released this month, volume 3 has already been announced on Joe Tunzi's JAT Publishing website as "coming soon". (News, Source: JAT Publishing/Elvis News)
Join EIN's "Ultimate Elvis Week 2007 Tour" and go in draw to WIN an Elvis prize pack valued at over $300.00! |
Places on EIN's Ultimate Elvis Week 2007 Tour are filling fast. As an added incentive to fans to place their deposit EIN has a fantastic Elvis prize to give away. Everyone who places or has placed their deposit for the tour before March 27, 2007 will go into the draw to win a fantastic Elvis CD, DVD and book pack!
Click for details of the prize pack
Fully escorted 17 day tour from Australia in August 2007:
all tour participants receive a special 30th Anniversary Tour pack with Elvis goodies - get to meet some very special guests in Memphis!!! - and a lot, lot more
View our Ultimate Tour brochure
Read more about the benefits of EIN's Tour: "Aussie Only" E-Alert #16 |
Website for Elvis 2007 tour in Europe: The special European fanclub tour “ELVIS 2007” has now its own website: www.elvis-2007.com. Check it out to find out who’s who, and see which dates are important for your agenda. However, we do wish to point out that the ticket sales only begins on March 12th for ElvisMatters members. On Monday April 2nd, ticket sales for the general public commences.
“ELVIS 2007” will be the highlight of this special Elvis Year. On stage: the TCB Band, The Imperials, The Sweet Inspirations, Joe Guercio + Orchestra and lead vocalist Terry Mike Jeffrey. On Thursday September 20th, the kick off takes place in Eindhoven, The Netherlands (Frits Philips Music Center). The name of the special guest for Eindhoven cannot be revealed for contractual reasons. On Sunday September 30th, the Elvis Presley Road Show hits Antwerp (Elizabethzaal) with WILL TURA as special guest. Info: Elvis 2007 (News, Source: Elvis Matters)
Leading Elvis tribute artist, Tom Green, loses battle with cancer: John Lombard from Castle Entertainment sent EIN this sad message:
Sadly, Tom passed away on Friday of Cancer at The Age of 51. He had been battling with this for many years, but let only a few know. We had sang together at Our Annual "Elvis Birthday Bash" for the last Eighteen Years, here in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and originally belonged to Sean Shaver's Elvis Fan Club in the 1970's.
We always agreed that Elvis should of been allowed to tour other countries, as people have more respect for the man overseas, than here. We had been planning a 30th Anniversary Show for August for the fans here, but at this time it's hard to for me to think about that now. Best Wishes to all the Elvis Fans across the world who enjoyed Tom's singing...(Almost Elvis, Source: John Lombard)
Read EIN's review of Tom's excellent album releases
Visit the Tom Green website |
This week on The Elvis Hour: So happy you could join us this week to get together to share memories about the King Of Rock 'n' Roll Elvis Presley. Elvis had a great fondness for country music and this week we'll meet two country stars with special memories of Elvis. Larry Gatlin will tell of a song of his that Elvis recorded and Donna Fargo tells why she was moved to write a special tribute to the King. It's another exciting edition so stay with us for The Elvis Hour. (News, Source: Darwin Lamm)
Elvis figurine release in EC: Here is the Elvis "premium format" figurine which should be available in September 2007.
The height is 45 cm and the doll is dressed in real clothes and can be yours for around € 330. (News, Source: Elvis Corner /Elvis News) |
Kincade painting of Graceland: Elvis News found this update on the unveiling of painter Thomas Kinkade's painting of Elvis' Graceland mansion which is scheduled on March 24, 2007 as part of Graceland's 50th anniversary. Kinkade was chosen by Elvis Presley Enterprises to create a commemorative painting of Graceland in celebration of Presley's purchase of the historic home 50 years ago and to celebrate the 25 years that Graceland has been open to the public.
Kinkade will appear at The Light & The Legend event at the Gibson Beale Street Showcase on Saturday, March 24 from 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. During the event, collectors will be able to view Kinkade's original painting, "Graceland, 50th Anniversary." Priscilla Presley will also be there. (News, Source: EPE/Elvis News) |
Elvis Music And Movies at Graceland: The artists that will perform just before the movie on August 13 and 14 on the lown of Graceland are known.
August 13, 2007; Andy Childs and his band plus the rockabilly trio The Dempseys perform live in concert on the front lawn followed by the screening of an Elvis movie (title to be announced).
August 14, 2007; The Imperials (Sherman Andrus, Terry Blackwood, Gus Gaches, Joe Moscheo), former members of The Stamps Quartet (Bill Baize, Ed Hill, Larry Strickland, Donnie Sumner), and The Sweet Inspirations (Estelle Brown, Portia Griffin, Myrna Smith) perform live in concert on the front lawn followed by the screening of an Elvis movie (title to be announced).
Tickets on sale at 9:00 AM Central on Monday, March 5. To purchase by phone call Graceland Sales & Reservations at 800-238-2000. (News, Source: EPE/Elvis Matters) |
The Complete 1976 8mm Films Are Finally Here In One Set!
Joe Guercio book in pipeline: Joe Guercio, the legendary ‘musical director’ for the Hilton Hotel in Las Vegas, and of course Elvis Presley’s conductor, has begun working on a biography. However, the book will not focus on Elvis. Elvis will be “one chapter” only, as Joe has worked with lots of other celebrities, including .Barbara Streisand, Liberace and Natalie Cole. The book is planned for 2008 at the earliest. (News, Source: Elvis Matters) |
Honky Tonk Hall of Fame facilitates sale of Presley farm: The Nashville-based Honky Tonk Hall of Fame has announced they are facilitating the sale and marketing of another property once owned by Elvis Presley's father as well as one once owned by Johnny Cash. Presley's father, Vernon, purchased the 270 acre farm in the rolling hills one hour east of Memphis in 1974, and sold it only six days before his son died in August of 1977.
“This is just an incredible property,” says Stephen Shutts of The Honky Tonk Hall of Fame. “It's no secret that Elvis's money bought it for his father as kind of a big toy for Vernon, who kept nearly 60 cattle on the farm. I walked around the farm myself and wanted to quit everything I was doing and move there. It's just fantastic.” Elvis was a frequent visitor to the property which includes a 1940 era log cabin, a barn and five lakes and ponds. One pond is stocked for fishing.
In addition to the Moscow property, the Honky Tonk Hall of Fame is also leading the sale of two other prominent Presley-related properties:
- In Killeen, Texas, Elvis Presley's home while in boot camp, located on Oak Hill Drive, is also for sale. Presley, who was drafted in 1958 but didn't completely adapt to military life, was allowed to live off base in a quiet neighborhood in this 4-bedroom, charming 50s style home. It was in this home Presley entertained his friends and spent what would be the last months with his beloved mother Gladys.
- In Memphis, Johnny Cash, under the direction of Sam Phillips, was seeing his career take off when he lived with his wife Vivian, daughters Kathy and Rosanne, in this elegantly maintained property from 1957 to 1960. The residence, located at 5676 Walnut Grove Place in Memphis, was his home from 1957 to 1960 and continues to this day to maintain the guitar shaped mailbox Johnny himself erected on the front curb.
The Honky Tonk Hall of Fame, which maintains one of the largest private collections of country music memorabilia in the nation, facilitated the Spring 2006 eBay sale of Presley's home on 1034 Audubon Drive in Memphis for $1 million. (News, Source: Business Wire/Charmaine Voisine)
Latest "Elvis Matters" magazine released: Volume 16 of the Belgian Elvis Matters fan club magazine is out. This edition focuses on all the fan events this club organizes in 2007. It will be a busy year with a lot of events with people who actually performed and worked with Elvis on the stage. Besides a run down of the latest news and releases this edition contains an interview with the widow of the late Charlie Hodge.
For more details on the magazine, subscriptions and the fan club go to our event section. (News, Source: Elvis Matters) |
Jailhouse Rock back for encore performance: Elvis is back, by popular demand. After a successful showing of Jailhouse Rock on Feb. 9, Elvis will once again be in the building, this time at the Abbey Arts Centre on March 10 at 7:30 p.m. This modern/jazz dance show was a huge success and raised more than $3,200 for the Cedar Valley Lions Club’s Community Kids Projects. Demand for a second show was so great that the CVLC and the Fraser Valley Youth Dance Theatre have decided to add one more performance. “We initially intended to present more than one show but the Clarke Theatre was all booked up,” says artistic director Lee Kwidzinski.
“We feel very fortunate that we were able to stay local and book March 10 at the Abbey Arts Theatre. We are also sincerely grateful for the positive feedback we’ve been getting. We’ve had so many requests to do a second Jailhouse Rock show and our cast is absolutely thrilled to be able to perform the show again.” Jailhouse Rock is a powerhouse production that tells, through modern and jazz dance, the fictitious love story of Johnny and Marie, characters borrowed from the lyrics of Johnny B. Goode and Maries The Name (of His Latest Flame), two songs sung by Elvis in the show. “We listened to practically every song Elvis ever recorded” added Kwidzinski, “and carefully arranged 28 of Elvis Presley’s most memorable songs to create a truly unique love story.” So once again, don your Blue Suede Shoes and take a memorable walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotel in support of CVLC Community Kids Projects. What better way to build an evening of entertainment than with the King of Rock & Roll himself, Elvis Presley. Opening Jailhouse Rock is Abbotsford’s very own, incomparable, Randy “Elvis” Friskie. Since Expo ’86 Friskie’s spine tingling tribute to Elvis has overwhelmed audiences locally and internationally. Tickets are $20 for adults and $15 for seniors and students.
Purchase tickets in Mission at the Fraser Valley Academy of Dance (604-826-0097) or Lanka Jewels (604-826-5766) and in Abbotsford visit Jazz Ma Tazz (604-855-9166), Dynamic Dance (604-859-3312) or Tom Lee Music (604-854-3338). (News, Source: Abbortsford News, Canada)
Elvis 2007 poster: This is the official poster of “ELVIS 2007”. Not too long now, and the poster will be highly visible in Belgium and the Netherlands.
For the die hard fans among is: the picture on this poster was taken on November 14th, 1972.
With our sincere appreciation to the designer, Eike Hahn of the German Elvis Presley Gesellschaft. (News, Source: Elvis Matters)
Latest celebrity visitor at Graceland: Singer/songwriter Buffy Sainte-Marie toured Graceland on 22 February. Elvis recorded two of her compositions - Life and Until It's Time for You To Go. (News, Source: EPE)
Elvis tops Q magazine poll of greatest singers: The guys at Q magazine (March 2007 issue) have selected their Top 100 greatest singers and The King comes out on top! The Top 10 is:
10. Jeff Buckley
9. Mick Jagger
8. Robert Plant
7. Kurt Cobain
6. Marvin Gaye
5. John Lennon
4. Otis Redding
3. Frank Sinatra
2. Aretha Franklin
1. Elvis (News, Source: Robert Perkins; image: Elvis News) |
Lisa Presley invited to perform during Elvis Week 2007?: Elvis Matters reports that Lisa Marie has been invited to sing during the screen show "Elvis The Concert" in Memphis. Lisa is 'considering' the offer, but chances are slim to none that she'll work with a different band than her own. Also, she most likely will not do any of her father's songs. (Lisa Presley's World, Source: Elvis Matters)
Elvis Week tickets on sale 5 March: Elvis Week 2007 will be the largest celebration of Elvis's legacy...ever! Tickets for events will be on sale starting Monday, March 5 at 9:00 am CST and, for the first time ever, all Elvis Week tickets will be for sale both online and by phone.
A link to purchase tickets online will be posted on Elvis.com the moment they go on sale.
To simplify the process of ordering your Elvis Week event tickets, you may order them individually by event or in a fun package.
The packages include unique, priceless experiences which can not be purchased individually.
THREE FUN NEW PACKAGES: All have very limited availability (News, Source: EPE/Mandy Squair)
View full details and prices of the packages
Dennis Linde and Elvis: Dennis Linde, composer & guitarist, sadly died in December 2006, so did he ever get to see Elvis rehearsing his song 'Burning Love' from the recent 'Elvis On Tour: Outtakes' DVD? 'Writing For The King' author Ken Sharp has the answer that will delight you all. So don't miss our fascinating insight into the world of the Elvis songwriters included in our Mac Davis interview yesterday. (Interview; Source, EIN)
3CD Elvis Presley release: Here is the cover art of a new budget compilation 3 CD set simply entitled "Elvis Presley" featuring tracks like "Love Me Tender", Heartbreak Hotel", "Don't Be Cruel", "Hound Dog", "That's All Right (Mama)" and "Blue Suede Shoes". (News, Source: Elvis Corner /Elvis News) |
"The King's Early Hits": Here is the cover art of the budget release "The King's Early Hits" featuring tracks like "Hound Dog", "Blue Suede Shoes", Don't Be Cruel", "Heartbreak Hotel" and "Tutti Frutti". (News, Source: Elvis Corner /Elvis News) |
Budget CD releases: Released on February 2, 2007 on the Not Now Music label was the budget compilations "The Sun Years", "The Original Sun Hits And More" and "The Original Hits". Due for release on the Intenfrank label on March 12, 2007 are the two releases "Don't Be Cruel" and "Lawdy, Miss Clawdy". No other information is available yet. (News, Source: Elvis News)
"King Hits" CD: On March 12, 2007 the Imperial label is releasing a 15 track album called "King Hits". (News, Source: Amber Smith)
"Elvis....Plus" CD: Here is another cover of the "Elvis ... Plus" release which was due for release on March 2, 2007 on the Universe/Cargo label. (News, Source: Amazon.de/Elvis News) |
EIN's 'Best of 2006': 2006 was surely the year of the calm before the storm of all the '30th anniversary' releases. However with hundreds of Elvis CDs, books and DVDs still released in 2006 there was an astounding amount of material for avid Elvis fans to buy. EIN's bank manager told us that we had spent far too much in 2006 - and so to aid the unsuspecting Elvis fan we present our annual round-up of last year with EIN's 'Best of 2006' where we choose our favourite selection of Elvis DVDs, CDs, books and more. (Spotlight, Source: EIN) |
Elvis tribute concert announced to aid Chernobyl children: A TRIBUTE concert to commemorate 30 years since the death of the King of Rock 'n' Roll will be held at the Villa Marina. The event, in aid of the Friends of Chernobyl's Children, will be hosted by former Radio 1 DJs Paul Burnett and David Hamilton. Elvis Presley, who was born on 8 January 1935 and died on 16 August 1977, is one of popular music's greatest icons.
The concert will provide the centrepiece for a weekend of celebration of the life and influence of Elvis which will also include an Elvis Presley film festival, Elvis wedding vow renewals, Elvis American car parade and an Elvis-themed restaurant menu.
The concert takes place on August 17 and everyone attending will receive a free Elvis gift and the chance to win a holiday in Memphis. For ticket availability contact the Villa Marina box office on 694555 or email tickets@villamarina.dtl.gov.im (News, Source: Isle of Man Today)
Interview with Mac Davis - writer of 'In The Ghetto' & 'A Little Less Conversation': Mac Davis was one of Elvis Presley’s most-important songwriters. He wrote several million-sellers for Elvis including the politically significant number one ‘In The Ghetto’, 'Don't Cry Daddy', as well as the song that restarted Elvis’ new renaissance, ‘A Little Less Conversation.’ Ken Sharp author of ‘Writing For The King’ spent a while talking with Mac Davis who revealed not only his inspiration for writing these incredible songs but also the delight he had in spending time with Elvis. He also talked about his relationship with The Colonel, his surprising inspiration behind ‘Don’t Cry Daddy’, going to Elvis’ Bel Air house, how Elvis wanted to appear on Rowan & Martin’s ‘Laugh-In’ TV show, seeing Elvis in Vegas and much, much more. (Interviews, Source: EIN) |
More book releases in 2007: The long awaited "Words 9 - The Complete Lyrics" will be released soon. This 9th book in the collection of very interesting books about the lyrics to Elvis’ songs will be about THEW-WE.
Later this year will the 10th and last book be released. For those who do not know about the Words series can we only say that this series is the most complete and most correct collection of Elvis lyrics ever printed. You get the lyrics as Elvis sang them plus the original lyrics and the story behind each song. Everything is included. Every master, live recording, one-liner, home recording etc. Words 9 can be pre-ordered from Elvis Unlimited for 99.- Dkk. (News, Source: Elvis Unlimited) |
"The Essential" album to be released in Europe: While work goes on behind the scenes to develop other Elvis projects for release around the 30th anniversary, the current main release in the UK and Europe at this time is the compilation, "The Essential". Additiuonally, Elvis Matters reports BMG will not release any budget albums in 2007 and concentrate only on full priced releases. (News, Source: Sony BMG/ Elvis Matters)
"Hot Shots and Cool Clips Volume 2" due out: Expected this week, is the long awaited new Joe Tunzi DVD, “Hot Shots and Cool Clips Vol. 2”. According to fans who saw the DVD, Joe delivered a true masterpiece this time. Among the many eyecatchers are live excerpts from 1957 (Detroit), home movies from Graceland (1957), the opening show of Square Garden, 1972, excerpts of Tom Parker’s birthday party, the star studded premiere of GI Blues, the meeting with Bobby Darrin and live clips from Chicago, 1972. Although the entire DVD contains never before seen material, especially the Jaycees breakfast, with Elvis and the other nominees, is a must-see. Order your copy here: shop@elvismatters.com (News, Source: Elvis Matters)
Final Schedule:
PBS Affiliates To Air "Elvis Lives: The 25th Anniversary Concert Event" in March (News, Source: EPE)
Jumpsuit exhibition opens at Graceland: "Elvis Jumpsuits; All Access," the greatest-ever exhibit of Elvis Presley's iconic stage costumes from the major concert era of his career, 1969-1977, officially opened yesterday in the visitor center at the music superstar's beloved Graceland Mansion in Memphis, Tennessee. While the permanent exhibits at Graceland relating the story of Elvis' career include 16 of these costumes, the special new exhibit features a dazzling 56 additional Presley stage outfits. The displays chart the evolution of the design of Elvis' stage-wear of this era, from simple two-piece karate-inspired suits to the famed "jumpsuits" with elaborate rhinestone and metal studding and matching capes. A selection of accessories, photographs and performance footage complete the exhibit, which will be in place for two years.
After focusing much of the 1960s on his career as a movie actor, not performing in front of a live audience for over seven years, the triumph of Elvis' 1968 concert television special prompted a permanent return to the concert stage with a sold-out, critically acclaimed month-long Las Vegas engagement in the summer of 1969. Elvis did not want to wear a tuxedo, which was basically the uniform of male crooners working in that town. He was going there to rock. Wanting something different and special, he called upon Bill Belew, who had designed the now-classic black leather suit and other outfits for the '68 special. Inspired by Elvis' great interest in karate, Belew came up with simple two-piece gabardine suits in with tunic-style tops and simple, long karate-style belts knotted to one side with the ends dangling from the hip.
In Elvis' two Vegas engagements of 1970, the first one-piece gabardine outfits (jumpsuits) appeared. Most had high Napoleonic collars, mod Italian-style pointed sleeve cuffs and – as was the fashion of the day – flared legs. This became the basic design for most of the jumpsuits to follow as Elvis continued his regular Las Vegas engagements twice a year and as he toured nationally in concert from late 1970 until his death in August 1977. The first jumpsuits were simple in their ornamentation – for instance, some with metal accents, some with long fringe. All had long coordinating belts knotted and dangling to the side – some in cloth with ornamentation to match the suit, some with fringe, some in macramé. In the early 70s, the jumpsuits evolved with increasingly elaborate metal rhinestone studding, matching capes and coordinating big-buckle leather belts. From a point in 1974 on, the jumpsuit designs featured ever flashier and more intricate embroidery work, some depicting animals – eagles, a tiger, a dragon, phoenixes, a zebra – and the capes were phased out.
Today, the jumpsuits look dated to some of the general public, but Elvis fans and pop culture historians know that these outfits were way cool in the 1970s. "When Elvis began wearing the jumpsuits, he and designer Bill Belew created a new style that many popular entertainers of the time incorporated into their own stage-wear," stated Graceland/Elvis Presley Enterprises archives director, Angie Marchese. "The craftsmanship of Bill Belew and his team - including Gene Doucette, who is a master with embroidery – was exquisite and the designs were cutting edge. Each one of the outfits is its own special work of art."
"You could be daring as a designer and put anything on Elvis and he could make it work," stated Bill Belew. "And the simplest outfits that didn't seem particularly remarkable on the rack transformed into something spectacular when Elvis put them on. He was that beautiful and powerful a presence. As a wardrobe designer Bob Mackie had a perfect muse and a perfect canvas in Cher. I got to have that in Elvis."
To learn more about Elvis Presley and Graceland, visit the official site www.elvis.com. To plan your tour of Graceland and "Elvis Jumpsuits: All Access," go to www.tourgraceland.com.
NOTE: A special page about the exhibit with photos and video will be added to Elvis.com in the days ahead. (News, Source: EPE)
Elvis Presley Collectors Tin: Due for release on May 14, 2007 from Fox/MGM is the "Elvis Presley Collectors Tin" containing six classic movies on six discs. The six movies are:
Love Me Tender: A Confederate soldier returns from the Civil War to find his girlfriend has married his brother. While he struggles to come to terms with this, he decides to return Federal Government money that he was involved with stealing during the war, much to the chagrin of his Confederate accomplices.
Flaming Star: Choose!... Between your white father and your Kiowa mother !
Wild In The Country: A troubled young man discovers that he has a knack for writing when a counselor encourages him to pursue a literary career.
Clambake:The son of a millionaire wonders if his success with the ladies is down to his wealth, so he trades places with a skiing instructor who envies his lifestyle.
Frankie and Johnnie:It's Elvis! It's Fun! It's Fighting! It's Fireworks! When Elvis is Johnny!
Kid Galahad:Presley packs the the screen's biggest wallop...with the gals...with the gloves... with the guitar! (News, Source: Play / Elvis News)
This week with Jerry Presley & Patsy Andersen: We have already had Scotty Moore, Bill Baize, Ed Hill, Bill Black's Children and John Heath will be this Sunday February 4th.
We are interviewing all the Elvis people and many who have never spoken about Elvis so their stories will be completely new to the fans.
We talk about Elvis in the studio, on the movie sets, at Graceland and at the Circle G Ranch. Some very interesting stories have surfaced and been very entertaining.
The neat thing about this show is everyone can listen as it is online. (News, Source: Charmaine Voisine)
Chart update: The DVD "Elvis Lives" has entered the Flemish DVD Top 3 for the first time. No doubt that the low budget price has a lot to do with the sudden 'hit' effect of the semi live concert. In the French speaking part of the country, the DVD has reached the number 8 spot. Elsewhere in Europe, it looks as if "Elvis Lives" is on its way back, dropping from number 35 to 27 in France. (News, Source: Elvis Matters)
EIN is a not-for-profit Elvis Fan Club website posting daily news and informative articles for Elvis Presley's legion of fans.
EIN tries to credit all news sources, as well as link to the original articles if excerpts are used.
If you believe we have used copyrighted material please contact us and we will remove it immediately. |